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Thread: Why is the gaming community so damn sexist?

  1. #16
    Ray "Bloody" Purchase! Crop's Avatar
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    Can't say I know much about it, I just play games and know nothing about the 'community'.

    I just can't believe we still live in a world with such petty hate when we're fortunate enough to be the only generation in the entirety of history to have received the ultimate lesson in how to treat your fellow human beings:

    "Be excellent to each other" - Bill S. Preston, Esq.
    Last edited by Crop; 10-26-2015 at 01:05 AM.

  2. #17
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I've basically ignored the gaming community because of issues like this. I just want to play video games and maybe discuss video games in a positive manner some times. It's sad that even a blah post of mine is making me worry that people with multiple and/or opposing viewpoints will interpret my first sentence in a way that seems to conflict whatever they believe in.

    No one ever gets my thinking, but I just think arguing is a complete waste of time. DISCUSSING things is not. Problem is no one is interested in a discussing anymore. Only arguments. Us vs them. My "team" is right. It's sad.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Angus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Carnelian View Post
    Probably because there are a lot of misogynistic men in it.
    I think a lot of those guys are 30+ y.o. virgins who never touched a boob & never will, so they take their anger out on those w/ boobs.
    What if you are asexual ? Are asexual's angry people ? i'm a pretty angry person

    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    <<<----- Touched a boob before.
    Boobs are pretty squishy, maybe they work those squishy stress balls ? If you touch one, they calm you down and you stop being a sexist video gamer. Boobs are a anti-sexist button.

  4. #19
    tech spirit
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    They might just be. Help a gamer today, let him touch your boobs.
    everything is wrapped in gray
    i'm focusing on your image
    can you hear me in the void?

  5. #20
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    The solution to the objectification of women is the objectification of women? Boy is tumblr's collective face going to be red when they find out!

  6. #21
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Because it is a community that (while changing) is still largely made-up of social introverts, socially awkward people, people with low self-esteem, younger people learning how to socialize or older people who never learned, and sexually frustrated people.

    Take a person with a low self-esteem, lots of sexual frustration, poor social skills, and most likely some pent-up resentment, put them in an environment that is largely anonymous, and you're left with a person just waiting for a chance to objectify, and demean someone else.

    I don't think informing tumblr that female gamers need to let male gamers motor-boat the girls to help break down the walls of discrimination is going to go over too well. Maybe it's just crazy enough to work, though.

  7. #22
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    I know, man. I just want to play Mary-Kate and Ashley's Crush Course in peace.

    there was a picture here

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    No one ever gets my thinking, but I just think arguing is a complete waste of time. DISCUSSING things is not. Problem is no one is interested in a discussing anymore. Only arguments. Us vs them. My "team" is right. It's sad.
    I don't see much distinction between a discussion and an argument. You just need to avoid arguing with dogmatic and angry people, something the internet has made infinitely harder to do.

  9. #24
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    No one ever gets my thinking, but I just think arguing is a complete waste of time. DISCUSSING things is not. Problem is no one is interested in a discussing anymore. Only arguments. Us vs them. My "team" is right. It's sad.
    I don't see much distinction between a discussion and an argument. You just need to avoid arguing with dogmatic and angry people, something the internet has made infinitely harder to do.
    That's what I was getting at. In your words, the dogmatic and angry people are always at the forefront.

    To give an example of how gaming "discussions" usually go, let's use grass vs astroturf as an analogy. Yep, that's weird, but I don't want to go anywhere near gaming. Okay, so in place of any gaming community issue, let's say the "discussion" is between people who prefer playing sports on grass vs people who prefer playing sports on astroturf.

    If you are like me, You believe that varying conditions dictate what is best for sports to be played on. But if you say that, the grass people only hear that you are against them and the astroturf people only hear that you are against them.

    It's never good enough for those types of people. It's an all or nothing attitude with those types. It's the same thing with politics and religion. There is no room for dissension if you dare question one aspect of a side towards a "discussion," or even try to find a compromise with the other side of the fence.

    It's that attitude I can't stand, and that's why I usually keep to myself when it comes to hot button issues. No one wants to hear that you can play on grass and astroturf.

    I have typed sentences probably not ever typed by humanity before, so at least there's that.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    The solution to the objectification of women is the objectification of women? Boy is tumblr's collective face going to be red when they find out!
    Objectification is a complete nonsense concept. All objectification really means is sexual attraction. It's a term that's been invented to try and make it seem like society imposes sexual standards on women but not on men. Which is complete nonsense. It just imposes very different standards on men, which are a bit less visual. But women are constantly judging men based on a set of sexual standards every bit as much as men are women. We just don't have a word for the version women do. But the reason attraction is completely involuntary for nearly everyone on earth is exactly because it is all "objectification". Your brain reduces someone to a combination of factors and makes a judgement based on them. The sooner we stop pretending that's bad, the less pointless anger there'll be.

  11. #26
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    The solution to the objectification of women is the objectification of women? Boy is tumblr's collective face going to be red when they find out!
    Objectification is a complete nonsense concept. All objectification really means is sexual attraction. It's a term that's been invented to try and make it seem like society imposes sexual standards on women but not on men. Which is complete nonsense. It just imposes very different standards on men, which are a bit less visual. But women are constantly judging men based on a set of sexual standards every bit as much as men are women. We just don't have a word for the version women do. But the reason attraction is completely involuntary for nearly everyone on earth is exactly because it is all "objectification". Your brain reduces someone to a combination of factors and makes a judgement based on them. The sooner we stop pretending that's bad, the less pointless anger there'll be.
    No. None of this is right.

    Also, when women objectify men, it's called 'objectification'. It is not a gender-specific word.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  12. #27
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I can't say I disagree with what Randy says, everyone I encounter is basically there for my own utility.

  13. #28
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    The ONLINE gaming community is sexist. (Well I mean the Japanese developers totally are too haha. Such as making lightning's boobs bigger in LR just cause they wanted them bigger, Or making Quiet have a plot point to wear skimpy clothes because that makes it better lol, but that's a whole other topic entirely.)

    Not like online gaming but the communities online. Places where you can find a similar opinion and then it becomes reinforced via echo chamber. It's what happens on Reddit. It's what happens on Tumblr. It's what happens on twitter. Etc etc.

    It happens with political ideologies (never look into yahoo comments, good god.) or music opinions, video games, whatever. This isn't the representation of the whole group, but just what is dominating online discussions. Occasionally you'll run into it in the real world but that is just one person versus however many you've met.

  14. #29
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Before I go into the question at large, I just want to say a few things.

    Introvert does not mean social anxiety or socially awkward. Introverts are pretty much people who get drained from social interaction thus prefer social interaction from a smaller, well known group, with an in-depth conversation. They are internally stimulated too which is probably why they do not like small idle chit-chat and rather more deep conversation. Moreover, studies show that online interactions aren't the same (i.e. as taxing) as face-to-face interactions for introverts. Basically, the internet is a leveling playing field between introverts and extroverts.

    tl;dr Shyness or social anxiety is not synonymous with introversion. There are many shy introverts, but not all introverts are shy plus there is such thing as a shy extrovert. This is also forgetting the fact that plenty of people are also ambiverts (like me).

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy
    Objectification is a complete nonsense concept. All objectification really means is sexual attraction. It's a term that's been invented to try and make it seem like society imposes sexual standards on women but not on men. Which is complete nonsense. It just imposes very different standards on men, which are a bit less visual. But women are constantly judging men based on a set of sexual standards every bit as much as men are women. We just don't have a word for the version women do. But the reason attraction is completely involuntary for nearly everyone on earth is exactly because it is all "objectification". Your brain reduces someone to a combination of factors and makes a judgement based on them. The sooner we stop pretending that's bad, the less pointless anger there'll be.
    Like Jinx said, you are absolutely wrong. You are mixing the idea of perceptual categorization with objectification. Also, you are assuming that all objectification is sexual in nature.

    Objectification means to reduce a person with agency into an object that has no agency and that can be owned. In a sense it is the opposite of what we do when we treat our pets like they have human behaviours (anthropomorphization). Historically women have been objectified in Western societies. The whole history of marriage until the modern era is the perfect example of it. Objectification means to take away agency and subjectivity from an individual (think grammatical objects here) and have them dependent on another (the subject/agent) for any decision making. It often means the reduction of the individual into a core concept or ideal in their relationship to the subject as well.

    In other words, it is what Mister Adequate said. People become merely objects to the utility of the subject.

    As for why the community is sexists?

    First, it comes from the technological industry which like many STEM industries have historically been viewed as "male territory" and are only now seeing larger numbers of women in the industry. There is also convenient historical amnesia regarding the fact that women have played large and important roles in said industries.

    Second, our generation was socialized in such a way that males were more encouraged to play video games than females. I get the feeling this is changing as our generation are now becoming parents.

    Third, video games are usually marketed either in a gender-specific way to young women (think of the explicitly "girly" games) or in a "gender-neutral" way to males (default gender is often assumed male).

    Fourth, the two regions known for video game productions (NA/EU and Japan) still struggle in their own ways with sexism in their societies. While gender equality has much work to be done in Japan, let's not pretend that North Atlantic society is a gender equality utopia either.

    Fifth, it is the internet where often the loudest, most obnoxious voice gets the attention. It is the home of click-baiting. The more sensational something is, the more clicks it gets. More clicks, more money. :/

    These are not in any particular order of importance. x-x;

  15. #30
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    The ONLINE gaming community is sexist. (Well I mean the Japanese developers totally are too haha. Such as making lightning's boobs bigger in LR just cause they wanted them bigger, Or making Quiet have a plot point to wear skimpy clothes because that makes it better lol, but that's a whole other topic entirely.)
    Quiet's design followed by this claim:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kojima
    "I created her character as an antithesis to the women characters appeared in the past fighting game who are excessively exposed. 'Quiet' who doesn't have a word will be teased in the story as well. But once you recognise the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds. The response of 'Quiet' disclosure few days ago incited by the net is exactly what MGSV itself is."
    Made me do this.

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