Last generation, many of us lamented how the quality titles in our beloved JRPG genre had mostly migrated onto handhelds. There have even been some early signs recently that these games would further retreat onto mobile. I can think of at least a few members here on EoFF who might insist the genre never went anywhere, that there were plenty of quality JRPGs last generation. However, 2015 marks the first time in years where so many iconic franchises will all release a new entry or spinoff on current generation home consoles.

Here are the 2015 titles bringing the JRPG genre back to the forefront of gaming:

From Software
PlayStation 4
Released: March 24

The Miyazaki-directed spiritual successor to the Souls franchise has already led the charge, to resounding success. It is the highest rated PS4 game and sold a million units within just 10 days, outpacing the previous, multiplatform entries in the Dark Souls series. Although some of the mechanics push it more towards the action genre, it also incorporated new RPG elements, such as the procedurally-generated Chalice Dungeons.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Square Enix
PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Released: March 17

After years of begging, Square finally released this game for the West, remastered for the current generation hardware. Many have hailed it as the most significant Final Fantasy project in years and it even included the demo for Final Fantasy XV. Many expect Type-0 to kick off a new sub-series within Final Fantasy.

Disgaea 5
Nippon Ichi Software
PlayStation 4
Released: March 26 (JP), Q3 (NA & PAL)

While not as high profile as some of these other series, Disgaea has nonetheless earned its place in the pantheon of SRPGs. Originally, the game was intended for release on PlayStation 3 as well but NIS opted for current-gen exclusivity, as its 100-character battles required more robust hardware. It earned a 33/40 from Famitsu and is scheduled to hit Western shores in the coming months.

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Monolith Soft
Wii U
Release Date: April 29 (JP), later 2015 (NA & PAL)

As the sequel to the most revered game from 2011's Operation Rainfall campaign, Xenoblade Chronicles X is easily one of the most anticipated games on this list. Monolith's acclaimed cabal of Square alumni seek to create an even more ambitious open world for players to explore. Given the cult classic status of the first game and the pedigree of its developers, this game has a serious chance to make critical waves when it releases later this year in the West.

Ys 8
Nihon Falcom
PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita
Release Date: TBA 2015 (JP)

Very little has been revealed about this title since its announcement at TGS 2014. It will be a cross-platform game, spanning both PlayStation 4 and Vita, where it follows up on Ys: Memories of Celceta. The announcement trailer showcases some of the visuals and suggests that this will be Ys 8 and not a spinoff or remake. Scheduled for 2015, it is unknown whether a western localization will make it before the year's out.

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem
Atlus, Intelligent Systems
Wii U
Release Date: Q3/Q4 2015 (JP, possibly NA), 2016 (PAL)

This dream crossover is a joint effort between both series' development teams within Atlus and Nintendo. Fears of a possible cancellation were put to rest when the game was confirmed for a 2015 release at a Nintendo Direct earlier this month. Atlus has confirmed that the game will indeed be an RPG.

Dragon Quest Heroes
Omega Force
PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
Released: February 26 (JP), Q4 (NA & PAL)

Heroes heralds the return of Dragon Quest to the West after many years of missed opportunities. Developed by Dynasty Warriors' Omega Force, it falls more along the lines of an action RPG, with the goal of staying true to the feel of Dragon Quest. The game is already a commercial and critical success, catalyzing interest for the PS4 after a year of relative apathy in Japan. Square confirmed a sequel earlier this month, for PS3, Vita, and PS4.

Persona 5
PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
Release Date: TBA 2015

Persona 5, perhaps more than any other game on this last, has a real opportunity to reestablish the JRPG genre outside of Japan. The last two entries were both highly acclaimed in the West but could never catch on due to their release on the PlayStation 2, long after the platform had lost relevance in the gaming media. The series makes it PlayStation 4 debut while the platform currently tracks as one of the fastest-selling consoles of all time, having already proved with Bloodborne that it can turn niche Japanese games into blockbusters. Persona's turn-based mechanics and anime sensibilities may prove a hindrance its mainstream potential but it nevertheless stands as one of the most important releases for the genre in years.

What do you think about the latest batch of JRPGs making their way to the big screen? Does this signal a return to prominence for the genre, or was it just as good as ever on handhelds? Share which you are looking forward to and any you might be picking up.