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Thread: Let's Play Stand Guard Once More

  1. #16


    Let's go!

    Final Fantasy VI000.png Final Fantasy VI001.png

    Best read in Solid Snake's voice

    Final Fantasy VI002.png

    Best read in Commander Riker's voice :3

    Final Fantasy VI003.png Final Fantasy VI004.png


    Final Fantasy VI005.png

    Well, if you insist and light my castle on fire, who am I to argue

    Final Fantasy VI006.png Final Fantasy VI007.png

    Gotta hand it to Edgar, he's persistent with his line of bull even though he just got out of bed and his castle is on fire and stuff

    Final Fantasy VI009.png

    Edgar: What am I paying you for??

    Final Fantasy VI008.png

    Rush me to the burn unit

    Final Fantasy VI010.png Final Fantasy VI011.png

    I like to think that Edgar then punches him and says "Not on my ship"

    Final Fantasy VI012.png Final Fantasy VI013.png

    This is why I like Edgar

    Final Fantasy VI014.png

    He keeps an ace up his sleeve

    Final Fantasy VI015.png

    Kefka is still being a dick

    Final Fantasy VI016.png Final Fantasy VI017.png
    Final Fantasy VI018.png Final Fantasy VI019.png

    An order usually reserved for submarines

    Final Fantasy VI020.png

    Locke is clearly enjoying himself

    Final Fantasy VI021.png Final Fantasy VI022.png
    Final Fantasy VI023.png

    Very Ghibli-ish, to have a mechanical castle that can burrow under the desert, don't you think?

    Final Fantasy VI024.png

    This bears the distinction of being the first time your party's actions injure Kefka in some way. I snapped a photo for posterity.


  2. #17


    Let's go!

    Final Fantasy VI000.png

    Kefka seems unhappy

    Final Fantasy VI001.png

    These guys are such redshirts that they don't even get named

    Final Fantasy VI002.png

    Sure enough they're going to try to kill us

    Final Fantasy VI003.png

    Edgar is upset about something

    Final Fantasy VI004.png

    Yeah, u mad bro?

    Final Fantasy VI005.png

    To be honest, it always seemed kind of ridiculous that Locke has no reaction to seeing Terra cast magic for the first time, and needs it pointed out to him by Edgar. My estimate of Locke's intelligence = -20

    Final Fantasy VI006.png

    Final Fantasy VI008.png Final Fantasy VI009.png
    Final Fantasy VI010.png

    Now he gets it

    Final Fantasy VI012.png

    Terra's all "Idk lolz"

    Final Fantasy VI013.png

    The M-Tek Armor Pilots:

    A: So, how's it going?
    B: Oh, three days away from retirement
    A: Hey that's great
    B: Yeah, I'm planning to enjoy myself

    Final Fantasy VI014.png Final Fantasy VI015.png
    Final Fantasy VI017.png

    Anyway, they seem to have reached a consensus

    Final Fantasy VI021.png

    She winks at them? There seems to be some subtle humor here that I have never quite picked up on

    Final Fantasy VI023.png

    Anyway we KILL ZEM and ZEY DIE

    Do you think this scene should have been cut? It's not nearly as good as scene 27, but it's much much better than scene 42

  3. #18
    penisword chionos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    FFXIV Character

    Kaladin Cho'Sinn (Sargatanas)


    I always took the wink to mean "that's not the only difference between us, boys. Look at dese curveses." Or something along those lines. Even though Terra isn't much of a flirt.

    What has always bothered me about the conversation between Edgar and Locke is that Edgar is so surprised and flustered by Terra's use of magic, but then he's all diplomatic and political about their differences.

    I guess from all of this we're supposed to be getting some flirting or something going on between Terra and Edgar, but the dialogue doesn't convey that very well.

    But anyway, keep going Spoons.

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