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Thread: Make your E3 Predictions

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    Local Florist Site Contributor
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    Default Make your E3 Predictions

    What gaming franchises do you hope to see make their next-gen debut? What titles are you looking to see more of? Will Microsoft's conference tank or will they redeem themselves? Will Sony focus too much on hardware? Will Nintendo steal the show without even having a traditional press conference? Which awkward presenter will Ubisoft get this year? How many times will the word Sports be mentioned by EA?

    Your predictions - make them!

  2. #2


    I'd love to see Persona 5, though I doubt it would get an E3 announcement.

    I wouldn't mind more on Infamous: Second Son, but I'm buying that anyway.

    I'd love to see if XBone manages to unsmurf itself. Mostly I just want to see stuff no ones announced yet though.

    Also, underwhelming FF Announcement from Enix. I hope it's not, but I'm not holding my breath.

  3. #3
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    Also, underwhelming FF Announcement from Enix. I hope it's not, but I'm not holding my breath.
    Oh god I hope it's not another Airborne Brigade or phone game.

  4. #4


    Just wait, it'll FF XIII-4.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Sony and Microsoft will finally give some real details about their systems, at least a better idea about what future games will show up. Expect to see a lot of InFamous: Second Son and whatever Rare is bringing back. I also expect to see a new Grant Turismo title be shown off using the PS4's hardware.

    Nintendo is going to try to revamp the image of the Wii U, expect an announcement for some more core Nintendo games and they'll definitely be pushing Zelda Wind Waker HD. I am also hoping the rumors are true and we'll get to see some more of Monolith Soft's X title.

    Capcom - Will probably announce some more zombie themed games including another Resident Evil game. Expect some fighting games as well, my hope is that Darkstalkers may have finally been green lighted.

    Konami - will mostly show off more stuff for Ground Zeroes maybe a new trailer. MGS5 will also be there but I bet it will just be the old trailer. There will also be some stuff on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

    Ubisoft - ACIV and that other big game that stole the show last E3.

    Atlus - Pushing Shin Megami Tensei IV and probably some more niche titles for for the 3DS and Vita. I don't expect any big announcement from them until TGS.

    Arcs System Works - Guilty Gear Xrd

    Square Enix - I expect that FFXIV and Lightning Returns will mostly dominate SE's events. There is also the new next-gen FF that's going to be announced, which is either going to be Agni's Philosophy, FFVersus finally getting announced for next-gen, or possibly something new, but I guarantee it will most likely be a short trailer that Sony will show off in their press conference. Beyond the next-gen FF reveal, I don't expect to see anything new out of SE at the moment.

  6. #6
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    Yeah, the only one I'm comfortable enough with to call is "disappointment from Square-Enix".

    But, hey, at least it's reliable.
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    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Microsoft: Games! Games games games! Look at our gaaaaaaaaames! We will play games! We want you to play games! You can't spell GAMES without MS! Sort of! GAMEEMMEMEMEMEMEMMAMSMSEMSMEGMASEMGMAGSASMEMAMEMSMGAMSEMMSMEAGMSMEAMGSMEMES. Let's kind of just not talk about those 50 ways we're going to charge you to play them.

    Sony: Yeah we're pretty much gonna do that TV stuff too and we'll also have CoD too, but have you seen our console? No? Oh man, then you're going to love seeing our console. Also, games!

    SE: Are you excite!? Because we decided NOT to reveal our PS4 thing at E3 after all! Ha! April Fools!

    All the other devs: Check out our games we're making.

    /me shrug
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  8. #8
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I also expect to see a new Grant Turismo title be shown off using the PS4's hardware.
    GT6 was already announced to be coming out on PS3 this fall/winter. I wouldn't expect much in the way of a PS4 announcement beyond maybe announcing a port or saying they're already starting to work on a PS4 GT. Unless they've already started porting GT6 over some time ago I doubt they'd have much to actually show beyond a pre-rendered trailer or something.

  9. #9


    Nintendo has the 3D Mario Platformer, Mario Kart Wii U, Super Smash Bros. 4 (which I strongly believe will have Takamaru and Mega Man), X, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (and they said they were planning other crossovers with their franchises and 3rd party franchises, so more of those might be revealed as well), Retro Studio's new game, Miyamoto's Brand New IP (which supposedly features an all new character), Pokemon X and Y, Yoshi's Island 3DS, Legend of Zelda: Return to the Past, and some other new titles that'll debut at E3.

    And before anyone pulls the "Nintendo needs to make new IPs" card, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Pushmo, Dillion's Rolling Western, The Denpa Men, Steel Diver, Harmoknight, The Wonderful 101, and many other IPs say hi.

    It's been confirmed that the E3 Nintendo Direct will be at Tuesday, June 11, 7:00 AM PT and a separate Pokemon Direct will be on the same day at 6:00 PM. There will also be demo stations available throughout the US and Canada at various Best Buys. They will be available on Tuesday, June 12, 4-8 PM Local Time and Saturday, June 15, 1-5 PM Local Time. The first three titles I listed are confirmed to be available at the demo stations. Plus, Year of Luigi accessories and goodies will be available at the demo stations while supplies last.

    Microsoft will likely be releasing a new Halo game, and I've heard rumours about them releasing a First Party zombie survival shooter game, with the construction elements of minecraft, and the graphic style and gore of Team Fortress.

    And Sony, I really only know about Infamous Second Son and the new Killzone for exclusives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aulayna View Post
    Your predictions - make them!
    You're starting to make me want to run a EoFF SSB4 Newcomer Bets thread like this one. It'll be kind of hard and confusing running two of those threads at the same time, though.

  10. #10
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I want a new timesplitters game. Also a new star wars battlefront. Give me those two next gen titles (or current gen) and I'll be a happy pumpkin. E3 will be deemed as a success and I'd buy whatever new platform to play those on.

  11. #11
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Have you not heard about Timesplitters Rewind Freya?

  12. #12
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I have heard about the HD version remakes but I want a brand new one.

  13. #13
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I want a new timesplitters game. Also a new star wars battlefront. Give me those two next gen titles (or current gen) and I'll be a happy pumpkin. E3 will be deemed as a success and I'd buy whatever new platform to play those on.
    This, and Bully 2, and it will be the greatest day of my life.

  14. #14
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    While everyone's thinking Microsoft's will be all about games, I still feel like a lot of the features they namedropped are ambiguous, specifically the 3 I mentioned I wanted to see more of in the Reveal thread (achievements, multiplayer servers, sharing). I think it's safe to say we'll see someone playing the next Infinity Ward and Bethesda games on stage. It seems the long-awaited Respawn title will be there, too, although it will be awkward having CoD and the CoD killer on the same stage.

    Sony already showed off 5-6 launch titles, I think their PS4 games will be more "on the horizon" stuff, specifically the games Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, and Santa Monica are working on. I imagine they'll spend a little time on how they're keeping the PS3 going, since GT6 was just announced for it, and I suppose the Vita will get more stage other than the Remote Play features (which are now mandatory for all games). I really think Square's showing will just be Final Fantasy XIV's console version, since that was a Sony exclusive they've been playing up for a long time. I'm hoping Sony shows more of it's proposed Backwards Compatibility solution, which I'm assuming is what PlayStation Plus will be next-gen, the "Netflix of gaming," they hinted at.

    But honestly, I truly am expecting Sony to lose all the good-will they've built up since the Xbox reveal. They're either going to have some trojan horse of Always-On, DRM, or both. They also might want to show off camera and voice features and multi-media functionality, as a result of some twisted excuse for logic.

    Nintendo's real interesting. I know they won't have a press conference, but will they have booths? I think the Best Buy idea is really cool, and there's also a possibility they'll have at least some things downloadable, since they've been building up their online services pretty decent lately. If they let you play a demo version of Smash 4, they'll show that they're the company that actually is all about games, not just talking about them.

    Kojima's Metal Gear demonstration will be insane.

    Ubisoft better show and prove with Assassin's Creed 4, because this one might be the death of the series.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Ubisoft better show and prove with Assassin's Creed 4, because this one might be the death of the series.
    Wait, AC3 wasn't?
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    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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