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Thread: RPG Horrors

  1. #1

    Default RPG Horrors

    Anyone of a fan of these? Personally my favorites have been Corpse Party and Misao. Also, if you know of any good ones let me know! I've found quite a few but I'd love to try some new ones.

  2. #2
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> mmm. Never played a horror rpg..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Idk, these just don't scare me at all. But horror is subjective, so

    I did find the fanservice in Corpse Party particularly grating.

  4. #4
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    I watched a Let's Play of one of the Corpse Party games, and it didn't have a lot of fanservice (from what I remember), but it also wasn't an RPG.

    It was mostly old-school 16-bit gameplay focusing mostly on fetch quests/puzzles with lots of story/dialogue.

    I liked what I saw, but I've only seen that one. I understand it's a whole series.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm actually trying to grasp how a Horror RPG would even work. I mean it's just a genre that works better with an action adventure style environment. I can see an RPG with a Gothic-Horror setting, but like DMC or Castlevania, I wouldn't exactly call them Horror games. A Visual Novel might work though.

  6. #6
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    They're mostly called RPG Horrors because they're made in RPG maker. They don't exactly usually have battle systems and stuff.

  7. #7


    Dark Souls is roughly a horror RPG. I get the sense you meant something quite different though?

  8. #8


    Yeah, it's a little strange to call a puzzle-adventure-horror game an RPG, but it probably is just because they're mostly made in RPG Maker. Regardless, here are a few of my favorites:

    Ib. It's about a little girl who goes to an art museum, which is a lot more interesting (and dangerous!) than it sounds.

    The Witch's House. It's about a little girl who gets trapped in an evil witch's house and is trying to find a way out.

    Mad Father. It's about...a little girl...because apparently all good horror RPGs must have little girls as MCs. -ahem- It's about a little girl who's trying to find her father in their deathtrap maze of a house.

    And a few that aren't quite as good as the above, presumably because their main characters aren't little girls (lol):
    Paranoiac, The Crooked Man, Mermaid Swamp, and Schuld.

  9. #9
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    wait you can use rpg maker to make adventure sprite games?

    brb gonna download that make i got from humble bundle then

  10. #10


    I can see why they shouldn't be labeled RPGs. But I was just going with what I've always seen them called.
    As far as I can tell I've played a majority of them though, besides Schuld. So I guess that's next on the list. Regardless, thanks to everyone for their input.

  11. #11


    I like watching Let's Players have fun with them on the YouTubes, but outside of that, I don't feel many of them have enough meat to keep me interested

    RPG Maker games in general don't usually have enough meat and creativity to keep me interested. Though I'm glad it's a thing, everyone can make a game, everyone gets a chance, and once in a while something marvelous happens. But Corpse Party is the one that grabbed me the most, and it was made before RPG Maker was really even much of a thing. It was originally made with some weird old equivalent to RPG Maker, and then remade with a real game studio at the helm. Though it looks and plays like an RPG Maker game. The remake is kind of on a whole other level. And I can't say much for the sequels or the fanservice they provide, the original is pretty phenomenal

    The best RPG Maker games I've seen come about weren't horror related. To The Moon and Sometimes Always Monsters are more just really life related

    I used to watch Cryaotic and Markiplier play these things all the time though. And I'd love to find a good one on par with the first Corpse Party, but as it stands, I don't see it happening anytime soon. But again, I'm glad they exist. And someday it'll happen. I didn't think Ib or The Witch's House were really all that special, sadly, though. And most of them are similar to those, and just par for the course. Really just trying to get the job done, rather than excel at it :/

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