We had a thread like this a couple of years ago or so, and I think it would be a good idea to have another one this season. Talk about how you feel about your current team, players you like/dislike, games you thought were fun to watch, stuff you are looking forward to, etc. I'll get the ball rolling.

Bears vs Bills: As a Bear fan it sucks that we lost our first game, especially when they made boneheaded play calling on offense and Chris Conte still thinks the the NFL plays by touch football rules. It was a tough loss, but not the whole doom and gloom situation Chicago fans think to seem it is (all Chicago fans expect there to be a doom and gloom season if we don't win any game by at least 100 points). Every year fans seem to forget that if the Bears do get hot, they start to come together a few weeks in the season. The past couple of years the Bears have had very lucky wins (and wins that should not have even happened) early on, so fans are used to a comfortable 3-0 or 2-1 start or something. I'm not saying they'll make the playoffs nor am I denying the MASSIVE problems with defense and the ever so struggling offensive line (though it looked better than other early season games).

Monday Night Football: I was looking forward to Giants vs Lions more so than the Chargers vs Cardinals. While it was amusing seeing the Lions make some great plays with Megatron, it was obvious that the Lions had that one in the bag early on. There are times I have no idea how Eli Manning has two Superbowl rings.

The Chargers and Cardinals looked like it would be a boring game in the first half, and that they would get in a boring occasional field goal war like they did during the pre season. However, the second half had some key plays and dramatics turns in it. Rivers blew it by missing a snap was huge in terms of their eventual loss, but Arizona's defense did an outstanding job that game for the most part. Carson Palmer looked pretty good and made some smart plays instead of trying to look like a stud with every pass, which is a pitfall many QBs fall into. Anyway, I found myself enjoying the game immensely despite the fact that I was sure it was going to be a snoozer. Glad I stuck around and watch the second half.

Other stuff:

I won't deny that I laughed my ass off when I first saw this, but I have to wonder what some players are thinking sometimes.

Now THAT'S dedication.

(big gif) http://www.gfycat.com/LimitedMaleBunting

Eli Manning MAD!!!