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Thread: Here EoFF I found a BuzzFeed article for all of you to get really upset about

  1. #31
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Yeah I don't really find the characters useless. I could go in to detail but its early and I just

  2. #32
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I don't regard any character in VII as even close to useless, except maybe Vincent? Yuffie fills his niche better, but his limits are boss so who cares?

  3. #33
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I suppose useless is the wrong word. I suppose 'nothing better than what I already had' is better for Yuffie. I pretty much never used Yuffie or Vincent, though, so maybe I'm missing something. Same with Cait Sith.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #34
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I am VERY upset, Kimahri should be #1!
    Number one useless character? What the hell is wrong with you?!

    His voice is probably the the coolest thing in the whole of FFX. Plus he's kicking arse for me at the minute.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    1. Edward Chris von Muir from Final Fantasy IV
    2. Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy IV
    3. Umaro from Final Fantasy VI
    4. Gau from Final Fantasy VI
    5. Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI
    6. Gogo from Final Fantasy VI
    7. Everyone from Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
    8. Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
    9. Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
    10. Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII
    11. Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX
    12. Kimahri Ronso from Final Fantasy X
    1. Edward wasn't around too long. He was good for confusing some enemies early on and, with a decent stock of potions, quite helpful in Fabul.
    2. Cid? I don't have an argument for his usefulness...
    3. Umaro is a huge damage dealer. With the right relics, the damage can go even higher.
    4. I didn't use Gau much. There are too many rages to collect, but I could see people finding a good way to use him.
    5. Relm? Strongest magic in the game. FFVI is probably the easiest game to create an unstoppable all female team.
    6. Gogo can cast duplicate spells for no MP and use anyone's else's abilities, so if you want, for example, a second person to use the drill, go to Gogo.
    7. Skipping...haven't played.
    8. Yuffie? Really? Hyper Status + Clear Tranquil + 2x Cut Materia + Conformer + Counter Materia + Back row = Nearly Unbeatable One Woman Destruction Team.
    9. Cait Sith, ok, you got me there. I can't defend him.
    10. Selphie's ultimate weapon has a 255% hit rate. She also can fully heal the team with her limit break. Junction her well and she won't need any help.
    11. Garnet is a healer, and your only one for many points in the game. She's useless on offense, but quite useful on defense.
    12. Kimahri is what you make him to be. He's the most flexible character in the game.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by metagloria View Post
    What's wrong with Selphie?! The only difference between characters in VIII is their limit breaks, and Rinoa and Zell are both way worse.
    Slot is definitely useful imo, especially near the beginning of the game when you don't have access to a lot of magic, but Angel Wing and Duel are even better in the long run. Duel is game breaking because if you just repeat the two simplest button commands over and over, Punch Rush and Booya, then you can get in a good 3-8 hits per second on the clock, and you can have up to 12 seconds of time. You can potentially beat Omega Weapon in one turn with Zell's limit if you're absolutely flawless. Duel can do more damage in one turn than any other ability can in the game!

    Angel Wing isn't quite as broken but it's pretty amazing if you set it up right:

    1. Eliminate the element of randomness, make sure everything in Rinoa's magic stockpile packs a punch. She won't cast something she doesn't have.
    2. Prioritize her Magic stat when you junction. Angel Wing doesn't deplete stock so you don't have to worry about her stats going down as she casts.
    3. Have a party member with Meltdown, not many know this but pretty much nothing is immune to Vit 0, and it brings both Vitality and Spirit down to zero.

    And then you just cast Haste and let her go! She's immune to a few status effects in this state including Silence and her magic power is boosted x5, so Meteor is super ouch and Demi will kill!

  7. #37

  8. #38
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The 12 Most Useless “Final Fantasy” Characters Ever
    1. Edward Chris von Muir from Final Fantasy IV
    2. Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy IV
    3. Umaro from Final Fantasy VI
    4. Gau from Final Fantasy VI
    5. Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI
    6. Gogo from Final Fantasy VI
    7. Everyone from Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
    8. Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
    9. Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
    10. Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII
    11. Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX
    12. Kimahri Ronso from Final Fantasy X
    More serious post. For the most part none of these characters are exactly useless, many of them are really more expert level characters or at worse, the character is pretty badass, just stuck in a game with more easily exploitable characters.

    Edward/Gilbert - His various harps will inflict devastating effects on enemies at no cost to you and is largely playable in the section of the game where you're escorting a small child who seriously needs levels and a senile sage. His Salve move actually makes him a better healer than either Rydia or Tellah. He's a bit useless by Fabul but considering it's his last playable part I don't consider this a biggie.

    Cid - Is damn useful in the Dark Elf Cave since he's the other character not terribly inconvenienced by the magnetic restriction. Scan/Peep is an utterly useless ability as it has been in almost every game it's appeared in as an ability but he makes up for it by being a beefy tank with decent power. He's outclassed by Cecil but considering your party during this time he's hardly the third wheel.

    Umaro - Is probably one of the best Berserkers in the series barring some of the builds you can do in FFV. The fact he can acquire total immunity to fire and ice (you know, like two of the most common elemental types in the game) and gains a group hitting attack and an ability that is pretty much guaranteed to do max damage, he's actually a wrecking ball. He lacks versatility but in a game that let's you use three full parties, I feel there is room for him. He's hated more for being an unpopular job class which I feel is kind of ironic in the hindsight of current FFs.

    Gau - An expert character hated more for requiring some level of planning and knowledge of the various Rages to make useful as opposed to him being terrible. Considering he and Gogo are the only characters to get nerfed in all the versions of the game to come out since the original, I feel that is saying something.

    Gogo - See nerf comment above. Mainly Gogo's issue is that he is at best a second rate version of every other character except the pure mage characters whom he can never properly copy. Considering how broken half the cast is, I would say that's not a bad place to be and as others have pointed out, his Mime ability has certain advantages that does make Adlai Stevenson pretty awesome in his own right.

    Mystic Quest - Obviously the writer never bothered to play this game or simply misunderstood the game's concept of "Final Fantasy: Baby Gaijin's First Epic Role Play Adventure Awesome VII". In truth most of the characters are pretty unique from each other and have items and spells that make your partner characters pretty useful for their sections of the game they team up with Benjamen. So yeah, no points for trying to attack low hanging fruit.

    Yuffie - Despite hating her with a fiery passion, I can't say she's useless. The Conformer/Morph Materia trick is a nice glitch and frankly she has a pretty solid Limit Break selection even if it's not as overpowered as some characters. Honestly Red XIII probably has the weakest Limit Break set out of the party. Her stats are technically the lowest of the cast but that isn't really saying anything since most of the casts stats are pretty close to each other to make Materia more important than who is using it.

    Cait Sith - Same deals as above, stats are not a problem, hell his Slots are pretty damn broken considering they can OHKO the WEAPONs. I think he's hated more for being a goofy character than because he's actually useless.

    Selphie - See Cait Sith except switch Slots with The End and she's not hated for her personality. Of anything her big issue is that most of the cast have more easily exploitable Limits with more satisfying visuals.

    Garnet - Probably the only one I would agree with on this list and it's mainly that she has a similar issue to Selphie with her being stuck surrounded by more nasty party members. She also has the problem with the plot hating her and constantly interfering with her ability to perform her role properly until end game. She's still super useful in the first half of the game when you don't have another healer but quickly loses that role when Eiko pops up. She's utterly useless in Disc 3.

    Kimarhi - Same issue as Gogo with him ultimately being a second tier version of other party members. The issue is that unlike VI where the abilities are fun to use and the party set-up still can make him useful, Kimarhi is trapped in a game where you have access to your full party the whole time. It's not helped that Blue Magic is kind of sub par in this entry. I would agree he belongs here.

  9. #39
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    Didn't know this was already a thing in 2015. Lol.

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