Not what someone you love can buy you, but what would you want from the game companies themselves? A date for FFXV? A remake of FFVII? Another Chrono game? Secret of Mana II: Electric Boogaloo?
Not what someone you love can buy you, but what would you want from the game companies themselves? A date for FFXV? A remake of FFVII? Another Chrono game? Secret of Mana II: Electric Boogaloo?
I want FFX HD on either Steam or Xbox 360, please.
Remake Final Fantasy V!
A new, good, home-console Mana game.
everything is wrapped in gray
i'm focusing on your image
can you hear me in the void?
The Xenoblade Chronicles books to be released in English Or Xenogears even for that matter. Or even the FFVII ones. I want me some books that I can drool over for years to come whenever I need a good nostalgia trip. I have some strategy guides for this, but it's not always good enough. And as far as Xenoblade goes, there is NOTHING available
Edit: didn't read the whole title I guess, nor did I realize what forum this was in. But at least half of my answer is relevant
Last edited by Vyk; 12-14-2014 at 12:29 AM.
Rise of the Tomb Raider to come out a year early.
Wow, this game is glitchy. It's as if they released it one year ahead of schedule, or something.
HD remake of FFIX! and Vita release of FFXII IZJS.
I don't think I crave anything from Square-Enix anymore. They've gone very much the way of EA & SegaSammy and become the one of the three Supermarket conglomerates of Video Gaming. I'd rather hear Mistwalker announce a new jRPG that isn't some terrible mobile abomination like Terra Battle.
I would absolutely love a release of FFXII on the PS3 please and thank you! I've been a good boy this year...
"geroeen, pulsa nyet, tolska tanee pre chem"
"Beauty is a perception tainted by ego;
Love is an extension of great emotion;
Fear is the result of uncertainty;
Sadness is a collection of misery."
An Android/iOS port of Final Fantasy VII.
Really though, a 3D updated rerelease of V or VI for the 3DS would be neat.
Squenix announcing a collaboration with Monolith Soft to give Xenogears a next-gen remake because between Squenix and Nintendo's cash they could probably do it justice.
True beauty exists in things that last only for a moment.
Current Mood: And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe. Maybe this year will be better than the last. I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself. To hold on to these moments as they pass...