Anyone else here big fans of the series? I've really enjoyed them since Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast, but I also really enjoy Soul Blade on the PSX since I finally got introduced to it. I've not been super fond of the series since 4, which I think has a lot to do with the lack of fulfilling single player content. For some reason, even though it's a fighting game series, I always kind of saw the VS mode as the multiplayer mode to a primarily single player experience, which is part of why Soul Calibur 3 is one of my favorite games in the series even with the balance issues. I've always wished that the series would do more to expand on the story, and my favorite character, Maxi, seemed to get the same story repeated since 2, which was unfortunate. Plus why did Bangoo never become playable? That's unfair.

Anywho, how do y'all feel about Soul Calibur? Awesome? Not so awesome? Your least favorite game series ever? Tell me!

P.S. If there's never a Tekken Tag-style Soul Calibur game I'm gonna weep.