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Thread: Sell Me on These Awful Games

  1. #16
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    X-2 was much better than X, though, I think its safe to assume XIII-2 is also good

  2. #17
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Since I'm the opposite of Fynn I can assume XIII-2 is actually worse than XIII.

  3. #18


    Fynn, you monster! Go away! XD
    I'm proud of you, ToriJ! :3

  4. #19
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheZanmato View Post
    Fynn, you monster! Go away! XD
    I'm proud of you, ToriJ! :3
    Oh, you sweet summer child.

    You don't know half of it

  5. #20


    Well I was supposed to head for bed but I noticed XIII-2 finally got done downloading. I went to start it and just check everything was in order. Only, the DLC I bought wasn't showing up. I looked online and read that you have to start and play the game for a bit in order for it to "register" that you have downloaded all the stuff.

    Only, now I've started the game, I can't stop.

    I had forgotten about these dialogue choices with Serah. I don't think they effect anything but they're nice. Do they continue for the whole game or are they only in this opening part?

    I chose all the Snow-centric options, like it's Snow Serah misses most, and he's the most important person in her life.

    I know there are multiple endings for this game. Are they possible to get on your first playthrough or are they like New Game +? Also are they viable to get without a strategy guide? I think the number of Fragments effects some endings? And others are effected by choices you make in the game?

    I know Serah dies in the Normal/Canon ending but that is a long way off.

    Another question. I know you can "recruit" Lightning or Snow. Well, they're just like "Mon" versions of them but yeah. When can I do that? I think I'd rather have even Lightning instead of some generic monster.

    Overall, I'm having more fun than I figured. I guess I was just in a bad mood last time I played the game.

    So many broken promises. Serah is gonna come back safe, Noel won't let any harm befall her....

    Hm...I guess I can do Snow's, Lightning's or Sazh's DLC right now. I wonder, is the description of the Valhalla location a spoiler? That Caius intends to kill a bunch of people to release Chaotic Energy? I mean, in the game so far, we don't know trout about who he is or what he's after. Without this DLC and its description, we'd have nothing of real substance about his motivations or objectives.

    Good job, Square.

    Well I totally failed against Atlas or whatever it was. It's not my goddam fault. QTE's do NOT belong in an RPG. RPG's are hte Anti-QT Es. RP Gs are all about being methodical and coming up with strategies. Having good reflexes is not part of the friggin' equation. Granted, the QTE's here are pretty easy but the problem is I can't see that well and it takes me too long to see where they pop up.

    Please, please, PLEASE tell me there are not QTE's for actual important boss battles?

    Stopping there though. So very tired. I think I get Lightning from doing her DLC? Are there spoilers in it? Should I save it for later? I always hate when DLC is always available because I never know when it is "story appropriate" to do it. Some DLC just functions better as end of the game stuff, even if it's available at the start of the game.

  6. #21
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Glad you're enjoying it!

    I really wanna try XIII-2 and LR myself, but I haven't beaten the original yet because it's so booooooring. I stopped at chapter nine, I think? The part where they escape that airship. And I just couldn't Keep going because it was just too boring. And then my hard drive exploded, so I have to start over someday anyway. Sigh... Wish me luck.

  7. #22
    tech spirit
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    Just skip them. No big loss.
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  8. #23
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    The only two mon-characters you can get right off is Lightning-Com and Sazh-Syn. Sazh really has nothing to do with spoilers. Lightning on the other hand does. You won't be able to do Colosseum battles until you level up enough.

    The weapons you bought aren't that great if you ask me. For paying money for they should have been a lot better. I'm glad you are enjoying the game. If you need any help just ask.
    "No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!" - FF9

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  9. #24
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    I've been wanting to try XIII-2 for like 2 years now, especially since it's so cheap, but I'm never in the mood when I go to the store

  10. #25


    I appreciate all the responses guys, thank you very much.

    The only other question I have at the moment is where do I get this "Paradox Scope Fragment Skill"? Is it something early on that I can miss? If it's necessary for more story, I want to ensure I have it and equip it or whatever.

    I think I'll leave Lightning's DLC for later though becauseit's a big spoiler. I don't want no spoilers.

  11. #26
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    You get the paradox scope as an end game feature.
    "No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!" - FF9

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  12. #27
    Yes homo Mr. Carnelian's Avatar
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    The 'Requiem of the Goddess' DLC really works best as an epilogue.

    It directly relates to events at the end of the game, as well as the beginning of Lightning Returns: it's very spoilery.

  13. #28


    Holy trout, the "Story So Far" thing is like a straight up soap opera with that music and the cuts to different scenes. It's hilarious and awesome because soaps are a guilty pleasure of mine.

    I'm remembering how much I hated the scoring system in XIII. It always made me feel like a failure. I fought that optional Cie'th boss to get the Fragment and I only got 2 stars. I was trying to Stagger it but the gauge just wouldn't fill! I had both Serah and Noel as Ravagers but it was so, so, so slow. My monster was the Pulse Knight because I figured I need some good defense. I started off the fight by Deprotecting and Deshelling and then stuck to Ravagers for the rest of it, vainly trying to fill the gauge. I just don't know what I did wrong. I got the gauge to like most of the way full in no time but then it just stopped and no matter how much I wailed on it, it would barely go up.

    There shouldn't be a "right way" to fight a battle in an RPG anyway. The only criteria for determining the "right' way is where you defeat the enemy.

    I dunno...I'm trying to dredge up my FFXIII memories... Ravagers are what Stagger enemies but I taught Noel Launch in the Commando Crysterium and I could swear that had something to do with it....

    I dunno, I won, without any real problems. It's just this smurfing star rating thing makes me feel like I didn't win at all. It's like the first fight with Barty in XIII where it took me a billion years and I got absolutely zero stars out of it. The game probably would have given me negative stars if it could and slapped the controller out of my hand.

    Well I got 3 stars against Atlas...that', a C? That's passing. Also I used the device to weaken it because I don't trust myself to be good enough at this game right now to actually win this fight legitimately. So long Paradox Ending... Oh well, maybe I'll be good enough to win fairly one of these days.

    Everyone says this game is super easy but maybe that's later on? I dunno.

    Anyway, gonna go eat right now. It doesn't seem like much of an update but all of this took a lot of time. Still getting into the swing of this game.

    If anyone has any tips on why that one Cie'th wouldn't stagger, please tell me. Maybe it's because I had Noel as a Ravager too? I changed that one Paradigm from RAV/COM to RAV/RAV so maybe it was my mistake. I changed it back to RAV/COM for the Atlas fight.

    One more question. In regards to Debuffs, they wear off, right? Because I kept periodically taking time off attacking Atlas to hit him with Deprotect and Deshell again and again. I never pay attention to the numbers.

    It's really bad game design to have monsters constantly spawn while characters are explaining things. I'm so sick of people saying stuff and me trying to pay attention and learn about their characters and the plot only to get sucked into a battle.
    Last edited by Forsaken Lover; 07-07-2015 at 11:25 PM.

  14. #29
    tech spirit
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    they should wear off, yes.

    score is almost entirely linked to total battle time anyway, nothing else.

    Some enemies just have very high chain resistance, which causes slower stagger meter buildup. 3x ravager and swapping to a paradigm with a single commando every now and then just to keep the "not lose chain" effect on might help.
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  15. #30


    How do I do Monster Infusion? The tutorial didn't say anything about that. I've just been leveling up Pulse Knight with items.

    But yes I have one of those Zwerg things. I just was thinking big, tanky powerhoues were my best bet. Keep the enemies off Serah and Noel which, apart from just keeping them alive, also has the benefit of letting me constantly attack them instead of getting knocked on my ass.

    But I guess I shouldn't worry so much about dying at this point in the game.... Although, is it worth it to try and level up Serah's Sentinel? From what I can recall in XIII, you only needed one Sentinel to survive. I beat the game with a party of Snow, Hope and Vanille and it wasn't so bad. Well, Orphan was a nightmare but that had nothing to do with me taking damage and everything to do with the fact I couldn't figure out how to hurt it. (until I discovered how broken Poison was. Thank you, FF Wiki. Actually, now I'm reminded of that, I really gotta keep working on SAB. SAB was awesome in XIII)

    And I haven't messed with Cross or any of that. I'm just working with the Paradigms it gave me. The first one, Cerberus I think it is, just has you attack everyone and then the other one I use has you target just one enemy. I've just been switching back and forth between those for most fights.

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