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Thread: World of Warcraft Discussion Megathread

  1. #16
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    What are your opinions on the currently huge server/legacy/pristine servers right now?

    Blizzard has finally ended their silence and stonewalling with a firm no on the subject. I personally would want an actual Vanilla legacy server. I didn't get to play much of Vanilla back in the day. I registered at the end of it's life and didn't manage to get a max level toon before BC, which I didn't get to play much of either because of military considerations at the time. I'm in favor of an actual legacy server that's locked in the patch 1.12 patch. Their idea of pristine servers doesn't even come close to what I would actually enjoy. They seem like the current game, with it's current talents and abilities, with everything just leveled at a slower pace. What are your opinions?

  2. #17
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I wouldn't play Vanilla because no blood elves but I would play TBC and probably Wrath too. I don't think I'd play on it exclusively, just when I felt like dicking around with some of the old class mechanics.

    I know current WoW is obviously better as far as quality of life goes but I still think TBC was my favorite iteration of hunter mechanics (and Wrath was my favorite for resto druid)

  3. #18
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    After not playing WoW since Cataclysm fumbled so badly, I'm sucked back in to thinking about playing this game again.

    I'm one of those weird nerds who enjoy WoW for the lore. They're bringing back some of my favorite elements with this new expansion: The Alliance and the Horde working together (as evidenced by the trailer), and the Demon Hunters (Illidan was my favorite character from Warcraft III). Is it enough to get me to actually pick up the game? Eh... Still debating that one. But I am actually debating it, after skipping two expansions.

  4. #19
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I'm firmly against it. If Blizz did it, yeah okay whatever, fine. I do agree with them for not doing it though and I do think the Nost server and everything was in the wrong legally and morally.

    Pristine servers would be bad in my opinion as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    After not playing WoW since Cataclysm fumbled so badly, I'm sucked back in to thinking about playing this game again.

    I'm one of those weird nerds who enjoy WoW for the lore. They're bringing back some of my favorite elements with this new expansion: The Alliance and the Horde working together (as evidenced by the trailer), and the Demon Hunters (Illidan was my favorite character from Warcraft III). Is it enough to get me to actually pick up the game? Eh... Still debating that one. But I am actually debating it, after skipping two expansions.
    You should read the new book for Illidan! It gives a lot of insight to him as a character during BC. I'm in Alpha at the moment and so far it's been really fun so take that for what it's worth haha

    Also they have a lore book out! It's great too! It covers all the way up until the humans basically. So lots of Nelfs and trolls.

  5. #20
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Hell, eventually.


    Didn't read your initial post but I played for like one day back in 2005 and want to show up and gloat about how I don't like MMOs or whatever.

  6. #21
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I wouldn't play it exclusively either, but I'm having a hard time telling myself I would play the current content enough to raid when I know I would raid the old content. I loved ending up lost in Vanilla, getting myself killed, and just exploring. The intermittent times I was on during BC was when I actually learned to play (sometimes with people from here), but I honestly have fonder memories of my time in Vanilla and Wrath. I would miss being a belf playing Vanilla, and a pally too in both Vanilla and BC, but I know I would enjoy going back to playing old lock during those eras. Wrath was when I really got back into it (because of different people from here that played ) and learned to "get gud" Raiding as a ret in those times again would be amazing. Ideally I would want them to release a Vanilla, then in time BC, followed by Wrath, but I'm indifferent as to whether they release those specific xpacs as the full thing or slowly rerelease the raids from each content on a timed schedule.

    I think Illidan was pretty cool, but Sylvanis has always been my favorite. I'm reeeally hoping her scenes in the opening cinematic mean that she'll have an important role in the story again, but I don't have very high hopes for it. I'm one of those weird lore nerds too The book Freya mentioned is called Chronicle. Volume I. It covers the very beginning of their universe until just before Medihv's actions leading to the opening of the first portal. When I first got it, I sat down and read through the whole thing for five hours straight. I also have all the other published books, and have spent so much time reading about lore on pages like WoWWiki.

    Firmly against which? Private or Blizzard created Legacy servers? You're the first to bring up private servers talking about Nost. I hope it's Pristine Servers you're against because they sound horrible to me

  7. #22
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I think I'd want to experience the old raids again. There was a time when I'd want to go back to experience the old heroics as well but Timewalking does a decent enough job with that (granted actual TBC heroics were considerably more difficult but the Wrath experience is pretty spot on.) I miss Karazhan though, and to a lesser extent Ulduar and Naxx. Granted, this is all contingent on finding other people, but assuming I did, I'd totally want to go back in time to do the old raids again.

    I can never decide if I want Blizzard to revamp Karazhan or not. On the one hand I'd love to "revisit it" in lore and in game but on the other hand I want them to keep their hands off the original, haha.

  8. #23
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I agree they need to stop messing with old content. Somehow, I miss the old Scholo. It was one of the great dungeons. I can understand why they revamped the Scarlet dungeons with considerations for the dungeon finder. They were just too short, while previously, if you got a group together you would run more than one. The only one I completely agree with is Sunken Temple. I'll never miss the old upper floors. Over the past year, I found myself wishing they would do timewalking raids like they did with MC, but I would like a legacy server better.

  9. #24
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    A few of the Artifact quests take place in or around or under Kara so they didn't revamp it but they are revisiting it. (PS they're fun and kinda hard in the green gear they give you when you start)

    I'm against private servers and the pristine idea. I think the Timewalking thing could be tuned to encompass things more but yeah, vanilla sucked. BC improved greatly on it. That's just my personal opinion having played and raided then. I think the biggest thing for people is the nostalgia of it. A lot of people were younger so they remember that time as being easier for a lot of them. The associate Vanilla with those easy fun times and not the fact life was easier. I feel the same about a lot of love for VII but that's controversial as well hahahaha

  10. #25
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    Old Sunken Temple and Old Wailing Caverns were both horrific and I'm glad they're gone!

  11. #26
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Did you guys hear about the pre-legion event? They're testing it in alpha. If you don't want spoiled, don't click this it's basically wrath zombies 2.0! Which was the most fun event ever! You start hearing whispers in org/SW and then you get 9 stacks and some spells. Every time you use it, you're giving more into the legion and a stack is removed. You get to make other players hostile to NPCS and players haha. When you remove all of them you turn into a dreadlord and can attack things and people!

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Did you guys hear about the pre-legion event? They're testing it in alpha. If you don't want spoiled, don't click this it's basically wrath zombies 2.0! Which was the most fun event ever! You start hearing whispers in org/SW and then you get 9 stacks and some spells. Every time you use it, you're giving more into the legion and a stack is removed. You get to make other players hostile to NPCS and players haha. When you remove all of them you turn into a dreadlord and can attack things and people!
    Slight DisagreementUm, I don't really think the zombies was the "most fun event ever". I actually found it incredibly annoying to be forced into PvP against my will, have to wait hours to turn in quests because questgivers were killed, and generally having to tiptoe around any population center because you had no way to block the effects.

  13. #28
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Oh so YOU'RE the person Blizzard was catering towards when they progressively removed all the fun from the game.

  14. #29
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    It was just a temporary event and was fun for the time! I'm glad they're doing it again. With this new one you can just deselect the buff and not have to participate though. Just enjoy the temporary event!

    SO far it's just SW/ORG and people haven't' figured out if it persists via summons. If not, no need to worry outside of the towns.

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    Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person in the world that didn't think TBC heroics were hard. Although, I guess my experience is kinda skewed being in a Naxx guild in vanilla, and leading my own guild through all the content in TBC. The only one I remember having any gripe with was The Botanica, which I think was more because it was long... and boring... than hard. (wow... what a string of words that was... huehuehue)

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