I managed to clock some BD time while I was on the John. The fairy in the opening sequence is creepy. I NEED AN ADULT! That section where they show you your room on the top screen while things are exploding was awkward. Oh no, I'm going to die on the toilet just like Elvis. That "Be my Warrior of Light!" did give me goosebumps, though. Or was that the air conditioning?

Then the introductions, sweet Yevon, the introductions, I thought they'd never end. You have this wind guardian lady, then you have some kid with amnesia who's supposed to be a ladies man, I guess. I can already tell he's going to annoy the ever loving crap out of me. Some blond fighter (I think she was blond) and then Tiz. Who names a boy Tiz?

And then everything around them just explodes. Oh no, Tiz's brother is hanging by a thread! Can Tiz save him?

*watches him fall down to his death* Nope.

When Tiz woke up in that bed I thought he was going to end up having amnesia too for some reason, just seemed like that kind of setup. Nope. I'm stuck calling him Tiz, oh well. I got to run around town for a bit and meet the king. The main story conversations that happen in this game reminds me of Dust: An Elysian Tale. Oh, then there's the 3D. The 3D sucks. It's all right when I have it angled perfectly, but Yevon forbid I actually want to move and then the whole thing blurs up and strains my eyes. Think I'll stick with 2D for the time being.

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