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Thread: Spoilers and slow characters

  1. #1

    Default Spoilers and slow characters

    Was anybody else ever surprised by how slow the characters are and how often the story is spoilered for either you or the characters by another character and they later act like they didn't ever hear anything about it, which is almost a plothole.

    Tidus sees Seymour when they leave Mi'hen:

    - He never actually trusted Seymour in the first place but he thought at that point he was right
    => Already spoilers Seymour is later revealed to be something not expected by Seymour to be found out at that point; Tidus should not talk in Flashbacks like he already told people Seymour was a villain.

    Seymour finally becomes more active as a villain (visibly):

    - Seymour is all "Lady Yuna, come with me and sacrifice your life and I will become the next Sin", which already spoilers both the characters and the viewer that a person who follows the summoner becomes Sin. And yet they act like "What? We never knew!" (except Auron) when they meet Yunalesca.
    Seriously, they knew the Final Aeon becomes Sin, what did they expect Seymour to mean to still be that surprised later? Did they thought Seymour was just making things up or that he simply was able to do so because he was who he was (something not that far off for a Final Fantasy villain but Seymour did nothing up until this point to show that he could do something like that; he then started absorbing souls and later even wanted to actually become Sin without being a fayth but the latter was after his plan to join Yuna which was another way to achieve his goal and for that way that he revealed first they should have at least thought anything). Also the whole controlling Sin thing would have only worked by either absorbing Yevon=Ju or having such a powerful will to make your mind the new mind of Sin, with full control. Something he did not plan exactly like that at first, as said getting control without Yuna was his later plan. Yuna and Wakka are proven, partly even called to be naive, but the characters are not totally dumb. "Join me, sacrifice yourself and let me become Sin" is pretty much as obvious as it gets to be honest. The viewer might not think that far at first but the heroes who are in constant contact with such a presence and know why it is still here should find that out from Bevelle to Zanarkand. And Tidus even had the information that Jecht, who was Braska's guardian already, became Sin, so he knew a guardian became Sin. That with Seymour's comment together should have been enough to tell him "oh, crap, apparently this is a thing for every summoner normally" - or to be more precise, a person normally does it who follows the summoner and is okay with doing that. And normally only the guardians follow them to protect them so they are those who do it in most cases. I have been confused by this for about 10 years now as I cannot believe they didn't get it but were so shocked later.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 08-08-2014 at 06:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think the "I never liked Seymour anyway!" (or whatever) was a poor line. With his unofficial blessing for Operation Mi'hen, they should've initially portrayed him as a valiant and impressive renegade who is at odds with Yevon, trying to reform things for the greater good before the heel turn. Not marking him right away as "THIS DUDE BAD, YO. "

  3. #3
    Puny Humans <3 jeo2388's Avatar
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    Japanese writers do that kind of stuff all the time.


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by jeo2388 View Post
    Japanese writers do that kind of stuff all the time.
    That does not change the fact that the villain already spoilered the greatest plot twist and the characters didn't get it at all or make it better.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth View Post
    Was anybody else ever surprised by how slow the characters are and how often the story is spoilered for either you or the characters by another character and they later act like they didn't ever hear anything about it, which is almost a plothole.

    Tidus sees Seymour when they leave Mi'hen:

    - He never actually trusted Seymour in the first place but he thought at that point he was right
    => Already spoilers Seymour is later revealed to be something not expected by Seymour to be found out at that point; Tidus should not talk in Flashbacks like he already told people Seymour was a villain.
    I could be totally wrong, but what I got from it was this:

    To Tidus, Seymour kinda came across kinda slimy/greasy (like the feeling some people get around certain lawyers, real esate agents...etc). Seymour was a smooth talker, had the whole 'holier than thou' thing goin' on and everyone seemed to admire him, so Tidus put the cynical hat on because he couldn't see the great things everyone else saw in Seymour.

    The reason being was probably due to Tidus not being a follower of yevon unlike Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri and the rest of spira (minus al bhed and most crusaders). Considering Tidus is ignorant of Yevon, he didn't particularily see any of the Yevonite scholors or maesters of particular importance other than being 'that important holy dude that I don't care about' so he didn't see what the big deal was about Seymour and judged him like a regular person would judge a politician or the like. Also considering Tidus was crushing on Yuna at the time the fact that Yuna revered Seymour so much probably may have also ticked Tidus off from sheer jealousy alone too. Hence, he just didn't like the dude.

    So yeah that was my take on why Tidus came off coldly towards Seymour, Seymour had that kinda effect on me too so yeeeah.

  6. #6


    I know what Tidus thought, I was talking about it bring spoilered to be an actual thing that Seymour was a villa in by saying "so I thought so at that time already".

  7. #7


    I agree about X being a big spoiler. You knew everything from start to finish. It was all in your face.

    Its pretty much, you knew the characters are off to slay Sin......and everyone who gets in the way. Just no secrets at all.....none...really.

  8. #8
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    In the party's defense, Seymour was smurfing ass crazy. I wouldn't have believed the trout that came out of his mouth anyway.

    Funny how I never realized this while playing the game so nothing was ever spoiled for me.

  9. #9


    Yeah, Seymour was very predictable from the beginning, a big cliché-type guy.
    Maester Mika was more surprising than him. XD

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