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Thread: Controversial opinions about Final Fantasy

  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Snap Jumper View Post
    Then there is the need to rotate everyone into a battle to get everyone experience.
    While this could have been handled better it is certainly preferable than how, for example, in VI only your current party earns experience and if you want to level up other characters you must go inside the airship, talk to one of the characters, change your team and then start fighting with them while the previous characters you were using stop gaining experience.

    The final boss is really difficult, which, by itself, isn't a bad thing, but when it's coupled with having to go through getting those 10 crystals every time you want to try fighting it again, it gets really annoying.
    True, especially when after that you also have to see a rather long cutscene you can't skip before the actual fight starts. There also doesn't seems to be any rational justification as to why you must collect these crystals.

    Honestly, I've always felt that the part after you land on Sin would have been better without so much bloat, specially without that last battle with Seymour which I think was superflous at that point in the game. After you defeat Yunalesca and literally blow a hole in Sin and land on it, all that should have remained is Tidus meeting Jecht and the final battle and then of course the part with the Aeons and Yu-Yeon. Everything else they added before that, that whole last dungeon, was just bloat the game would have been better off without.

  2. #47
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Unpopular opinions at EoFF:

    FFVI and VII are the best two games.
    FFII and XIII are the worst two.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  3. #48
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Unpopular opinions at EoFF:

    FFVI and VII are the best two games.
    FFII and XIII are the worst two.
    EoFF is weird.

  4. #49


    I forgot one of mine!

    The golden era of FF was not the SNES era, nor the PS1 was the PS2 era.

    I'm discussing my 108, er, 111 favorite games of all time in THIS THREAD so go check it out and join the conversation!

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carl the Llama View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    I can't think of a way to build Aeris to be as good a physical fighter as more or less anyone else in the game. She has low HP, doesn't do full damage from back row, has low strength, has no directly offensive limit breaks. Anything you can put on Aeris to make her a better fighter, you could instead put on anyone else and get an even better result.

    I'm very interested in hearing how she can be made into a good fighter. If she's not going to use magic, you'd be better off with just about anyone else instead of her, which makes her a mage/support character, not a balanced all-purpose character.
    First off you steal the Striking staff from Eligor in the train graveyard, it has 0=0 0 0 materia slots and an attack of 32 (completely unrivaled until you steal the Hardedge in the Shinra Tower which has the same attack) This weapon can also be bought in Gongaga, but you can replace it in the Gold Saucer with the Umbrella, which has an attack of 58, then, if you fancy a challenge on the demons gate, you can equip her with the princess guard and kill off 1 or 2 other characters and her attack power doubles or triples. As for low HP? Make her status Sadness and she takes 30% less damage, or give her the long range materia, or live dangerously and put her in fury status and give her the cover materia and abuse her Fury Brand limit, any way you look at it, Aerith enables an extra limit from Cloud and your second which is more then enough warrant her use even if you don't like her.

    Any argument you can come up with as a reason to not use her can be countered by Fury Brand.

    I should also mention that I assume you are talking about boss fights, because standard fights are over to quickly for there to be any risk or reason to use strategy.
    And if you give someone else Sadness, they'll take 30% less damage as well. And if you give someone else long range, they'll have better survivability as well. Fury brand is probably the only viable way of using her for increased damage out, and that still puts her firmly in the "support" category.

    Why are you thinking I'm looking for reasons not to use her? I'm just saying she's not a good choice for a fighter, but best as a support/mage character
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  6. #51
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    And if you give someone else Sadness, they'll take 30% less damage as well. And if you give someone else long range, they'll have better survivability as well. Fury brand is probably the only viable way of using her for increased damage out, and that still puts her firmly in the "support" category.
    I was giving you examples to counter the things you saw as a weakness, her weaponry puts her ahead of a great number of people and her Princess Guard makes her very powerful, in a standard fight the fight is over before you even need to think, she gets the Striking Staff really early, its the first piece of equipment you can steal in the game. HP makes no difference, because fighting standard enemies is over before you even need to think about it.

    I'm not saying you should only use her this way, but it IS possible, combine that with her enabling an extra limit for your 2 other people and that makes her (in my opinion) one of, if not the most balanced characters in the series.

  7. #52


    Snow and Hope were the best characters in FFXIII.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by metagloria View Post
    The golden era of FF was not the SNES era, nor the PS1 was the PS2 era.
    Ok, this is getting close

  9. #54


    Controversal opinion:

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 paradoxes do not make sense. It is not logical that fixing something that has already happened, makes everything alright. That is how causality works. You would destroy your reason to change something and also not have changed anything but it did exist. Just like the other thing also existed before. Which is why paradoxes do not actually exist.

    Good thing that twitch users are so intelligent that they do not get that.

  10. #55


    This one may ruffle some chocobo feathers but...

    V is better than IV and VI, it is the best FF of the SNES era. To wit...

    - It has a warmer and more relatable cast.
    - It has a more consistent and better told story.
    - It has the best battle system.
    - It has the most interesting and fun to explore world.
    - It has the best villian.
    - It has the best secondary villian (Gilgamesh).
    - It has the best last dungeon.
    - It has the best deaths of main and secondary characters.

    Hmmm, yeah...wouldn't mind elaborating on the above points, of course.

  11. #56
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egami View Post
    It has the best villian.
    I'm genuinely interested in hearing how you think the villain is better than Golbez and Kefka.

  12. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
    I'm genuinely interested in hearing how you think the villain is better than Golbez and Kefka.
    I knew that one in particular would the most controversial , but sure thing...

    I'd say he isn't the villain but was just being mind controlled by Zemus all along. His actions also don't really have much of an impact either, besides bombing Damcyan (a place you hadn't visited yet full of people you hadn't met) and mind controlling Kain to lead him to backstab the party (all of which is just Zemus acting through him) he is just collecting crystals but the fact that he steals the crystals doesn't really seems to have much of an impact on the world as we see in V where the wind, fire and the like stop when ExDeath makes the crystals shatter. Because of this you don't really feel the sense of threat and urgency that you get with ExDeath as he is carrying out his plans. IV overall also has a problem with too many fake deaths, which ends up taking away from the impact of Golbez (Zemus) actions.

    You also never get a proper fight with him, the first time you meet him and you think a battle will ensue, you become an spectator as Tellah takes over (without you being able to control him like you do Galuf in his confrontation with ExDeath) and does his Meteo and dies. When you encounter him again, it is another scripted fight where Rydia joins and he "dies" after the first hit or so. The last time when you think a real fight will ensue, when you meet him within the Giant Of Babil, FuSoYa takes over and "wakes" him up and he is suddenly a good guy who was just being controlled by Zemus. It was very anticlimactic the way he was handled in the game.

    Why ExDeath is better: He is his own person, no ad hoc villain is introduced at the end which controls him that cheapens things up. He has a more interesting and unique concept and background (a tree full of evil spirits that gained consciousness). His goal/motive is more clear and better fleshed out, not to mention that he actually accomplishes it. You also get to fight him properly and get the satisfaction of defeating him. His actions had a much more powerful impact on the world and the party: swallows different parts of the world into the void including Castle Tycoon and Bartz home town, Galuf and the rest of the Warriors of Dawn die because of him as does Lena and Faris' father (King Tycoon); all of which makes things very personal for the party and so when you finally defeat him it is very rewarding.

    His motives are poorly fleshed out and rather ambiguous. In the WoB he never really feels like the villain but rather just a nutty guy who does a lot of bad stuff for no real reason. His betrayal of the Emperor right after demanding that Celes show her loyalty to the empire and after working in tandem in such an elaborate way with the Emperor came basically out of nowhere. As far his other actions goes, his poisoning of Doma really didn't made much of an impact to me as I hadn't met any of these people (Cyan included) before then and the same goes for him killing General Leo. While Leo was portrayed as a nice and noble man, the game didn't let me spend enough time with him to make me care (like V does with Galuf). So Kefka killing him didn't feel as meaningful.

    While half way through the game he "destroys" the world and ends up becoming a god of sorts and the source of magic (a transition which isn't elaborated upon); you don't see him at all after that and he doesn't really do anything in the WoR but rather becomes a boss waiting for you at the end of a dungeon for what amounts to more than half of the game. Also for someone who is so hell bent on destroying everything and who supposedly casts down the Light of Judgement on those who dare oppose him, he offers no opposition to the party in the WoR as you go on your journey to recruit your friends and get an airship. You then land in his tower without a single obstacle getting in your way (contrast with how things flow when you decide to go to the Floating Continent). So he is literally doing nothing during all this time and when you finally confront him he goes on about how he will destroy everything which makes you wonder, if he is so powerful, why hasn't he done so already and why practically all the towns and locations in the WoR are in such rather nice shape? Because of this, as is the case with Golbez, you don't really feel the sense of threat and urgency with Kefka that you get with ExDeath as he is carrying out his plans.

    Why ExDeath is better: Many of the things I said above on Golbez applies here as well. Unlike Kefka who is doing nothing during the WoR, while he is busy trying to accomplish his goal of controlling the void in the third world, ExDeath sends his minions to hinder the party from getting the sealed weapons and sucks into the void several locations along the way. When you confront him at the end and he demonstrates his power just like Kefka does, he vanishes actual places and people into the void increasing the tension as opposed to Kefka who just hits water and some land with his Light of Judgement. Not only that but he actually sucks the whole party itself into the void; who are only saved thanks to the Warriors of Dawn. ExDeath also feels far more imposing and in control of things during the whole game than Kefka and his interactions with the party are not only more numerous than Kefka's but also better done. And if we are going the humour route, ExDeath tops the clown with his fight against Guido (a turtle!) and his thrashing of Gilgamesh.
    Last edited by Egami; 02-01-2015 at 03:30 AM.

  13. #58
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
    I'm genuinely interested in hearing how you think the villain is better than Golbez and Kefka.
    I knew that one in particular would the most controversial , but sure thing...
    It was the most interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Egami View Post
    His goal/motive is more clear and better fleshed out, not to mention that he actually accomplishes it.
    Wait, what? How come Kefka is always the one cited as the villain who actually accomplished his goal?

    Golbez did get shafted in FFIV. Shame too since I thought he had some good buildup when first introduced.

  14. #59


    As much as I love the "serious" and more somber FF titles, the perkiness of X-2 was a welcome change. I also think it's funny that it goes against the usual sequel trope of making things more "epic" and "darker."

  15. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
    Wait, what? How come Kefka is always the one cited as the villain who actually accomplished his goal?
    Well, ExDeath also accomplished very much what he set out to do: he manages to get all the four seals that were holding him broken, he then says that he will bring the world to it's original state, that is with both worlds merged as one, which he does; and then he says he will obtain the power of the void, which he also does.

    Golbez did get shafted in FFIV. Shame too since I thought he had some good buildup when first introduced.
    Indeed, it was rather disappointing how the character was handled.

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