Okay i'm sure this has been discussed before but i don't see any recent threads about it so allow to me start the conversation again. But first, let me pre-fix this conversation with a story of my experience with FFXII; I never really played it. When this game was released i was not playing video games very much. I was 14 and involved in 3 sports. I rented XII but only played about 6 hrs of the game before my 3 day rental was up, so i took it back.
It's hard to remember exactly how i felt about the game but i do remember not being too impressed. Then the 13 series was announced and i got a ps3(that wasn't ps2 compatible) and versus made me forget about XII. Well we know what happened to versus and I was not a fan of 13 or the sequels. So after my poor experience with 13 and the long wait for 15, my mind wandered back to XII. I read up about the game and realized it was directed by the same guy who did IX, my favorite game of all-time. Now i desperately want to play it again.
So do you ppl think we will get an hd remake of this game? Could it use directx11 like type 0? or done more like FFX? Should i just get a ps2?