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Thread: First time you got wasted

  1. #1
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Default First time you got wasted

    Come on, let's hear it.

    I was 15 and my Dad used to work at a pub in Manchester. I was having a lovely time drinking Stella Artois and chatting to everyone. After my sixth pint though it hit me. I have a vague recollection of my Dad propping me up and then me sliding down the wall. My Dad and my brother had to help me walk home. Most people are in denial when questioned about how drunk they are. My Dad told me that I responded with "...I'm pissed...". My last recollection is sitting on the toilet then throwing up in the bath. Good times.

    How about you guys?

  2. #2
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    First time I got drunk was 14. First time I got wasted and puking drunk I was 17. I was at home and wanted to know what it was like since people seemed to do it often.

    I hated it and was miserable and never did it again. I'll take reasonable amounts of drunk please and thank you

  3. #3
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Wait. You drink, shion? I thought you didn't like the taste of alcohol or w/e.. That's cool.

    Uh. For me, 16 maybe. I managed a B in English III so my sister's friend bought me a bottle of vodka lol. I got so trashed with my friend and got upset cuz the Korean dude I had a crush on in my government class had a girlfriend and didn't like me like that. I didn't throw up though.

    Another time, a friend's step dad bought us a bottle of rum and beer. I kept switching between the two and got really sick. Then my friend from the first story showed up already pretty trout faced and totally hooked up with my girl's step dad. She's a year younger than me.

  4. #4
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    So drunk I puked and stuff? I was 14 I think, we got a hold of a bottle of vodka, hanging out with friends from school, we took turns necking it. My friend Owen and I made out, then he got so drunk he collapsed and we freaked the smurf out because we thought he was dead, but we managed to get an ambulance called and he was fine. I threw up all over the place, made it home, and had no hangover whatsoever the next morning.

    These days I'm lucky if I can get away with two beers without a hangover

  5. #5
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Wait. You drink, shion? I thought you didn't like the taste of alcohol or w/e.. That's cool.
    I drink maybe twice a year. I don't like the taste of most alcohol. Mostly when I do drink its vodka and/or special drink that taste like vodka.

    I might like it because it essentially tastes like nothing. But no I really don't drink often. I did for a few months when I was 14 and since then its never interested me that much. I also avoid drinking specifically when I'm upset because I have a lot of alcoholism in my family and I don't want it to become a crutch

  6. #6
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    17, at a guess. I partied a lot. I do not remember it.

  7. #7
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    First time I got properly drunk I was about 15 I guess, probably some house party. 16 was when I would regularly drink though, there was a group of four of us and we'd all go to one of our houses every second week and just drink and have merry times, it was probably one of the best years of my life honestly.

    I didn't puke from alcohol for the first time until I was like 20 though, but it takes a large amount of different kinds of drinks to make me throw up (or if I drink too much on an empty stomach).

  8. #8


    On my 18th birthday, my sister got some wine coolers for me. I remember a distinct feeling of bubbly tingling all over my body, and the fact that my guitar playing immediately became slightly more sloppy.

    The first time I got wasted puking drunk? I don't remember, though I have many many stories of having done it. I really can't hold my liquor.

  9. #9
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    First time I got hammered?

    My pals 16th birthday party. Me and another girl got totally trout faced. The birthday girl had to call my Mum to pick me up and I do remember going to my room and trying to climb out of the window to jump out and go back to the party. Totally convinced I was fine and not drunk at all. Also during the party I realised that I couldn't feel pain and got my friend to slap me a bunch of times and I dived into the kitchen cupboard to prove I couldn't feel pain. Apparently I also punched a girl in the face? but I seriously think they made that up and if I did hit her it would have been a wee whack. Like, as in she was trying to move me and I probably shoved her in the face or something. They never actually told me how severely I hit her, and nobody else saw it, and she didn't seem to hold a grudge about it, nor did she have a bruise or anything so I think they were troutting me.

    The other girl though, she got super aggressive and this was after I left and she kicked down my friends front room door and broke a load of stuff. Her Mum didn't apologise for it and acted super snooty. My mum was pissing herself laughing at me. Always brings this story up. Every bloody chance...

    That's about the one time I've gotten really bad. I do remember another time when a girl just really started on me at a house party. I think she had been feeling nasty about me for a while and she just exploded and I ended up crying for ages. I'd pretty much necked a whole bottle of vodka at that party. Tbh, my mind wasn't in the right place then though I was going through 'stuff' like any angsty 17 year old!

    I don't drink too much now though.

  10. #10
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Properly drunk? I dunno. Probably my friend's 18th, or perhaps the house party I threw a few months after that. It was just a good time, everyone was having a laugh and climbing onto my roof and on top of my shed. Shots of sambuca were had. The police were called. It really wasn't a bad time at all!

    My 21st though... That wasn't the first time, so that story ain't nothing to do with this.

  11. #11
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I remember 16 at an exam results party our entire year went to at a rugby clubhouse. I remember drinking smurfing awful alcopops and trout like Bacardi Breezers because they were cool when you were 16 (ugh ugh ugh) and puking over a railing. I ended up being the more sober of me and my friend after that, who I had to drag home at 1-2 am, I don't remember. He was going up to random houses on the street, banging on the door and screaming, in his best Tim Curry, "HELLOOOOOO! I'M NIGEL THORNBERRY!"

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Lockharted View Post
    I'd pretty much necked a whole bottle of vodka at that party.
    Why is it always vodka?

    Vodka is just bad news. It's no wonder the Russians are so goddamn bloodthirsty.

  13. #13
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    Vodka is the worst.

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    It is pretty terrible. I think it's pretty cheap though, so I know that's why I get it. Even fancy variations like vanilla vodkas are cheaper than other alcohols.

  15. #15


    First time I got properly drunk was on the eve of my 16th birthday. I ended up having sex with my best girl friend in the toilet whilst all our friends were in the room next door! It was great!

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