Okay, I've noticed that both these weekly showcases feature fan arts and such, with the FanArt Friday showcase focusing on them for the most part. Anyway, I'm making this thread to ask the public whether we should keep both showcases or let one of them continue, considering it's redundant to have two similar articles that showcase works of fan created art. This Week in Social Media tend to have more exposure since it's posted in General Chat, and the FanArt Fridays are posted in Relm's Studio, which don't have much traffic, so I've been considering retiring the showcases with this week's being the last, but I won't make that decision until I hear some opinions. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to continue on, but I don't know if I should if there's another similar weekly article which are posted in General Chat.

So, what do the members of EoFF and the general public think should happen regarding this issue?