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Thread: Console vs PC gaming?

  1. #16


    Playing with a controller is best with a lot of games.

    This is why I play on PC! Which is perfectly compatible with many controllers. The only technical advantage consoles have ever had is their simplicity so you could just quickly pick up and play. But with the simplification of PC gaming (through Steam, GOG etc) and the complication of console gaming (Your console requires an update. Please log into PSN. Your game requires an update. Installing game. Please log into uPlay. uPlay requires an update), the only reason to use a console these days is because there's a game on it that isn't on PC/has a terrible port. Or price, I guess, a good rig is certainly more expensive than a console (although games are cheaper).

    So yeah, I like gaming wherever good games are don't get me wrong. But the same game on a choice of platform? PC about 95% of the time.

  2. #17
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I prefer consoles because I am used to it and they are more user-friendly. I also really enjoy the exclusives. In fact probably 100% of the Wii games I own are exclusive to that console. Nintendo and Sony just happen to be stellar publishers so it makes the most sense for me to play the games on their systems.

    I see the benefit of PC gaming and admit that it is probably the way to go to get the most out of the multi-platform games, but it just isn't for me. I have a fine experience with those games on PS3/PS4.

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  3. #18
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    There are, of course, also PC-exclusive games which are actually better than most console-exclusive games, but I understand that this is somewhat a matter of taste.

  4. #19


    I do like Steam though. Good for always being able to hold onto your games but I prefer hard copies. Yeah you should see the prices on gaming pc's. No gaming rig in my thought should cost more than $400, it's crazy and then you have to upgrade it whenever it can't play the newest games on pc. It's hectic with pcs but I still like em overall and would rather stick to pc gaming (if I could afford it).

  5. #20
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    What makes you pick that arbitrary price point? I could almost build a PS4-quality PC for $400 but I'd have to cut a couple corners. My gaming PC was $750 and has lasted 4 years so far. And, of course, it's my everything-else PC, too.

  6. #21
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    If most people knew how little I spent building and upgrading my PC over the last seven or so years they'd probably trout themselves and assume I stole things.

  7. #22


    My PC was £1500 in 2012. So that's probably around $2500 in your American fun bucks. It's still a good PC today, I can run pretty much everything at a steady 60 fps, but I am just starting to need to drop one or two settings down.

    Still, I don't regret a thing. I could have got something as good for less if I could have bothered building it myself rather than getting a specialist to do it.

  8. #23
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I think the whole "Pick up and play" advantage for consoles was eroded with the advent of mandatory installation for consoles.

    The only real advantages I can think of for consoles are parity for multiplayer in that everybody has the same system - you don't need to arse about with quality settings, we all get the same experience and for multiplayer nobody has an advantage due to having a better machine. Latency will always be a thing regardless though. I also think that the voice chat system on consoles is preferable to something like Teamspeak. I know someone will disagree with me on that, but from an all-in-one convenience perspective it can't be beaten.

    From a sentimental point of view though I have a special place in my heart for console gaming.

  9. #24
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I think the whole "Pick up and play" advantage for consoles was eroded with the advent of mandatory installation for consoles.
    This x 100. Maybe it's because I'm an old fart. See, back when consoles were stuff like, you know - the NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 etc., I truly honestly preferred consoles because they were so damn easy. You plugged the cartridge in, turned the thing on, and off you went! It was wonderfully easy!

    Then memory cards showed up, and then console dashboards showed up, then having to make accounts for things like Xbox Live or whatever showed up, then sitting around for 20 minutes waiting for the Xbox to update showed up, and "oh look this game you just bought won't play on your Xbox because you don't have a big enough hard drive, SURPRISE" and I don't know.

    I still play consoles, I have wonderful memories with them and I don't have a beef with them whatsoever but it's so much easier for me to just pull up Steam, hit install, plug in a controller and go.

    If consoles were still truly plug-and-play, my tune might be different. But as it is, I'm an old fart, and Steam is easier to understand.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Lazerface View Post
    TBH I never seen many FF games on PC except for those that were re-releases or MMOs or in the case of the upcoming FFXV. But I don't which is better. I can name the pros and cons of each. Gaming PC's are too damn expensive and hefty in the hardware requirement department and Consoles aren't that modifiable and contain lower graphic resolutions. But they are simple to use and PC games are pretty modifiable and have more powerful graphics. I got both but I'm slowing finding myself more at the mercy of Console since I got DMC HD collection and Zone of the Enders HD collection. Which do you guys prefer and why?
    Eh? Final Fantasy XV come to PC??

    For me, I prefer to have both console and PC, they have their own advantages. But I just have PC

    But still I love both, if you compare console and PC, you won't notice any different. I mean the only major different is, PC provide you with more graphic and mod, console got more exclusive and more dev support. I'll try to explain one by one, in my own opinion.
    Unlike console, PC don't have any solid manufacturer, while Playstation from Sony and Xbox from Microsoft. Nintendo from Nintendo.
    For PC, most known Graphic card creator are (as far as I know) AMD and Nvidia. while for processor Intel from Microsoft, see PC don't have any fixed creator.
    Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo got so many exclusive compare to PC. I'm gonna list some that I know of.
    Note : if any of you know anything else about the console exclusives, do edit this post
    Another note : I'll list some handhels game too, edit if you know some more
    Playstation :
    -Infamous series
    -The Last of Us
    -Uncharted series
    -Valkyria Chronicles series
    -Yakuza series
    -Beyond Two Souls
    -The Order : 1886
    -Crisis Core : Final Fantasy VII
    Note : I don't know if Persona, The Last Guardian, exclusive for Playstation or not, if so please edit
    Xbox :
    -Quantum Break
    -Sunset Overdrive
    -Halo series (except for Spartan Assault)
    -Gears of War 2, 3 and Judgment
    -Forza series
    Note : again if you guys knows anything about the Xbox exclusive games, do edit
    Nintento :
    -Mario series (most of)
    -Sonic series (most of)
    -Legend of Zelda
    -Bravely default and Second
    -Metroid series
    Note: edit if you know more Nintendo exclusive game
    While PC, I don't think there's many of them, as far as I know though

    Yes, if you're talking about Graphic, PC could be called better. But for exclusive, No.
    IF I could I would love to own console too, but I can't.
    So my point is, I love all platform (even I don't own console )

    But this is my opinion
    Last edited by DanielCLFFF13; 01-23-2015 at 11:53 PM.

  11. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Spuuky View Post
    What makes you pick that arbitrary price point? I could almost build a PS4-quality PC for $400 but I'd have to cut a couple corners. My gaming PC was $750 and has lasted 4 years so far. And, of course, it's my everything-else PC, too.
    I've always taken statements like this to be nothing more than "PC Master Race" tripe people spew to make console fans feel bad. Your opinion, however, I trust. But I do have to call it into question, because I've looked into building my own PC a couple of times just to save a few bucks and/or end up with something powerful cheaper. And it never works out quite as advertised. I've looked into a few different websites, and in order to get anything "better than console" I end up coming out with figures closer to $700. Cases are expensive, processors are expensive, GPUs are expensive, The cheapest side of things is like power supplies and stuff and DVD-Roms. But in order to be "better" than consoles you need a blu-ray rom now, and probably a solid state drive. Which is also expensive. And if you want anything more on the beastly end, there doesn't seem to be any way to stay under $1,000. Not to mention adding any version of Windows usually jacks up the price a good $70 - 100 out of the gate :/

    Teach me. Please. I'm looking to upgrade or expand, but from my perspective it's just cheaper to buy a pre-built mid-level gaming rig. And that alone tends to run around $5 - 600

  12. #27
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    A GTX 750 Ti will get you in the door for about $150 or less. It's been said to be a step above the Xbox One and even outperforms the PS4 in some cases. That probably won't hold in the future as devs continue to optimize both consoles. But it's an efficient card too meaning you won't need a crazy power supply or extra cooling.

    But Spuuky's right in that you will have to cut corners, namely a cheap motherboard, case, CPU, its stock cooler, and not a lot of ram. A monitor probably brings you over the console price if you're not recycling.

    You can actually get a legit key for any Windows version you want for as low as $15 from the Microsoft Software Swap on Reddit. They got Office and all kinds of stuff, too, it's awesome

  13. #28
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    There is no versus for me. I play games on any system.
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  14. #29
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Does the monitor count? No one adds the price of the TV to their console, right?

    Stuff like cases... well, I can easily get cases for free, cases are all the same to me and people just throw them away with the rest of their old PC, it's not like they go bad. My mouse is a free mouse and my keyboard was $5.

    You're going to end up with some specs that aren't great - 4GB of RAM isn't what people think of a "gaming PC" as for instance, but there aren't many games you can't run with that - stuff like the Witcher 3 being the exception. The video card is the bulk of the cost really; A SSD is like $50 now, RAM you can get for $20-30 potentially, etc. I don't even have a functional DVD drive, that's definitely a corner I'd cut personally for instance, since I download everything.

    It just depends on the sacrifices you're willing to make and the benchmarks you need to hit, but, I'd be more inclined to spend $700 to make it last longer, yes. I'm not saying I'd recommend a $400 PC, just that you CAN do it.

  15. #30
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    It counts if they don't want their PC to take up space in their living room.
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