I got Xenoblade X Friday, but had to work all weekend so today was the first day I really got to play it and it's a lot of fun. I got up to the end of Chapter 5 and did the sidequests to let me re-customize my character. I can't change the voice though, I love Kate Higgins voice in this. It's like IF, but with the mentality of Neptune. That's where the title comes from, one of her victory quotes is, "V is for Victory! And...vaccuum!" I went with the Enforcer and then the Galactic Knight classes. Yay Lightsabers and Options. There's one attack, "Starlight Tackle" where she puts the Options in front of her and drills the enemy. Found out the hard way you can fling yourself off a cliff doing that.
So, anyone else got it? What are your first impressions?