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Thread: Final Fantasy VII: Moments

  1. #31
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Nefi Sagashtem - Sagashtem-Kun - Undisclosed

    Lo que más me gustó fue la actitud de Jessie hacia Cloud, muy dulce, me dolió cuando murió posteriormente en el incidente de la plataforma de Shinra.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #32
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Daniel Towns - LoonyBoB - United Kingdom

    Folding arms must be kind of awkward for Barret. But when you’ve got guns like that (get it?), you’ve got to get that “Angry Bouncer” look just right. Arms folded. No question.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #33
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I'll try to translate, but keep in mind this is all from a translator not myself so it could be faulty and I'd have no clue

    I actually have not played FFVII yet! I watched a movie on FFVII ~ and a little imagine what was going on an exciting movie . Interesting story Cloud

    I only played the part of FFXIII , and took it all ( Playing on PC games disconnecting every 10 minutes , for unknown reasons to me ) . I really liked the game . The game is very colorful and very addictive. It is very interesting. I want to play in the rest of the on consoles , if there is such a possibility. Here is my opinion about the game in general.

    When I first started playing FFXIII, there were a lot of emotions. This is due to the realistic graphics , which is very interested . Also attracted a variety of OST .

    I thought the scene was made ​​just great even for that time . The makers of FFVII had a great sense captivating atmosphere , especially here in the intro : Without a single word they put Aerith fit the scene . We saw this over desolate city, full of mechanics and Co. and in between a small flower girl ... somehow lost , but still a glimmer of hope.

    Scene of the most popular for our hero Cloud . I'm really liked the scene as cloud jumped from the train. Funny is that the PS1 had jumped from the idea that such a great style, despite the fact that by the way was not. Only in improved advertising on the ps3 version is presented as I imagined ( probably everyone had the same) .

    At this point, it looked as if it was cloud just about the money ...

    The start of one of the most amazing RPG games ever made .

    First boss fight . First time we hear the song of the boss (which is wonderful ) . Also, with the way my imagination works , I always imagined big stunts and shots of heroism . For this and other reasons undefined I have always loved the beginning of Final Fantasy VII .

    Moments are excited : the members of AVALANCHE have a few minutes to exit the reactor before it explodes ! During the escape , Jessie stumbles a few times , but Cloud is always there to help her . No mystery that she then has a crush on him!

    The reactor explosion scene basically ends the introduction of Final Fantasy VII , then that image really causes a lot of impact when we are playing .

    What I liked most was the attitude towards Cloud Jessie , very sweet , it hurt me when he died later in the incident Shinra platform .

  4. #34
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Please be gentle, that's the first art I've drawn in about 50 years (okay maybe closer to 50 months).

    MORE MUSIC CHANGES! Although Barret and Tifa's themes can kind of be mixed up around the next few scenes. Tifa's my favourite character ever, but that Barret theme... hard to resist. Decisions, decisions!

    EDIT: shion, you are amazing. I have a few official translations from artists to share!

    Quote Originally Posted by Asaiba, for Cloud on the train
    The scene is most characteristic for Cloud. I really liked this scene and how Cloud jumped from the train. Funny thing is that in the PSX version, I had imagined that scene was such a amazing moment even if in real it was not so special. But then Square-Enix did a tech demo for the PS3 showing that scene in the way how I saw it in my mind (probably everyone had the same feeling).
    Quote Originally Posted by Ro-Arts, for Cloud looking up at the Shinra building
    The start of one of the most amazing RPG games ever made.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mahaha1985, for the scorpion battle
    First boss battle. First time we hear the boss theme (which is amazing). Furthermore, my imagination being what it is, I always pictured great stunts and heroics during this fight. For this and other undetermined reasons I always loved the beginning of Final Fantasy VII.
    Quote Originally Posted by eikomakimachi, for the explosion of the reactor
    The reactor's explosion pretty much closes the introduction part of Final Fantasy VII, so that image really causes a huge impact while we are playing.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #35


    Beautiful Aeris and Cloud scene! (Sorry, I still call her Aeris, I know...bad me...)

    I want one of those Shin-Ra head guns too. You know, now that I think about it, when I first played this as an early teen, I didn't realize they were actual people. I used to call them the dog people. Their faces reminded me of dogs, haha. But I love that picture, it's so dark.

    All of them are really great!

    And omg, Avalanche rampaging through the train, that's soo hilarious! I loved that scene in the game because Barret was just stomping through making all sorts of noise. Big bully. Also, I love that art style. It's very interesting! Okay. Now I just want to sit back and watch.

  6. #36


    YES! I was waiting for this day to come!
    (look, I've created an account here just for commenting on this thread XD )

    So many different styles of art, everything is so awesome *-* It feels great to be a part of this ^_^

    Today I will follow this thread as much as I can. Google Translate is ready to be used!

  7. #37


    Daniel, your Barrett is spot-on! Draw more for us!

    Enjoying this fan art showcase so much.

  8. #38
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Don't worry Puft, I still call her Aeris too. xD Although I call her Aerith when referring to the compilation. I'm always in the opinion of "What is said in the game/movie is what counts the most." Basically old habits die hard. xD
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #39
    LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
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    I always said Aerith instead of Aeris, because it looked very cool for me. XD
    Harmony and Distortion coexist together to support every creature and landscape in the world, including the forces of good and evil. That is how the world keeps on living with a strong balanced composition.
    ~Amanda's Juxtaposition Theroy

    Sudden Reaction when both Amanda and Dragonite
    see a romantic Final Fantasy love scene:
    Amanda: Aww, this is so romantic! They would make a great couple together!
    Dragonite: Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss... C'MON! KISS ALREADY!
    Amanda: Drag, you have no patience whatsoever.

  10. #40
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Auriane - CameDorea - France

    Première rencontre avec Tifa dans le jeu, jeune femme ravissante et bienveillante, pas du tout rebutée par l'apparente froideur de Cloud. La présence de la timide et étourdie petite Marlène accentue le caractère paisible de la situation. La possibilité d'offrir une fleur à l'une ou l'autre finit d'en faire une scène attendrissante.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #41
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    First meeting with Tifa in the game, charming and caring young woman , not at all put off by the apparent coldness Cloud. The presence of the shy little dizzy Marlene accentuates the peaceful character of the situation. The possibility of offering a flower to one or the other ends to make a touching scene .

    I speak french but I still used the translator because lazy

  12. #42


    Oooo I love the tension between Tifa and Cloud!

    (I ship it)

  13. #43
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Man I feel so envious of all the artistic talent here! This is simply an amazing and gorgeous project! Everyone is so talented. I'm so glad everyone pulled together for this event, and it's just starting! Happy 15th birthday Eyes on Final Fantasy!

  14. #44
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    You know what was a bad idea? Having a Mountain Dew energy drink as my first drink of the day. That was a bad idea. Water for the next while, I think. Well... water and a sausage bean and cheese melt from Greggs. Om nom nom.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #45
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Mona Shan - Mona737 - United Kingdom

    Marlene was extremely happy to see her dad back safe and sound. Barrett knew that Marlene would be fine under Tifa's care but he was still worried (being a father) and they finally reunite in Seventh Heaven.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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