Okie. This is nuts.
My desktop has been attacked by M's.
Does anyone know the Microsoft Money Icon? It's a little blue M in a circle with a little bar graph behind it.
Well, one day when I booted up my computer, they were everyone. Every icon, with a few exceptions, was covered with the Microsoft Money Icon. It hasn't been replaced, you can see the old icon underneath the Money one, but there are M's everywhere!
The weirder part? I don't have Microsoft money installed. My dad tried to remove Microsoft money and it tried to install it. Finally I was able to remove it (although it wasn't installed....) but the M's remained. Whenever I create a new icon or delete and re-create on, the M accompanies. The few escapees are the Internet explorer icon, the few that come with computer (my computer, recycle bin, etc...) and folder files.

What the heck?? WHY THE M'S!! HELP!!!
Before they come for YOU!!!