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Thread: Mister EoFF EXTREME! (The Finals!)

  1. #61
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    You lost the uhh... pictures I sent to you? Thank god! *PMs Mandee a NORMAL piccie of himself*
    Seriously the best band in the world.
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  2. #62
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Default ~ Round 1 ~

    Round 1! - Closed!

    Official Voting Rules: (Rules are also listed in the first post.)
    1) Just PM me your vote, with a subject somehow relating to the topic. You can write just the name, or a comment, or a whole friggin essay if you want. Just pick who you want to vote for.
    2) Contesants may vote, and they can vote for themselves for all I care.
    3) Once you submit your vote to me, you may not change it.
    4) Ties will be broken by me finding 3 random people who haven't voted and asking them to vote.

    Before I lay out Round 1, I want to explain how I chose which questions to display, and whose answers went for what question: (You don't have to read this (which is why it's in smallfont, I want it out of the way), I just thought some people might be interested, and I don't want to be accused of not trying to be fair.)
    • I first went through each entry, generally with the help of either BJ, his brother Barry, or our friend Dick, and rated each answer based on a 6-point system. I did that before I sent each contestant a confirmation PM.
    • Before I'd finished going through all of the entries, I asked a very helpful person (who I don't want to reveal right now so none of you filthy cheaters PM her in case I want to use her again) to choose 4 numbers between 1-20. She chose 3, 7, 13, 19, so those are the questions I used for Round 1.
    • I went through each person's entry and put their answers under the question that they got ranked best for. If someone ranked well in more than one question, I put them under each of those questions. Then when that catagory filled up, their answer was replaced. Ex: Say Cy had a good answer for questions 13 and 19. Now say that both of those catagories were full by the time I got to Britt's, and Britt had poor answers for most of the questions, and his best answer was for question 13. I take Cy's answer off of question 13's list and add Britt's. Now Cy is under 19 and Britt is under 13. This is why maybe those of you who did really well overall didn't get your best answer of the following questions posted.

    Also note that question 13 has 8 answers to choose from, as opposed to the standard 7. I had 1 late entry, but I want to give as many people as want to a chance to participate, so I threw him in.

    Now for the real competition!
    Choose 3 answers for each question. The top 3 from each catagory will move on. That means most of the contestants will be eliminated! AHH!

    Question 3! If you could do one thing to change the world for the better, what would that be?

    Contestant 1 - I would build a giant marmelade factory to distribute free marmelade to anyone who wants it

    Contestant 2 - World peace. *Awwww..

    Contestant 3 - Remove the idea of "war" from everyone's mind.

    Contestant 4 - Remove Wales from history, I mean nobody would notice a bunch of sheepshaggers disappearing would they?

    Contestant 5 - Remove bush

    Contestant 6 - Get rid of all the hate.

    Contestant 7 - Give chocolate to all the chocolate-less kids around the globe

    Question 7! Do you take your lunch to school or ride the bus?

    Contestant 8 - I beat up people on the bus for lunch money.

    Contestant 9 - *is st00pid*... I don't go to school anymore... are these metaphors about homosexuality? *is still st00pid*

    Contestant 10 - I bring my lunch in my old GI Joe luchbox.

    Contestant 11 - Do you listen with your ears of hear with your mind?

    Contestant 12 - No and no.

    Contestant 13 - I love the bus. You know how some people hate the bus because "the freak always sits next to me"? I never have that problem. I am the freak!

    Contestant 14 - Actually, you've got it all wrong. I ride my lunch to school. *nods*

    Question 13! How do they get deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

    Contestant 15 - The government has agents that dress up as deer. They then encourage the deer to cross at the deer crossing sign.

    Contestant 16 - They don't, the Dolphins did it.

    Contestant 17 - The deer on the road sign is naked, therefore it lures them out. Sex of the deer varies from sign to sign.

    Contestant 18 - Spiritually.

    Contestant 19 - The deer are never crossing. You drive up to one and tell me if it's crossing, or just standing there, watching your headlights. They should have a "Deer standing" sign.

    Contestant 20 - Doritos!

    Contestant 21 - Deer read the sign and they see themselves on the sign, look both ways, the cross the road safely and cautiously.

    Contestant 22 - They don't. Deers do what they please. >_<

    Question 19! Who is your favorite Simpsons character and why?

    Contestant 23 - My favorite is Mr. Burns, because he has all sorts of money. I wanna be just like him when I grow up; megalomanic complex and all.

    Contestant 24 - Groudskeeper Willy! His accent is most hillarious. And just the things he says are great: "There's no animal alive that is faster than a greased Scottsman!"

    Contestant 25 - I prefer Futurama, and Bender. See ya, peasants! Mwahahaha!

    Contestant 26 - Hans Molemon. Not only is he the genius behind the "football in the groign" movie, he is also run over by homer 3 times, and been ridiculed on lots of occasions.. HES GREAT! "it's like kissing a peanut!" - Homer.

    Contestant 27 - The robotic bear from the Bobo episode. "Want to LIVE!!!"

    Contestant 28 - Professor John Frink. "Although we can't reach the boy, we can freeze him with liquid nitrogen so that futre generations can rescue him." Such a thoughtful guy. Much like myself. *winks at contest judges*

    Contestant 29 - Homer J. Simpson. His sheer idiocy amuses me. I'm going to grow up to be just like him -- wait, I think I already am like him. *is a lazy, ignorant slob*

    Reminder: There will not be nearly this many to vote for next time. I know, it's a lot of reading. Take your time.
    Last edited by Shlup; 03-27-2002 at 06:23 AM.

  3. #63
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    And then there is Death

  4. #64


    Wow, I may actually stand a chance... *votes*

  5. #65


    Originally posted by Leeza
    Voting for the best answer means that the guys can't expect to just breeze by on their good looks.
    I thought "Miss Eoff" and "Mister Eoff" were supposed to be like beauty contests - the contestant's good looks mean everything!

  6. #66


    *Rawks the vote*
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  7. #67
    誰かの願いが叶うころ musashius's Avatar
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    A vote is me.
    don't u θink? i 罠 β wiθ u

  8. #68


    *votes for wittiest, cutest and funniest replies*


  9. #69
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Minerva
    I thought "Miss Eoff" and "Mister Eoff" were supposed to be like beauty contests - the contestant's good looks mean everything!
    But not really.

  10. #70
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    That was really tough! All of the answers were good in my opinion.
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  11. #71
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Thanks for still letting me in Mandee. My answers sucks though as I made them in really hurry and distracted.

    *will rock the vote later*
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  12. #72
    I've Seen Things Rydia of Mist's Avatar
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    Go Mystery Contestant! A sexier question mark I have never seen... Mwah! *blows a kiss*

  13. #73
    Mask-stealing Moogle MoogleRush's Avatar
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    I can't believe that Bloodstone joined.. hehehehehee...

    * votes *

  14. #74
    Magic Toaster Ariel's Avatar
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    I like this style of contest. Very unique. *votes*

  15. #75
    Eoff Designer Recognized Member Rinoabella's Avatar
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    Good luck everyone!!! *votes*

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