Really, if you haven't seen this movie, you should. I found it to be very true to the spirit of the comic strip.

The ads are a little misleading. There's some modern music, but it isn't overbearing.

If you like the Peanuts, you'll like the movie. If you, like me, love the Peanuts, you'll probably like it a little more.

I'll give it CharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpg out of CharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpgCharlieBrownHead_normal.jpg