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Thread: Let's Play Resident Evil 2 badly

  1. #31
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Biker Claire is best Claire.

  2. #32


    That was very entertaining! Can you do one of Resident Evil 3?

  3. #33
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    Damn. The graphics are nowhere near as good as I remember them being, haha.

  4. #34
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Late but I want to say the computer room has always been my favourite. "Hmm, we need somewhere to store our giant moth. Hey, why not use the computer room? Maximise the floor space, yes? What do you mean the IT guys can't access the server without being covered in giant moth spit?" As if you need a smurfing giant moth room to begin with. Like, what was that even all about?

  5. #35
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Late but I want to say the computer room has always been my favourite. "Hmm, we need somewhere to store our giant moth. Hey, why not use the computer room? Maximise the floor space, yes? What do you mean the IT guys can't access the server without being covered in giant moth spit?" As if you need a smurfing giant moth room to begin with. Like, what was that even all about?
    Looks like the computer had a...


  6. #36
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aulayna View Post
    Damn. The graphics are nowhere near as good as I remember them being, haha.
    I'm actually running it on epsxe at 720p. In reality they were even worse.

    there was a picture here

  7. #37
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    That's right folks, it isn't over yet!

    It's time to 'discover the true end[sic]' and follow our favourite rookie cop Leon Kennedy and his escapades on his first day on the farce force.

    Leon starts off on the other side of the exploded tanker to Claire. But don't worry, he still gets his fair share of zombies. Did we crash into a neighbourhood watch meeting?

    Leon carries his trusty RPD-grade pistol, as well as a ridiculous amount of ammunition. His key item is the lighter, and judging by the fact that I must have used Claire's lockpick about three times in total in the previous scenario and had to faff around with the item box whenever I needed to produce a flame, I would say Leon having it equipped at all times is far more useful. Let's forget the fact that he doesn't actually smoke, though He and Claire also have matching knives, but dispense of any illusions that this won't be chucked at the first opportunity.

    Leon must take a different route to the station, which is much quicker. We get to the courtyard in only a few screens.

    A few zombies pottering about here, but the real point of interest is that snazzy squad car parked on the right. Very 1970s. The realer point of interest, however, is how that car managed to get into this courtyard in the first place

    A quick forage in the gatehouse yields the key to the door across the way. The first of many arbitrary keys that Leon will be jangling about in his pockets in this adventure.

    If you're thinking this place looks familiar, it is. Nothing of note in here this time around, though.

    A jog out the opposite door and around the corner and we get a flashy cutscene.

    Subliminal IRA messages daubed on the bottom of RPD helicopters. The scumbags.

    "Get me the smurf out of here! I can still make the evening meal deal at KFC if we punch it!"

    Officer Waistband here is too fixated on blocking the landing zone of his rescue helicopter to notice the zombified remains of The Lighthouse Family shambling up behind him.

    "No! Not feelgood adult alternative!"

    "All together now..."
    " "because we are gonna beeeeeee..."
    "...forever you and meeeeee"

    "The cheese! I can'tesuiopvdfsdfasdfgdfsfsfsf"

    "You could be lifted! Lifted! Lifteeeeeee-

    And that is why they suddenly disappeared in the late 90s.

    Moving on...

    We make our entry to the police station into this second floor corridor.

    The first of many Small Keys! The fun part is deciding whether or not to put it in the item box because who knows when you'll actually come across the lock.

    In the main hall we find that all the doors are locked. Cheers then. Looks like we need the card key from Marvin.

    Not before picking up the shotgun left safely on the reception desk!

    This time around, the unicorn medallion is found in this obscure part of the mezzanine. It can take a while to come across it because you have literally no reason to go over there.

    Place it into the statue, and sure enough, it spits out the Spade Key. Is there a cache of Spade keys inside for anyone who needs one?

    The valve handle is hidden in the squad room for Leon. I suppose water leaks are pretty common around here, or something.

    Back up to the flaming helicopter...

    Hang on a moment. Didn't Claire do this? Am I supposed to believe somebody reignited the chopper?

    On the way back inside, we're interrupted by a cutscene (and as far as I can remember, the only time in any of the original RE games that someone uses their hand to operate a door).

    "A Hind D? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?"

    Delivering recurring trenchcoat-wearing enemies, of course.

    Join us next time as we play our first round of Run Away From Mr. X!
    Last edited by Old Manus; 09-19-2014 at 04:13 PM.

    there was a picture here

  8. #38
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    LMAO off at the helicopter commentary.

  9. #39
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    No matter if you play as Leon in the A or B scenario, the game becomes funnier if you imagine RE2 is an elaborate April Fool's prank set up by the RPD for his first day.

    Also, take a shot of hard liquor whenever he says "Ada."

  10. #40
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Welcome back, boys and grills. When we left last, a giant baldeaded demon crashed through the ceiling of the corridor we were about to enter. Let's go.

    Inside the corridor we meet the slightly-more-clothed brother of the Tyrant from RE1. Technically called the T-103, he is more popularly known as Mr. X. Apparently tasked with retrieving the G-Virus sample, he seems more interested in chasing Leon, and will be appearing when we least expect it throughout the game.

    He mainly lumbers around very slowly and swings punches which hurt like a bitch. If we take him down he usually drops some decent ammo, but we're not really equipped to fight the guy now, so we're going to leg it the hell out of there.

    The B Scenario mainly consists of repeating what Claire did, just in a different order. As such, I'll whizz over the unimportant parts. We're going to need those two jewels again...some jobsworth police officer must have taken them out of these busts and put them back.

    The item box room in the lower east wing now has zombies!

    The first instance of Leon's lighter coming in handy. That's two horrific paintings incinerated in one evening

    The picking up the second jewel on the way to the STARS office...

    We find that the vacuum created by Claire's removal of the grenade launcher has spawned a far superior Magnum. This thing tears through pretty much everything we're going to face but ammo is like gold dust, so we'll pack it away for now.

    Carrying on down the corridor...

    Oh, for smurf's sake.

    Leon lets her run off into the police station full of flesh eating monsters, and quickly escapes before he has to deal with Claire.

    Another round of Push-The-Bookcase yields...


    We also pick up the H.GUN PARTS for the handgun on our travels, which gives us a completely unfunctional stock and allows us to fire the pistol in burst fire and full-auto. Now we're playing with power!

    A strut through Leon's party...

    ...and the sewers...

    ...and we run into this sassy lass. This is Ada, and she holds her gun like a straight gangsta :ezpimp: She is also shooting us for no reason.

    She says she's looking for her boyfriend 'John' (in a police station car park?) and is not possibly a spy actually looking for the G-Virus.

    This van looks suspiciously pre-rendered...let's push it out of the way, revealing a passageway behind that Claire was not able to access because her scenario partner is a small child who doesn't pack the muscles (and more importantly, isn't a gangsta)

    As soon as we enter, Ada runs off without warning. This is the first of at least half a dozen times when she will do this throughout the game. It is also the first of at least half a dozen times that Leon will just stand there and shout "ADAAA" (the number of trailing As increasing steadily with each bellow).

    Jail cells? In a parking lot?

    One of the cells contains this bloke. Did we catch him during some 'alone time'?

    This is Ben Bertolucci, a Raccoon City 'reporter' who could only look more like a sterotypical 1950s film noir hack if he was sporting a feathered fedora and had a clunky SLR around his neck. He tells us that he's keeping himself locked in the cell as long as that 'monster' (Bill Birkin) is wandering around, and says there is a manhole leading to the sewers in the next room over.

    Leon picks up the crowbar on the desk nearby and heads to the manhole.

    Now we're in the sewer, complete with electric lighting and oversized arachnids that we can pretend aren't there.

    Out the other end, and...

    Who knows at this point.

    This door impedes our progress. It appears that this is where we need to place these ridiculous chess piece plugs that are scattered around the police department. All the way down here!

    We only have one, so looks like this means a trip back above ground to find the rest.

    Stepping outside, Ada reappears. How did she get here!

    The shutter is blocking the way, so she sportingly volunteers to climb through the pointlessly placed hole above it and see what's on the other side. That's right gang, it's time to slip into Ada's most gangsta of shoes!

    Sherry makes a brief appearance on the other side but manages to get away before I can put a bullet in her head. She did drop something, though...

    How you can drop something that is physically chained around your neck is beyond me. Also, that hand. The horror...

    Bonus points to those of you who noticed that this thing is actually at least twice the size of the bling that Sherry had around her neck earlier.

    Judging from the fact that we're in the same place we did the runabout with Sherry in Claire's scenario and we just saw the girl herself moments earlier, we can glean that Claire is probably also in the sewer somewhere at this very moment. Fortunately she will always manage to leave any room she is in just as Leon is about to enter.

    Long story short, we pick up the Club Key and some ammo, and toss them back to Leon.

    Ada also uses this as an excuse to run away again. All together now: "ADAAAAAAA"

    Zombies in the autopsy room have been evicted and replaced by lickers. No big deal. We'll just pick up the key card in here and let's get some goodies!

    Thanks, Claire!

    We now have a machine gun. Ho ho ho It carries quite a decent amount of rounds and deals alright damage, with the tradeoff being that once the ammo is gone, that's it (at least until much much later). It also takes up two slots, which ain't nuthin' because the sidepack gives us an extra two slots anyway

    Through Brian Irons' office to this corridor, strangely reminiscent of something out of one of Saddam Hussein's Baghdad palaces. I kind of got a bit lost at this point, wandering around a bit, but picking up a plug on the way. On the way back...


    Fortunately, like all zombies, Mr. X's biggest weakness is doors.

    The bronze gear is still in here and once again we have to complete a short puzzle in order to obtain it.

    Ho hum.

    Hmm...the screen goes into letterbox mode.

    "Here's Johnny!"


    Stand and fight!?

    Of course not, we're getting the hell out of here!

    Looks like the Capcom developers weren't that absent-minded as to forget to add in the giant hole in the wall in the next corridor. Let's just move on...

    smurf ME


    To the clock tower! And bring the crank!

    Fixing the clockwork (again) also reveals a vent we can climb into.

    Well that made no sense whatsoever.

    Hold on! Do I hear something? Ben?

    Well, that's what happens when you wear your hair in one of those ridiculous 90s ponytails...good riddance.

    Oh, so you let yourself out of your cell now...

    "I know this might not be the best time, but...pull my finger?"


    Ada appears...

    ...and runs away...(SPOILER)ADAAAAAAA

    Right. Time to pick up the last plug.

    Nope, no surprises in here this time.

    Now we have all the plugs, let's plod all the way back through the sewers and get to that door.

    Uh oh...
    Last edited by Old Manus; 09-24-2014 at 05:08 PM.

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  11. #41
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I want to nominate Old Manus and Sherry for greatest EoFF Rivalry, Winter Ciddies 2014.

  12. #42
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    He loves Sherry like a Gran at Christmas.

  13. #43
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I enjoy Claire's outfit

  14. #44


    Waiting patiently for the next episode

  15. #45
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Let's do this.

    Time for Will Birkin to make his first appearance. Leon sounds like the only person in building not to meet him yet, even though we've been fumbling around in the sewers for the last hour.

    "William Birkin, digivolve to..!"

    Have you ever thought how pointless it would be to have an eye on your arm? Every time you reached out for something you'd get seasick.

    Much like Mr. X, Bill slowly plods around the room, swinging his pipe occasionally. In fact, he's probably less threatening than Mr. X. A few shotgun rounds and he falls over the railing to his doom, something which you may notice will become something of a theme from now on.

    Let's open the chessboard door!

    Ada drops through a hole in the ceiling!

    "For God's sake Ada where are you finding all these shortcuts! Do you have any idea how long it took me to open that god damn door!?"

    Oh God...she's not running away. Does this escort section?

    Luckily for us, Ada is nowhere near as trout a partner as Sherry. She's armed with her own pea-shooter (with seemingly infinite ammo), doesn't shy away from helping out in a fight, has a decent amount of health, and most importantly, doesn't run like a tortoise in treacle and start sulking when you get too far away.

    The more astute of you will also notice that this room is almost exactly the same as one the Claire entered in her scenario, but is not actually the same room.

    A shove of this locker reveals a hidden door and ladder down. It doesn't really work when 3D objects are so easy to spot over the pre-rendered background.

    I don't like the look of this one bit.

    Uh huh, right, ok. So I light this and then all the monsters jump out. Deep breath...

    ...nope, nothing happened. Just some ammo down here. Sorry to let you all down.

    Back up the ladder and down the lift on the other side of the room, and we run into an old friend! What is she even doing wandering around here anyway? Why doesn't she just get hold of Sherry and book it the hell out of the city? Ada chases her down.

    "Not so fast, Ada! I need you for your infinite ammo!"

    Leon rugby tackles Ada so hard that she explodes blood.

    Of course, what actually happened was Annette fired at Ada and Leon went full white knight and threw himself in front of the bullet. emot-911.gif

    And now we're controlling Ada, who's first thought after her companion taking a bullet to the chest is to continue to chase down Annette and leave him here for dead in the zombie infested sewer.

    He was a creep anyway.

    I couldn't quite screenshot it, but Annette just shot Ada's gun right out of her hand. Annette confirmed for being the best shot in Resident Evil history (which, let's be honest, isn't very hard).

    From twenty yards away, no less. Now for the cat fight! Excuse me while I open myself a bottle of wine...

    Fallen over a railing count: 2

    Ada takes a closer look at Sherry's necklace:

    Firstly, that bit that flipped over is definitely far too big to fit correctly. Secondly, OH MY GOD THAT HAND


    Leon wakes from his coma. Dang, I was sort of hoping he'd die and I'd get to play as Ada from now on.

    He brings the advent of any possible death closer, however, by continuing to splash around in sewage with an open and bleeding bullet wound.

    And directly through a garbage tip!

    Leon is about to drive his knife into her throat for leaving him for dead, but his wound gets the better of him at the last moment.

    Ada patches him up by applying bandages on the outside of his sewage-soaked clothes, and all is forgiven. Onward to the cable car, then. What you can't quite see in this shot is that Ada is firing at the spiders. Well, I suppose if you have infinite ammo...

    In the cable car, there is a sudden shudder, and Ada falls to the floor and shows us all her anorexic arm.

    Yep, Bill's still alive!

    He leaves us alone, though.

    Now we're into the abandoned factory that is actually just a series of windowless corridors, again.

    We also find an upgrade for the shotgun.

    That thing is genuinely almost the same size as him. It is also mad powerful, capable of blowing zombies clean in half. It's coming up to that time where we can throw away the pistol for good.

    Unlike in Claire's scenario, the train isn't here, so we have to go and call it first.

    "A surveillance camera!?" Solid-Snake.gif

    If we run around the corner to the control room, we can view the feed.


    I actually fought and defeated him here, but all he dropped was pistol ammo. The bastard.

    Well, the train's here now, so let's get on board.


    He smacks Ada right upside her head. Leon would be well within his rights to just leave her here, really.

    But no, White Knight Mode Activate!

    there was a picture here

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