My mom just asked why the government would try to hide proof of UFOs. I'm not a conspiracy nut, but I gave my mom a theory.

Governments are notorious for secrets. Secret alliances, secret plans, secret technology, secret discoveries... cell phones that are newly available on store shelves today were created (usually) about five years earlier (of course, that's just marketing). Much of the convenience technology that we enjoy today was invented and utilized at least 10 years before it was made available for public consumption. Most of it originally served more dubious purposes. The microwave was developed due to experimentation with radiation for the purpose of creating devastating bombs. Governments typically try to utilize any and all technology first and foremost for the preservation of a nation by means of war (deterrents and weapons of mass-destruction).

Now, imagine how advanced a UFO (typically believed to be alien not only to our world but to our system) would have to be to traverse space. The speculation of visitation by aliens to our planet has occurred since before the moon landing. Today, people are gearing up for life on Mars.

What better motivation does the government need to hide proof of alien life than so that they can reverse-engineer as much technology from the xenotech as possible? If aliens do exist, I predict it'll be at least another 30 or so years before the government would even begin to consider admitting it.

But as to how such a revelation would affect me... I do not now nor will I ever really care.