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Thread: Record Keeper Megathread

  1. #46


    Elite dungeons just got nerfed. People are saying bosses have half HP and everything hits for way less damage, which makes sense considering some of the elite bosses were INSANE before. Sure, some people had cleared them all, but in general the difficulty spike was too high. This should make grinding for 3* abilities much more feasible.

    I'm discussing my 108, er, 111 favorite games of all time in THIS THREAD so go check it out and join the conversation!

  2. #47


    Well I finally decided to ignore dark knight till I clear some elite dungeons, I did the first level of x with wakka boosting tidus while sephy used blade bash and rydia went between her -ra spells and blitz whip. It was pretty easy in the end.

  3. #48


    Making new post due to the time frame between previous and current post.

    I finally got the 50 mythril needed to do the lucky draw as they bumped the odds. I was kinda sad I didn't get the blood lane, but I did get the buster sword, and official ball so I can't be to mad.

  4. #49
    Cloudane's Avatar
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    Fiendishly addictive. (Pun not intended, but enjoyed)

    It's one of those games a bit like Farmville and Candy Crush where... I don't know the ins and outs of it, but I'm pretty sure it's designed with the assistance of psychologists for maximum addiction. It pushes all the right "buttons" in your brain that give you satisfaction from filling up bars, getting maximum stars etc and gently nudges the goalpost as you go along. A few hallmarks of these types of games are highly ornate interfaces, large colourful fonts, a character that "talks" to you, and an air of congratulation just for opening it. It all contributes to the effect.

    The general idea of course is that because it's stamina based and mythril is rare you'll keep feeding it potentially substantial amounts of money to play.
    It also has the gambling addiction side of things down with the very expensive relic draws.

    At least it doesn't force you to pay a single dime, you just have to be careful as it's basically subsidized by addicts so you should try to make sure you are not the addict.

    I'm somewhere in the middle - I have the willpower and enjoy the game, so I occasionally toss them £0.79 for a continue, to help support it.
    It does get a bit "grindy" though like with this sector 7 event over and over and over farming magicite.
    And I'm only a short way through the main game as I've not played V yet and don't want to spoil it (playing the first V room is a requirement to unlock anything else)

  5. #50


    I may have got my main party set for now. Rinoa has the valkyrie, cloud with the buster sword, wakka with the official ball, kain sporting the platinum dagger(may change to mesmerize blade),and tyro with the silver harp.

    Now to get lucky armor drops:/

  6. #51
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I'm rocking Tyro's soul break book weapon and it's fiendishly enjoyable.

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Masamunemaster View Post
    I may have got my main party set for now. Rinoa has the valkyrie, cloud with the buster sword, wakka with the official ball, kain sporting the platinum dagger(may change to mesmerize blade),and tyro with the silver harp.

    Now to get lucky armor drops:/
    Wow, that's a massive setup. I still don't have any relic weapons, but I do now have 65 mythril (and counting!) that I'm stockpiling for a banner I actually care about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I'm rocking Tyro's soul break book weapon and it's fiendishly enjoyable.
    Sentinel or Healing?

    I'm discussing my 108, er, 111 favorite games of all time in THIS THREAD so go check it out and join the conversation!

  8. #53
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Sentinel baby.

  9. #54


    Very nice!

  10. #55
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    First relic draw I got today was Locke's Rising Sun weapon. smurf yes.

  11. #56
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    There's been a HUGE update. Quests, level breaking cap, rebalancing, the works. You can also add friends and summon them to help in the battle.

    I have a level 50 Tyro with Sentinel's Grimoire (basically sort of like Big Guard) so feel free to add me. My friend code is: ejfE

  12. #57


    I have a Wakka with status reels, unless I decide to change for Cloud + braver.

    My code is: Q5Cy

  13. #58


    I have nothing worth writing home about, so I set up Paladin Cecil with Rampart. (Friend code: eJBd) But I have soooo much mythril waiting for Tidus's event banner!

    Also. OMG THIS UPDATE. So much amazing stuff! Anybody who hasn't played this yet, this is the PERFECT time to start because they implemented a "quest" system where you get rewarded for doing stuff you're going to have to do anyway (and that we first-day players did a loooong time ago and are now having to do again). Just...MAKE SURE YOU ACCEPT A QUEST before completing the objective!

    I'm discussing my 108, er, 111 favorite games of all time in THIS THREAD so go check it out and join the conversation!

  14. #59
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Although I downloaded this awhile ago, I only recently started playing. Pretty fun, even if the game is a bit taxing on my poor phone but they've done a great job with the game and I'm happy they took a page out of some of the better mobile games on the markey (Terra Battle comes to mind) and not turn this game into money milk fest.

    I've done what I can in VII and did a number of quests in FFIV but took some time off to hit up FFX. I just got Cecil's Dark Knight Helmet which Tyro is rocking at the moment with a Falchion and I hope to get Kain and Cloud fixed up with some serious gear from their own games. So far it's been really fun.

  15. #60
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Y'all kids still playing? Been a while for me. Enjoying the soul break celebration and those lovely lovely lithographs. I have NOT been lucky at all in getting any soul break equipment which is irritating me. I tell a lie, I got a 5* FFX bracer with a shell-all soul break but given that I have both Sazh and Tyro's SB equipment it's not a huge boon, pardon my pun. I've picked up a fair bit of 5* armour too actually, and a couple of 5* swords.

    I just wish I had more than 5 SB weapons (and two of those are for Tyro, HG and SG, and two are for characters without memory crystals) On the plus side I do have memory crystals unlocked and activated for all characters with them now. I only need two more RMs to pop up too (Luneth 2 and Fran 2) and then I've got the lot.

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