There are dozens upon dozens of touted methods to get rid of hiccups, and one method doesn't ever seem to be proven to work across the board. Someone in my office just said the only thing that's ever worked for them was drinking pickle juice. For my sister and I, drinking water through a towel is the only thing that has worked.

I've heard of drinking water with a butterknife standing in it, drinking water upside down, holding your breath and jumping up and down, and so on and so forth. The more things I hear, though, the more I think they are pranks on gullible hiccuppers in a desperate attempt to rid themselves of their ailment.

As far as getting hiccups goes, without fail, every time I take a big bite of bread/tortillas/gluten anything or eat potatoes, it happens.

What methods work for you and what are the craziest methods you've heard of?