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Thread: The Legend of Zelda Series

  1. #16
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I need to get Minish Cap and the Oracle titles someday.

    Anyway, it's really interesting how getting to dungeons is really different between these three games. In Zelda II, it's a serious bitch just fighting your way there and having enough health and lives to actually tackle the dungeon. In Link's Awakening, just finding how to get to the dungeons can be half the problem as many of them are hidden away and you have to solve a puzzle involving the inhabitants of the island to find the place. In Majora's Mask, the game loves it's fetch quests, so reaching dungeons involves several passing of plot coupons to just reach the damn place and your likely to have to use the Song of Time restart the three days to even beat the place.

    So far Link's Awakening is my favorite of the three, but I've always been partial to the 2D Top down Zelda's over the 3D ones. I do enjoy Majora's Mask as well but it feels like a completionist nightmare and repeating quests is a bit annoying, but it definitely has a cool and unsettling atmosphere (I even made a file named BENDROWNED just to add to it) so I've been enjoying it as well. Zelda II is the problem child, it borrows a bit too much from old-school arcade rules and the whole "when you die and continue you are sent back to the starting point of the game" is a terrible idea that doesn't really work for this game. It doesn't help that I have no skill at all and take way too much damage from enemies I probably shouldn't even have to worry about. I'm still determined to beat it though.

  2. #17
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Yeah, the armosphere in MM is awesome. I love the Day 3 Clocktown theme because at first it seems super happy and lively, but then you listen more carefully and there's this really subtle scare chord in the background that's been there the whole time

  3. #18
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Oot is my favorite by far. It was the first I really invested a lot of time in. I have almost all of the handheld ones though on my 3DS (at least the ones I could buy) besides the new Majoras mask. I'm not particularly great at the earlier games but I enjoyed them. I have the original Oracle of ages and seasons SOME where. I still haven't played Wind Waker though because I didn't have a gamecube and don't have a WiiU. I'll get to it eventually. I never finished Skyward sword cause my Wii died on me halfway through. That was tragic. I like that one.

    I love the Zelda series. My problem is we stopped getting the Nintendo consoles as pre-teens/teens so I missed some of those ones and I got a second hand wii so it didn't last long. When I was reliant on others and now because i'm poor, I haven't spread to the multiple console gaming so I tend to miss out on some series.

    I really want hyrule warriors for the WiiU

  4. #19
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I found out the other day that there's an Easter Egg in OoT at the castle where you can find Mario pictures through the windows (though they didn't specify where I'm assuming it's where you meet Zelda) and if you hit one you get a red ruby, but another one will trigger the guard and he throws a bomb at you. Both events can only happen once.

    I have to replay the game now.

  5. #20
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I really want hyrule warriors for the WiiU
    Hyrule Warriors is brilliant. But if you don't want to get the Wii U, it is coming to the 3DS.

    Having played almost all of them, I have to say that I think the best is Link Between Worlds.

  6. #21
    Bright Shield's Avatar
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    Majora's Mask is amazing. Definitely my favorite Zelda game. Enjoy.
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  7. #22
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Zeldas a fun wee game because without a walkthrough it makes tou feel cool beating puzzles.

    My favourite is TP because its dark and cool music and lakebed temple.

  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update time!

    I've decided that my lack of skill is my greatest enemy in Zelda II. I seem to like blocking punches with Link's face instead of the shield and I have a hard time getting the timing right for aerial assaults which makes the bosses a real tough fight. Rather cruel of the game to not only make the healing spell the third spell you obtain in the game but also one of the more costly abilities, still I'm grateful to have it. I really wish the game didn't start me back at Zelda's Palace when I need to continue. If there was ever a game that needed save points, it was this one. Hell, the game could do me a favor by just copying its predecessor and simply let me continue from the start of the dungeon. This one will be a slow grind it seems.

    I've also come to my first major gripe with Majora's Mask. It's actually the same gripe I have with Skyward Sword: There is no simple way to do anything in this game. Pretty much double screwed myself, I finished the first dungeon and collected all of the fairy parts but I didn't know where the fairy shrine was, so I figured I would finish up the Missing Deku Princess story while I still had time (I was on the Third Day) before checking the restored swamp for that fairy shrine. Game is like, hey Mr. Butler wants to award you with an item. Cool, go to meet him, he makes me chase him through a stupid maze where getting hit with traps forces me to redo the whole maze from the beginning. I really hated doing this thing in OoT but whatever, it's probably not that long... turns out I am wrong. I screw up so much I have to reset the timeline with an hour left on the clock because I did not want to redo the whole dungeon again from scratch. Come back to find out that resetting time, also resets the fairies in the dungeon, so I basically have to redo the dungeon again anyway just to get the fairies again and open up the stupid maze race with the Butler. I just saved his smurfing kingdom, don't make me work for your damn prize (which was frankly not quite worth the aggravation) but its a bit annoying how bomb bags and masks cycle with you but some things don't... With that said, the story line is cute and I look forward to the rest of the game now that I have a better idea that getting every item in this game is likely going to require a fetch quest and probably some asinine puzzle or test of skill. Whatever, it's Zelda and I love it all the same.

  9. #24
    Omni-Odin's Avatar
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    I've got a sig on my Zelda account for this. I love OoT and TP the most. The only games I haven't played are the Oracle games. Want to, just can't find them for cheap enough (I'm a hard copy kind of person). This is actually a series where I don't have a worst game, just least favorite. I'm a fan of MM, but just not to the point others are. I loathe time mechanics in everything, but the story was good enough and game was fun enough to look past that.


    So much to love about Zelda. I'm just sad I don't think I'll be able to continue the series. I've blown money on a PS4 and Xbox1 and don't think I'll be able to afford a WiiU, no matter how good the new game looks.
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  10. #25
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I've only played Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and a good chunk of Oracle of Seasons. I started Oracle of Seasons last year, but quit it when I got stuck trying to figure out how to get to the next dungeon and found out that I needed to collect three shapes that were scattered across the map and required a lot of season changing to get to. smurf that!

    I don't understand the mind of the person who designed that.

  11. #26

  12. #27
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm down to the last three dungeons in Link's Awakening and I'm honestly not sure where any of them are. I'm sure one is up in Tal Tal Mt. but I don't seem to know how to reach where I need to be. My only hint is to track down a frog in a location I don't remember even seeing before. Guess I'll be wandering for a bit on this one.

    In Majora's Mask, I've learned that this one quest I'm trying to complete is pretty much not going to happen until I get Epona back. I've also figured that this will not happen until get further in the plot so I'm working in Snowhead with the Gorons. I have the mask and been meaning to unfreeze and follow the old Goron but alas, my free time is rare lately, so I probably won't be able to put any time into this until tomorrow night. Taking a break from Zelda II for the sake of my nerves. Trying very hard not to to break out Link to the Past or Twilight Princess.

    For more conversation: What is your top five favorite dungeons in the Zelda series? Also who is Link's best companion character?

  13. #28
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Midna is the best companion character, hands down.

    Is have to think about the dungeon thing, but I'm pretty sure my number 1 is the Great Cistern from SS

  14. #29
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    The 4th level of the 2nd quest on the original NES Zelda. That dungeon was insane, with its hidden one-way walls, tough enemies, and careful bomb management to ensure you could even kill the last boss.

  15. #30
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    I can't think of one I love most out of all the games UGH so I'll try to name my favorites from each game:

    LttP: The ones I remember best are in this entry (probs cuz its my fave) Palace of Darkness hands down. Fkng LOVED the end boss def one of my fave bosses in the entire series. Well ALL the end bosses in LttP were so much damn fun to fight save for the Desert palace sand serpents (or wateva they were) stay still fkers xD
    OoT: Water Temple n Shadow Temple for the music <3
    TP: Arbiter's Ground, creepy n foreboding

    I cant remember the rest plus its rather difficult to narrow em to down to 5 (for me nyway). I'm always excited to take on ALL the dungeons in Zelda games, challenging or not.

    As for Link's best companion character Btch plz -NO CONTEST-

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