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  1. #1


    So I did this years ago with FFVIII but I was a horrible liar and human being and never actually went through with it.

    But I'm back and reformed and ready to take your tips.

    That's right, I'm gonna replay this game - specifically the Origins version - and I intend to conquer it this time.

    Rather than just making everyone do everything, I feel like I want to redo what I did with XII and VIII and make my own "Classes" or "Jobs."

    That's my intention anyway of how to start. Can't guarantee how it will turn out.

    But I'm open to any suggestions you guys might have on how to "limit" each other to their designated role. I've only really played through this game once, at least I beat 99% of it. Others here probably know more than me and can offer guidance.
    Or if you have any other things to offer about making the game a bit more complex and fun.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Honestly the game does it for you, if you equip a character in the gear needed for a class you'll find it will naturally alter your stat growth as you level up, only if you consciously try to level up a stat will you wreck the job class element of the game.

    Firion has the highest Spirit so he's a natural for White Magic so I would choose either White Mage or Paladin for him

    Maria has the highest Intelligence so Black mage is a go for her.

    Gus is more melee focus so Warrior or Monk is a good bet for him

    Most of the other characters already slide into a class or at least some dynamic of it. The biug thing here is how you equip them, if you want a monk, choose unarmed and either light weight gear or no armor and you'll find their strength, def, evasion, and HP will skyrocket while the rest of the their stats plummet.

    Black Mage? A Bow with some light armor and focus on using magic a lot will raise the right stats.

    Warrior? Heavy armor and no magic makes sure their MP and Magic stats never rise and will beef their melee and and defensive stats.

    So simply put, if you want to change jobs just equip them like you would in other FFs. Hell as long as you restrict magic and don't hand it out to everyone equally you can even technically change jobs naturally to some degree as starting Firion as a Paladin and then turning him into a White mage will progress naturally as long as you play them properly.

  3. #3


    I had already figured I'd make Firion a Paladin. I just can't make him a WM because the "main hero" has to wield a sword. It's just how these fantasy things go. Should he have a shield too?

    I like the idea of Maria as Black Mage and Gus as Monk.

    Although I wanted someone for Buffs/Debuffs... I would use Character 4 for that but most of them don't last long enough to make it worthwhile to level up their status magic.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    I had already figured I'd make Firion a Paladin. I just can't make him a WM because the "main hero" has to wield a sword. It's just how these fantasy things go. Should he have a shield too?

    I like the idea of Maria as Black Mage and Gus as Monk.

    Although I wanted someone for Buffs/Debuffs... I would use Character 4 for that but most of them don't last long enough to make it worthwhile to level up their status magic.
    Give him a shield, it's fine and I always felt cure magic wasn't as adversely affected by the equipment handicap as bad as Black Magic is. Leon is probably your best bet for debuff magic and just let Firion have the buff magic. I built Leon as a FFX-2 style dark knight in my last playthrough.

  5. #5


    Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Although I'm not going to have Leon for A LONG time. They really should have put him in your party sooner or given you a bit more to do after he rejoins.

  6. #6
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    That's true about Leon, they kind of botched his character if you ask me but I still like him cause he's not as completely useless as most of the mid-game fourth party members.
    f you want, you can have Maria use some debuff spells though I found they were never quite as useful.

  7. #7


    Yeah I never used Debuffs either. I was mainly thinking of Buffs like Haste or maybe Blink. I guess giving Firion stuff like Shell and Protect fits though. I don't think Cecil had those in FFIV but maybe other Paladins do.

    But I just thought of something. I started the game and began teh necessary grindage so our HP isn't total crap and I does Maria's HP go up if she's always in the back row? If I'm going to make her a Mage she has to be in the back row.

  8. #8
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    In the DS version, Cecil gained the shell and protect spells making him infinitely more useful with magic.

    Technically mages are not suppose to have high hp, if you want to do a traditional Black Mage, you're just going to have to let her take her punishment naturally.

  9. #9


    True but if her HP never rises at all she will die from one hit eventually. Low HP is fine and all but not even being able to take a single hit? Being stuck with 20 HP?

    I guess that would indeed be challenge... Hell, I'll just try it and see what happens. Maybe magic-using enemies later will help her increase her HP....

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    She'll get hit, trust me, back row doesn't protect as much as people would like.

  11. #11


    Heh, you were right, she's definitely been hit. Not nearly as much as Gus and Firion though. I think being completely unarmored must make the enemies attack you more because Gus gets pummeled all the time compared to my other party members.

    Anyway, FF2 is weird. I had a couple Game Overs in the Snow Cave because I was being stingy with my items. We hadn't gotten much Gil up to this point and I wasn't going to waste it on Potions or whatever. But after those two Game Overs I went back and stocked up on 25 of them and 2 emergency Hi Potions. Ended up using pretty much all of it by the end of the dungeon. They just won't leave Guy alone.

    Anyway, why the game is weird, Firion with his amazing set of Armor and sword could do 0 damage to the Adamantoise while it did 100 damage to him in one shot. Firion only had about 120 HP so two hits and he was down. I guess I should be glad the thing didn't hit Maria - she only has 75 HP and would be killed in one hit more than likely. Meanwhile there was Gus and Josef, completely unarmored and with bare fists, able to do about 50 damage to the thing while it could only do about 60 damage to them. Gus almost had 300 Hp by this point so what did that matter.

    So Firion decked out with the best equipment was totally useless while Maria with her Ice Magic and the other two saved the day. I guess if i ever have to fight a giant monster turtle, I should just punch it to death instead of trying to grab a weapon.

    Now it's onto Kas'Ion and Gordon. Finally have a respectable amount of Gil though so I bought Firion a Life Scroll straight away. Probably going to need that.... Also Maria can finally actually be a Black Mage now she has Ice. We haven't been able to get any other attack magic up to this point that I know of so she has just been kinda worthless with her bow attacks.

    Oh and I forgot to mention my second Game Over was because I was thinking "okay, I'll get most of the treasures and a lot of Gil from random encounters then Warp out and go heal." So i get all the way to the Ancient Sword and then guess what happens. Gus is down, Josef is nearly dead and I figure it's a good time to leave now I have that. Only...Warp won't work. What the hell. I can only assume I have to level it up? i didn't count on that crap. While trying to run from the dungeon I died because Flee is absolutely useless in this game.

  12. #12
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    So Firion decked out with the best equipment was totally useless while Maria with her Ice Magic and the other two saved the day. I guess if i ever have to fight a giant monster turtle, I should just punch it to death instead of trying to grab a weapon.
    Pretty much. Last time I played I unequipped everyone's weapons and their stats actually increased, sans Gus. I learned you were better off NOT putting Maria in the back row. Her stats raises quicker when she's in the front row and being unarmored increase their evade so they'll dodge more.

    Oh, but you wanted a challenge. So just keep doing what you're doing.

  13. #13


    Well the real challenge is I totally missed Altair having a Magic Shop. I remembered the Weapon and Armor Shops but not Magic. I could have had Fire, Ice, Bolt and Cure ages ago but I totally spaced on it and just left for Fynn and the story.


  14. #14
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I remember the first time I entered the magic shop.

    "The prince for magic is too damn high!"

  15. #15


    The price for most everything in this game is too damned high. You don't get good Gil rewards from fights until the Snow Cave. I was horrified by the 1500 price tag for the magic in Salamand but now I can afford that relatively easily.

    Gonna be a long time before I can start buying Elixirs or Ethers though.

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