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Thread: Final Fantasy Horror Stories

  1. #1

    Default Final Fantasy Horror Stories

    No, not like 'Zidane is actually a weremonkey' sort of horror story.

    What soul crushingly infuriating things have happened to you in a Final Fantasy game? Stuff where you've put huge amounts of effort in just to be completely screwed over at the end of it. Stuff that made you put down Final Fantasy X for two years for example (yes I was bitter).

    I have four. Two of them are from FFVII, two are from FFX. I'll start with one of the FFVII's.


    There is not all that much too this one really. I was playing Final Fantasy VII on the PS1. It was probably my second or third time through. This time, I had decided, I was going to do an ultra-completionist run. I would grind for ages in ever area. I would get all the materias. I would kill all the Weapons. I would get Aerith's Level 4 limit (although this was back in the Before Times where I hadn't come to accept that as her true name, so she was Aeris in my game). I had not long said my tearful farewells to Dyne and visited the Gongaga reactor. I saved part way to the river that crosses over onto the Cosmo Canyon area (you know, the one with the forest that likes to a) petrify you and b) turn you into a frog. It's also one of the later places you can get Yuffie) because I had to go to school or some such. I'd probably clocked about 25 hours.

    And then, when I returned that evening...

    The Save Data is Corrupted

    Losing data like that is, I'm sure, a rite of passage many of us have gone through. But rarely I think has it hit so hard as it did to me.

  2. #2


    I had one with VI when I was doing my very first play through back when I was at school. As you know the SNES game allowed you to save into 3 slot and I had one save with about 20 or so hours down in the WoR (I think I was at the part where you get Setzer and head to Daryl's Tomb). A day at school one of my friends was coming over to my house after school to do a homework assignment and after lunch he wanted to play and try VI for a bit (he loved RPGs) so I let him start a new file, he starts playing while I watch him and he is saving to his own file no problem then a few hours in (we were totally doing homework...really), he pressed up while saving and overwrote my save file by mistake.

    I think my lifespan got shortened a few years that day...

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