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Thread: Has this game aged well?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Either that, or they were going by D&D rules at the time. They lifted a lot from that whole sale. The only balancing reason I could see why Knight would be so limited would simply be so Red Wizard and White Wizard would still have better utility, especially since buff/debuff magic becomes more important later on than offensive spells.
    I guess that is it.
    Of course, it doesn't really matter from a pure gameplay perspective;
    I just felt it was slightly awkward how the Knight was limited in a lot of ways like that, but I almost only use him for CURE and CUR2 spells anyway, and maybe FOG and RUSE a couple times, if physical defense becomes super-important and should be maximised as much as possible.
    Actually I probably don't even really use the actual RUSE spell that much, since you get that spell for free in an infinite amount from the Defense sword, which is cool;
    but I would probably give the Defense sword to someone who cannot normally use RUSE spells, at least once Knight has some better weapon to play around with
    (such as the Sun sword or the Xcalber, or the Masmune of course).

  2. #17


    Is it worth playing if I missed this game on release? I only played the last parts. I'm not so sure that I can fully master it. Although I mostly like pixel art games. But this game is very old.
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  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by vivec View Post
    Is it worth playing if I missed this game on release? I only played the last parts. I'm not so sure that I can fully master it. Although I mostly like pixel art games. But this game is very old.
    It has certainly aged, and it has a few annoying mechanics that wouldn't be very acceptable today;
    for example, you cannot buy items in stock (and this makes buying 99 Heal potions very annoying), and if several characters target the same enemy during a battle, and the first attacker kills that enemy, then the other attackers will try to attack that dead enemy instead of automatically picking a new target for that attack, which results in the infamous "Ineffective" message, which is basically a wasted turn.

    That said though, it was a really outstanding game back in 1987, and it still has a lot of charm;
    the graphics are very nice and colourful, the controls work fine, and the music is excellent.
    I still genuinely enjoy playing it every now and then, and it has a very special atmosphere.

  4. #19
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    I think it has aged well, and still has value for newer games and replay value for older gamers. Maybe more than most other FF games given it's simplicity and well execution of what it sets out to do.

    As some have said, it is a pretty straightforward RPG. No tedious and repetitive side quests, good class system, diversity of areas to explore, challenging battles.

    The thing that sets FFI apart from other games is the selection of the four heroes at the start from one of the 6 classes. It allows for over 100 combinations, none of which play exactly the same. Other games allow for customization, but FFI making this the first and permanent decision you make gives it a lot of weight.

    Some of the remasters also help remove the unnecessarily burdensome restrictions that make the game more accessible. I need to make my kids play it!

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