View Poll Results: Do you usually remember your dreams?

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  • Most of the time, yes

    5 25.00%
  • Sometimes

    7 35.00%
  • Not very often

    5 25.00%
  • It depends/changes

    2 10.00%
  • Other?

    1 5.00%
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Thread: Do you usually remember your dreams?

  1. #1
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Dancing Chocobo Do you usually remember your dreams?

    Recently I feel like I've remembered most of my dreams - or at least parts of them. It's kind of neat.

  2. #2
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Sometimes. Like the other night I dreamt about a woman who had four kids with a man and he also had four kids with her sister. But they were actually a really happy, nice family. And that dream went on for a good while like that before eventually some woman showed up and killed most of the town via giant meat grinder/murderous car wash and the woman's whole family died and she escaped but she lost her baby (she was pregnant) and her arm and she was in rough shape

    It was something

  3. #3
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I do on occasion. It goes in cycles where I will for a while, then nothing for a while then I will again.

  4. #4
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Depends on the dream. Just this past night I had a dream that I possessed Cyclops' optic blast, and Jean Grey's telepathy and I smufted up these kids who were messing with my mom's car while some redhead with a tongue piercing looked on aroused. Prior to a church tower that was so high up the top floor was basically like visiting a space station in zero gravity.

    Another dream recently involved me talking with Tommy Wiseau as he told me about the time he met Donald Trump. Ah, to be a fly on that wall.

    Then there was the dream where the devil possessed me during an angry rant while I was on a toilet. Yes, I became the Devil on the Crapper.

    I also remember a bunch of old dreams, too. Like a series of dreams where my brother would always chase me, but Mom would come in near the end to rescue me and wake me up. A dream where Dad chased me around with dogs. And then one of a serial killer running around and when I tried to scream to wake up I couldn't. I also had a dream that my big toe did a 180 and the toenail was facing the floor whenever I tried to walk.

    Interestingly enough the scariest dream I ever had was a reoccurring one where I saw the Grim Reaper walking around in my house.

  5. #5
    FFIX Choco Boy's Avatar
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    I almost always remember them, all of them from the entire night, and completely vividly, but within 30 minutes after waking up the memories all vanish without a trace. I really should write them down, but I CBA to.

  6. #6
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    No, I take too many bong hits.

  7. #7


    Yup every single one, I've been lucid dreaming since I was around 10yo, sometimes I get anxious when I can't think of anything to dream about and my dreams become nothing during the nights where I'm too exhausted or when I've run out of ideas of what to dream about.

  8. #8
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Most of the time I do, I really enjoy having dreams, because most of the time they are inspiring to me; I am interested in writing, and my dreams can sometimes be translated into "scenes" for what I am writing, albeit with certain things changed to fit in better. Sometimes I think I even remember the process of going from one dream to another, as occasionally I'm sure that the "storyline" of one dream suddenly went into a completely unrelated one.

    My favorite type of dreams are my musical dreams; they are basically dreams where a song is playing throughout, and is incorporated into the "storyline" of the dream - it's usually someone singing it, be it myself, someone I know, or even characters from TV (I admittedly dream about TV characters a lot) or a combination of the above - it often looks like a music video of sorts. I'm pretty sure the reason this happens is because I have my radio on for the entire night, so the song in my dream is probably actually playing on my radio at that very moment, more often than not (in fact, I have woken up from these dreams at times, to find the same song is just finishing on the radio). The strangest example of this, is one dream I had which seemed to anticipate that it was going to become a musical dream - there was a whole build up to the fact that a song would play soon, and when it finally did, I started to wake up, and the song was playing. The "storyline" was basically that everybody had to listen at a certain time, and then phone in when the song played, and say what it was, but it was treated like a big deal, with everyone getting ready for it, and standing in the streets when it happened. Oddly enough, the dream started off as being about The Simpsons (who were also listening for the song, I think), and then suddenly it was set in real life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly
    Yup every single one, I've been lucid dreaming since I was around 10yo, sometimes I get anxious when I can't think of anything to dream about and my dreams become nothing during the nights where I'm too exhausted or when I've run out of ideas of what to dream about.
    You lucid dream? Would it be okay to ask you some questions, because I've been thinking of trying it, but I need to ask some things before I do, so I know if I should or not.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by MJN SEIFER View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly
    Yup every single one, I've been lucid dreaming since I was around 10yo, sometimes I get anxious when I can't think of anything to dream about and my dreams become nothing during the nights where I'm too exhausted or when I've run out of ideas of what to dream about.
    You lucid dream? Would it be okay to ask you some questions, because I've been thinking of trying it, but I need to ask some things before I do, so I know if I should or not.
    Sure, I don't mind. Fire away!

  10. #10
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Last night I dreamed that my hamster who died 16 years ago was still alive somehow and had lived to a world record hamster age of 17. Bear in mind that if this hamster was alive today he'd actually be 20 as the little hero lived to the age of four which is ridiculous for a hamster as it is, but hey, smurf it, dream logic. Anyway I was pretty chuffed about having this world record hamster and I was doing things to prove and let the world know about this incredible development. I felt guilty that I hadn't been there for my hamster for most of his life. While I was away some smurfer killed my hamster and I was so angry and started coming up with elaborate torture plans. I don't think I actually came up with any specific plans because I woke up. Even then I was still smurfing furious for the next minute or so.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly View Post
    Yup every single one, I've been lucid dreaming since I was around 10yo, sometimes I get anxious when I can't think of anything to dream about and my dreams become nothing during the nights where I'm too exhausted or when I've run out of ideas of what to dream about.
    If you ever run out of ideas to dream about please consider dreaming about getting revenge on the smurf who killed my hamster. I feel unfulfilled.

  11. #11
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    It seems the more generic my dream is, the more inclined I am to remember it.

    However, I once dreamed that multiple people and I formed a giant human wheel, rolling throughout the city and filling it with color and life as we passed. People were watching, applauding, as we made progress, our limbs joined together and moving like a giant donut.

  12. #12
    Poodle Wizard starlet's Avatar
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    I remember most of them. I've had quite a few good ones and a few bad ones because for some reason my brain likes to remind me of traumatic past events I'd rather forget. Thanks brain!

  13. #13
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I remember a lot of my dreams and they're always strange.

  14. #14
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Last night I dreamt quite vividly about being the unwitting recipient of four hundred and twenty six thousand dollars as part of a strange con. Exactly two hundred thousand of this money was contained within a washed out green duffle bag in a not-secret-enough compartment in the boot of not-my-actual-car. I was most displeased to wake.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  15. #15
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rin Heartilly View Post
    Sure, I don't mind. Fire away!
    Thank you.

    1. Once you are able to lucid dream, can you avoid having a lucid dream if you don't want one this night? What I mean is, can you control when you have lucid dreams, and when you don't? Because, although I would like to lucid dream, there will definitely be some nights where I just want to have dreams which I have no control over, because, as mentioned before, I get inspiration from my dreams, and I won't have that anymore if I am always in control of them, because I'll know what's coming. Also, sometimes not knowing what I'm going to dream about is part of the fun, especially with my musical dreams.

    2. Eating cheese is supposed to affect whether or not you dream, and there are times, where I think this has been proven true, for me. Once I am able to lucid dream, should I begin eating cheese before I sleep more, to make sure I have a dream?

    3. Have you ever experienced Sleep Paralysis after lucid dreaming? If so, how long does it usually last? Is it safe for someone to attempt to bring you out of it? Can you speak during it? I know that Sleep Paralysis is harmless (in fact, we experience it during normal dreams, we just sleep through it), but I want to know if I should inform people that this may happen. Normally, I live alone, but on the nights when I'm not, I don't want people (i.e. my family) thinking there's something wrong with me if they try to wake me, and it looks like I can't move or speak, so I'd like to inform them that Sleep Paralysis is a possibility, but I'd like to know the details of what to tell them, specifically how long it usually lasts (so on the rare possibility there really is something wrong with me, they don't assume it's just Sleep Paralysis again).

    4. How did you learn to do it? I plan on using hypnosis tracks, but I might as well check out what other methods there are.

    I think that's it, but if I think of anything else, I'll ask.
    Last edited by MJN SEIFER; 11-14-2015 at 04:33 PM.

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