Resurrection, one last time. Just to say I finally beated it. Had to re-rent it, because bills ate my last check. Makes me super sad. Still going to buy it at the earliest convenience. Especially now that I know that it maintains pace pretty much throughout. People talk about how it's too long, and my patient sneaky slow going. I think I took 25 - 30 hours on it. And loved almost every minute of it. Things do tend to vary away from the alien for a good while later in the game, but then it gets dialed up to 11 after that and stays crazy pretty much right until the end

For people who can't handle slow serious stealth play, long stretches of high stress situations, unforgiving situations, and long hardcore stretches between saves. Also quite a bit of backtracking. Though the saves and backtracking I don't think could be avoided. The stakes have to be high. And at least when you're going back down a hallway you just went through to get to an objective, you know where all the safe zones are for when things go crazy. Like an alien shows up, and you know there's a locker in the next room, because you walked by it 10 minutes ago. If you had to go into a totally new area after doing an objective and an alien dropped down right behind you, it'd be even more crazy, scrambling around for a locker to hide in that may not even be there. I think that would frustrate me more. And I love that there is no hand-holding. You can't abuse the motion tracker, because it will get you killed. You can't abuse fire for long, because you'll inadvertently build the alien's immunity to fire and get yourself killed. You can't run. You can barely walk. Which may annoy some, but it makes perfect sense in the context

Anyway. I adored the game. I kinda get some people's complaints, and I think others are just being ridiculously picky. IGN and GameSpot just proved they have no idea what they're talking about. I personally would give the game a 9/10 and put Amanda Ripley up there with Laura Croft and Samus as well crafted and capable female protagonists. In consideration to others dissatisfaction I can not imagine the game deserving less than a 7/10 for the divisivenes. Because it still nails damn near everything. Sometimes a little too much. But still

Anyway. Hopefully it gets its dues. I imagine it will though, because it's kinda blowing up on YouTube. It's the perfect stress/scare game to torture your friends with. Or watch amusing Lets Players stress over online. And the Oculous Rift versions. Dear god, that will put people in an early grave

I'm just sad because I know there won't be another game of this caliber for scares and stress while maintaining high levels of entertainment for me for a long, long time. Might have to replay Dead Space >.>

But that's probably enough gushing