Has anyone checked this show out? It's by the guy who does the Angry Video Game Nerd videos, only he's being himself and playing with his friend Mike from Mike Glitches every Monday. They mostly play old Nintendo games, but every now and again they'll play something from Sega, Atari, PlayStation, and A couple of other old consoles that I never had. I think I like these videos a little better than his AVGN videos because James is just chilled, and somehow seems more into the games he's playing. They're like Let's Plays, if Let's Plays were edited and you saw the guys actually sitting on the couch.

I'll just go ahead and post their latest video as a reference.

I'm hoping one day they play Battletoads/Double Dragon. Because they already did videos with Double Dragon and Battletoads, and I'd love to see them play the crossover game. Seems like a no brainier.