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Thread: No Chrono Trigger 2

  1. #16
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    It wouldn't be an issue for him to be involved, he was finishing up DBZ manga while working on CT as well as the fact he was working on both Dragon Ball manga, character designs for Dragon Quest and a tie-in Dragon Quest manga all around the same time in the late 80s early 90s. So I feel he wouldn't have much issue doing both, especially since CT would be a relatively short term project as opposed to Dragon Ball.

    Akira Toriyama did have a bit to do with the game, CT came about after Sakaguchi, Toriyama, and Horii all met each other at an electronics expo and started talking shop, which eventually led to them deciding to make a game together. Toriyama wasn't just the character designer, he was also the world designer and set a tone to the game which is why it feels a bit more light-hearted and whimsical despite some of the dark subject matter CT had going for it.
    Last edited by Wolf Kanno; 08-31-2014 at 01:12 AM. Reason: fixed a misspelled name

  2. #17


    His name is Toriyama. And his involvement in these things is not the same kind it was 20 years ago. Just as he was totally glad to have finally finished Dragon Ball and let others do most of the rest while only being an advisor and provider of just some artwork it is a wonder that he nowadays came back to do so much for Dragon Ball again. Him doing Dragon Ball stuff again and Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest will probably be not his thing anymore.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 08-31-2014 at 01:14 AM.

  3. #18
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Okay after pointing out a misspelling, cause that's relevant, this whole thing was a few years ago, according to sakaguchi. Which means they all probably had time, at the time. It was only SE management that shut it down.

  4. #19
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    How is it really any different? Yes he only provided artwork for DQ but for CT he was actually pretty involved in the first stages back in 1993, began working on DQVI's designs the following year and was working on writing the last story arc of Dragon Ball all at the same time. Hell he was still trying to hit deadlines for DBZ up until the CT's release in Japan. By that time he was asking his fans to let him finally end the series so he can get on with his life so I'm pretty sure that's a good sign he was stressed out during this whole period, whereas he seems to be a pretty relaxed guy nowadays considering most of his work has been doing side projects with other manga authors and occasionally drawing up a new character for this quarters new Dragon Ball game.

    Now? He's just working on a few one-shots for Shonen Jump when not coming into do character design work for Dragon Quest. His involvement with the DBZ animation ended last year with the last DBZ movie which he did for charity in order to raise awareness of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami a few years ago and he just finished his Dragon Ball art show in Japan, frankly it doesn't seem to me like he would be terribly busy unless he just recently announced a huge reboot of Dragon Ball but all my sources say he's just working on a new film project which wouldn't be a big deal.

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    How is it really any different?
    Doing the same kind of stuff in someone's fifties someone did in their 20s/30s is not something you can expect, especially not if someone is very glad to be done with certain long projects.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Now? He's just working on a few one-shots for Shonen Jump when not coming into do character design work for Dragon Quest. His involvement with the DBZ animation ... unless he just recently announced a huge reboot of Dragon Ball but all my sources say he's just working on a new film project which wouldn't be a big deal.
    He is constantly working on Dragon Ball projects, it being the story about Bardock and Gine, the prequel of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, pleases people with interviews which wonders many people as they finally get some new material and also works on the 2015 Dragon Ball movie which was announced not too long ago. I can remember his final words about vol. 42 of Dragon Ball so him coming back for more involvement was a great surprise for people. And he is very active with that stuff at the moment. Even Battle of Gods had its script rewritten by him even though he was just asked to check it.

  6. #21
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    It's not terribly labor intensive as a monthly deadline of a popular series that could get you fired if you screw up, which is what it's like to be working with Shonen Jump (read Bakuman to get a taste of the pressure) so I would feel that being in his 50s so he can come in, do some character designs and give some advice on overall story direction while the game developers do all the heavy lifting wouldn't exactly be a huge strain on the man. It would be like maybe three months out of his life with the rest dedicated to his other projects. Besides he enjoys working with Sakaguchi and Horii so I doubt he would turn them down, of anything it would just delay his other film projects and I would gladly take a Chrono Trigger 2 over a new DBZ film.
    Last edited by Wolf Kanno; 08-31-2014 at 03:44 AM. Reason: Found my answer

  7. #22
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I have never played a single Chrono game in my life and even I would have said yes to this proposal.

    What the hell, Square?

  8. #23
    deepdoop's Avatar
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    I'm not even bothered by this news at this point, even though I love the Chrono series, because I never really felt that Chrono Trigger needed a sequel. There are obviously things you can do with it if you really want to like fleshing out other characters, but it was a neat enough little package as is. There are other games that require sequels more.
    Will post for food.

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