It's the Ciddies time of year, and as is customary, there's always the opportunity to shamelessly self-promote highlight excellence in thread making, post making, signature set making, writing, art and everything else.

With so many threads and posts being created each day in the last six month period, use FyC to give a voice for hilarious, witty, insightful and simply brilliant posts and threads that you think deserve to win a Ciddie!

For example, have you considered:

Pumpkin's Character Tournament: A proof of determination and perseverance if every I saw one.

The Pokemon Battle Tournament: Ran by Fynn, the tournament promised action and drama. It delivered both in spades.

Are model-teachers too hot to teach: A fairly 'unique' thread by EoFF standards.

Generic Fantasy Discussion Thread: 2469 posts. If you're happy to comb through all of them, there is some gold in there.

EoFF Spooky Story Contest: With some haunting stories for your consideration for best writer!

Fallout 4: Dog. Dog never changes: Mainly strewn with Psy's Fallout 4 stories.

And presumably much, much more that I've completely forgotten about. So go ahead and help each other remember gems buried within the forum.