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Thread: What's great/bad about EoFF?

  1. #1
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Default What's great/bad about EoFF?

    I want to make a thread about EoFF. I've not been around the forums a whole lot lately because my attention has been spent elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, EoFF is a great place and I have some friends that I want to stay in contact with, but as of recently, I've been having a love-hate relationship with EoFF. For one, I love EoFF's community. It's amazing, I love how it's very close-knit, but lately I've been feeling that I don't fit in as much as I used to. One of the reason is that I really don't like the lack of a real art scene here. There's hardly anyone providing art, there's probably a few of us who do still post art from time to time. I had to stop because I'm not getting anything from the members, about what they like, or not like. I don't see much of a real appreciation to the art here than I do elsewhere. There's more of a writing scene here, since we have a great collection of writers, and the writing prompt thread is still pretty active, compared to the dead art prompt I've tried. Anyway, yeah! EoFF: Great community/ Terrible art scene

    So, to the other members. What do you think is great and bad about EoFF? And do limit your post to one thing for what's good and what's bad, unless you plan to pull a Steve.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  2. #2
    *permanently smitten*
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    Well, it doesn't surprise me that there are more writers than artists here, because the primary method of participating in a message board involves expressing oneself through words, not pictures. As has been pointed out to you before, you should also bear in mind that this is a gaming board, not an art one, and while we do have quite a few talented artists here, art will always be a sidenote, I think.

    There are many great things about eoff, and right now the only thing I think is "bad" is that there is no communal feedback forum. I remember when Del took over the board and changed the forum description to "CLOSED FOREVER", I laughed for like five minutes straight because it was so ridiculous that we wouldn't be allowed to talk about site improvements...joke's on me, I guess.

  3. #3
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    I miss communal feedback, yes. There are many bad things about EoFF, but there is more good - and the bad is easy to ignore. It's easy to get frustrated with EoFF having been a staff member and been on both sides, this side is better, honestly.

  4. #4
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Good: Lots of people who like to talk about video games!

    "Bad": Most of the people here have different taste in games than I do! I've been spending more time on other sites (Twitter/Tumblr/SA) to talk about many of the games I'm really passionate about, because so few people here play them.

  5. #5


    Everybody here has been very kind and welcoming, and none of you guys have judged me from my depression, bad spelling/ grammar and me trying to get myself back after being down for so long and being told for so long that I was nothing but worthless. I have been on a few online Forums in the past, and everybody was quite judgmental and holier than thou, though people here are pretty nice and understanding. The mods/ admins here are nice and helpful, and don't act like they're above everybody else or that they can get away with things, just because they're mods, as I've witnessed on other forums.

  6. #6
    The Pondering Panda Leigh's Avatar
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    There probably isn't a real visual arts culture on here, since people are probably too busy playing video games, instead of harnessing and practicing any real tangible and useful talent. ;-) Forums also aren't what they used to be. The 'legacy' members on this site found it in their teens, and have been here a long time. Most are mid twenties-pushing-on-thirties. They probably have less time to really contribute anything, especially in today's society mission statement: kill other people to acquire a full time job slavery.

    I think the community is a nice and friendly one. Sadly, I'm not that interested in people, so I tend to drift, come and go as I please, instead of trying to really get to know people and form bonds. :P

    The bad? I dunno. The community Lets Plays tend to be cringefests. No offense!

  7. #7
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    The older I get the less I have to give to this place. And that's what's bad. I'm like many others, we're getting to points as adults where we are just far too busy. I don't draw or write as much cause i'm busy. I have half started projects all over the place between trying to balance this place and my real life. I just want to win the lottery and run away from it all so I can just sit around playing vidya and doing what I want.

    The good part is the people around here. Everyone is pretty open and welcoming to each other. It's a very nice community. Better than most places. I do appreciate our moderation compared to other sites. I am not a fan of negativity for the sake of negativity and it seems like most social media is all about that. I like that if you're a jerk here you're going to get in trouble for it. It makes browsing and interacting with people way more tolerable then say on fb or reddit.

  8. #8
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Psychotic's posting is great.

    Iceglow's posting is not.

  9. #9
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    The Good: giggling with my EoFF Skype friends about how lame people are when they whine about dumb stuff. The Food Forum.

    The Bad: Parker being banned, kotora not posting anymore or going into chat.

  10. #10
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    The good: a majority of the people. A lot of topics I enjoy discussing and/or reading. The podcast because it's something I enjoy working on.

    The bad: lack of eoff events lately. There hasn't been a mafia in a while. People I miss who haven't posted in a while.

    In regards to visual talent, a lot of the illustrators, designers and painters are not as active anymore so that goes back to my former point of missing people who haven't posted in a while. This place was always a geared more toward video games than art though.

  11. #11


    I like how I can come back and just post wherever and it's like I never left! It's my home away from home that way. That's good. The bad is that Psychotic never made another RPG about us in full 3-D for the current gen systems.

  12. #12
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Good: All of you. Really. Your lives and your experiences and your stupid jokes and your opinions. I love it. And EoFF has been such a supportive community to my stupid creative endeavours. When I've done podcasts or ran the Ciddies or done Let's Plays (bugger off Leigh!) or written articles or made stupid video games (sorry Kyle ) or even when I'm just trying to be funny (and usually failing!) in a post, everyone has been really engaged and supportive. That's such a fantastic feeling and I'm so grateful. As a community I think we're lucky to have that. Even if I'm not friends with you I still enjoy having you around and reading your posts.

    Bad: Nothing ever lasts forever. I can't tell you how many little groups of friends I've been in ever since I've joined and yet they've all eventually drifted away, one way or another. Staff is a completely different group of people (with the exception of the eternal BoB) from when I joined staff, probably enough to fill it three times only. But.

    Good: I've always made new friends to replace any I've lost. Because EoFF is smurfing great. And if you don't like it, I'll just change your name to something dumb like A DIRTY MINGY ARMPIT. So there.

  13. #13
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    All Let's Plays are cringefests, let's be completely honest here.

    EoFF is a good place. The people are friendly, and there's always a discussion to be had about something. I've found there's usually at least one other person who you can engage with a particular topic about, most threads get a reply! I like that there is a lot of diversity in the tastes of the people around here. Keeps conversations interesting.

    The bad? I'm not sure. EoFF used to be tremendously cliquey, but since my return a few years ago, I've found that this is less true. It may never have been true and it was just me being a socially awkward teenager back in the day. Uh. I dunno. It is a lot quieter these days, and I would also like to see more events and stuff, but nobody is interested in doing fun things these days. We're all just getting too old for this. Which is a shame, but... it's life.

  14. #14
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Good: I found my boyfriend here and made some friends and can discuss my nerd hobbies and also find new games and stuff to play

    Bad: The forced slavery and bi-weekly beatings

  15. #15
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Bad: The forced slavery and bi-weekly beatings
    That's not true.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

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