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Thread: The Legend of Zelda Series

  1. #46
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time:

    Link's Awakening - Same as last time.

    Majora's Mask - Finally took down Snowhead and got all the damn fairires. The fairy collecting quest is bringing back flashbacks of AC, and not the good kind. Other than that, the boss was pretty easy considering how much of a bitch it was to get to him. Grabbed the Big Bomb Bag from the Deku sales man, but I had to restart the cycle so it will be awhile before I can get the powder keg and start the Goron Races/Romani Ranch segment. I'm still debating whether the Time Loop aspect of the game is either brilliant or a total pain in the ass.

    Zelda II - After several failed attempts, I finally got the Hammer and an extra magic and Heart container. I also gained two levels wandering around death mountain and got the fairy spell. With all this, I was able to finally reach the boss of palace 2 and was quickly killed using my last life. I do feel like I'm getting better but it's a slow process, like Demon's Souls and what not. I'll admit that getting so many items in one go was pretty exhilarating and softened my feelings towards the game a little.

  2. #47
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    That maze of caves to get the hammer was one of the most dreaded places in the game when I was a kid.

  3. #48
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Zelda II - Completed second Palace, currently combing the graveyard for the entrance to the third palace.

    Link's Awakening - Got the L2 Sword and finally reached Eagle Tower. I can honestly say that LA is my favorite of the three games so far because it hits that perfect balance of being challenging without being frustrating.

    Majora's Mask - Got the Gilded Sword after having to redo the Goron Races and Snowhead boss fight because I ran out of time the first time to have it forged. Screwed up the Romani Ranch Alien Quest so I'll have to do it the next time around so I spent my time getting the Zora Mask and using it to reach some treasures that have eluded me. I've decided that the Time Travel mechanic is a cool idea but I'm not enjoying the execution because it preys too much on my completionist OCD. I'm really starting to hate redoing quests and having to wait around for arbitrary times to do them again each cycle, especially when I learn down the road I'm missing an item I need to finish it.

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    Okay guys real talk

    I've never played a Zelda game in my life (apart from playing the first one for about 10 minutes once a long time ago and not understanding it), and know absolutely nothing about it apart from it involving some elf guy. I have recently taken a mate's Wii off his hands for a tenner and now own my first ever Nintendo console. Now may finally be the time to try this game that everyone seems to rave about. I have some questions:

    1. Which one should I play
    2. Is the game going to keep my interest (ie. does it have some kind of plot as we're on like the 30th iteration of Mario now and it's still the same game)
    3. Can/should I get the older ones on the Virtual Console

    Thank you for your cooperation.
    Ocarina of Time has definitely aged better than most N64 games but I really can't see a single reason to recommend it over a newer Zelda game. I'd recommend starting with Twilight Princess for 3D, it's one of my favorite games of all time. Either that or Windwaker. Two very different games; a decent idea might be to watch 5 or 10 minutes of gameplay from each game on Youtube and decide which grabs you more. Skyward Sword is fairly lame and poorly put together imo, so I'm going to recommend against that, though it seems to be a pretty divisive game among fans so my opinion is certainly not law.

    The stories in Zelda games are nothing special usually, but as a Twilight Princess fanboy I'll say that I enjoyed its plot the most.

  5. #50
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Zelda II - still trying to find the third Palace, getting my ass handed to me in random encounters in the graveyard because the enemies drain XP in addition to damaging me, so I'm kind of stuck there.

    Majora's Mask - Saved the cows from Them, beat the Gormani Bros. in a race, restored the spirit of the Circus Ringmaster, saved the Milk delivery, and now I'm back to the new cycle. I am very happy to know the hookshot is the next major item I'm getting cause it's always been my favorite tool and lord knows it's going to make traversing the world easier. Guess it's time to fight some pirates and save a Zora Rock Band.

    Link's Awakening - Finished, the final boss was surprisingly mean with his various forms, but you'll be happy to know I fought him fairly despite knowing the Boomerang absolutely destroys him. Great ending with some really twisted puzzles and dungeons. My only regret is that I didn't play this game sooner. Really somber and bittersweet ending when you think about it. The Wand is a bit overpowered though. I also did decide to do the Color Dungeon which was deceptively easy with the only section giving me a hard time were the color floor rooms that change color when you step on them. You almost think there is a puzzle in these rooms but you would be wrong. I chose the Red Tunic (Doubles your Attack power) but I still had some issues facing off against DeathI/Nightmare. Game had a pretty good story considering the series is still light on plot. You can definitely see how this game is the missing link (pun not intended) between LttP's and OoT design. I may have to re-evaluate my ranking of the series now.

  6. #51
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Good effort playing three of these at one time, WK! I'm not sure I could concentrate on more than one at a time due to the similar plots they all have.

    I should probably dust off my copy of Links Awakening actually. It's sat in my GB Advance case and hasn't been touched in years. Maybe when I finish FFII on my Vita I'll have that as my new commuting game.

  7. #52
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Good effort playing three of these at one time, WK! I'm not sure I could concentrate on more than one at a time due to the similar plots they all have.

    I should probably dust off my copy of Links Awakening actually. It's sat in my GB Advance case and hasn't been touched in years. Maybe when I finish FFII on my Vita I'll have that as my new commuting game.
    Well it helps I'm playing the entries that are all pretty radically different from each other. From a gameplay standpoint Link's Adventure is the closest to traditional, though Majora's Mask isn't a huge leap from it in itself but the time travel mechanic does change how you approach the game and give it a new spin. So it's actually like playing three different games to be honest. Like playing FFTactics, a numbered entry, and TheaterRhythm, yeah they're all Final Fantasy but they each have a different feel and playstyle.

    Funny enough, Ganon isn't really in any of these games. You see him if you die in Zelda II but there is no real villain and the plot is about reviving an older Zelda by finding the Triforce of Courage. Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask don't even take place in Hyrule and Zelda and Ganon get passing mentions with Link being the sole star. Granted both games certainly feel like "leftover" titles (This isn't a bad thing) basically feeling like games that utilized ideas that got cut from Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, but they are pretty solid titles overall. I'm thinking of adding Four Sword Adventure into the mix to fill the hole left in my handheld department.

  8. #53
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Didn't get really far last night.

    Zelda II - Found the Island Palace, royally got my ass handed to me in the third or fourth room. Decided I needed a less stessful evening and shelved it for another night.

    Majora's Mask - Houston we've obtained the Hookshot! Aaaannnd It's not as cool as other Zelda games due to being a bit more limited when it works. I also reached Spectacle Rock but can't seem to beat the Sea Snakes cause the Zora form doesn't seem as useful as you would think. I did use it to beat the first Gold Skulltala house in the Swamp. I'll probably tackle the one in the Great Bay next cycle. I need that Wallet upgrade so I can finally purchase the All-Night Mask. Still kind of trying to figure out what I need to do in the Great Bay. I know I'm looking for Zora Eggs but the pirates seem to have lost them too. I also visited the Ikana Canyon but can't progress further because I don't have the Ice Arrows yet I think? I also got the Captain's Mask finally. I beat this guy before but couldn't acquire his Mask cause I didn't have the hookshot yet. Couldn't get the treasure under the graveyard due to running out of time.

    Four Swords - Finished the Trial Zone and in the Sea of Trees area. Game is pretty simple and you can tell it's just an add-on party game. My only real beef is that there doesn't seem to be a way to save unless you clear a zone I assume, so I progressed pretty far in the area but will have to start from square one cause I couldn't save and the 3DS doesn't have a Quick Save feature for this game like it did for my other downloaded games. With that said, this game looks to be really short overall.

    Anyway, all of this is going to have to be on hold for awhile because my co-worker got a new copy of Wind Waker and lent it to me, and lo and behold this one works. Since I'm obligated to give it back soon, I will be focusing all my efforts on this game from now on. I'm happy I'll finally be able to say I've played all of the mainline Zelda games as well with this entry.

  9. #54
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Well the copy had some issues as well but I think it's fixed now...

    Zelda II - Still trapped in the Island Palace. Debating about abusing the the Fairy Spell to cheese my way through it.

    Four Swords - Sea of Trees cleared. Game is nice if you need mindless entertainment but definetly a party game that I wish I could play with someone...

    Majora's Mask - Still clueless on how to help the Zoras. Trying my hand with the new Skulltala dungeon but this one is a bit tricker than the last one... Just realized I can also finally finish the Kaifei quest now that I have access to Epona.

    Spirit Tracks - Forgot I had this game so I started it up. Really cute so far. I love using the Stylus to control the train and the stylus controls are a big improvement over Phantom Hourglass. I really like this Zelda as well. Just got my ass handed to me by the bad guys and saw Spirit Tower is destroyed. Zelda's body has been carried away and I woke up in the castle...

    Wind Waker - So this game also had a bad habit of crashing so I originally got all the way up to Dragon Roost Island before the game crashed and I learned far too late that I never saved... Which is why I prefer save points over "save anywhere" options because they tend to remind me to save. Anyway, restarted the game and caught up to where I left off and even finished the first real dungeon to obtain my first Plot Coupon. So far I really love how expressive Link is in this game and I'm still a bit amazed by how fluid the animation is. I have a sneaking suspension that going back to TP or SS is going to feel a bit like a downgrade despite the more intricate character design. I love how the game uses music and sound to help clue you in on enemies and when to attack, I tend to do better with audio cues than visual ones hanks to years of Rhythm games. I also feel like this Link is tied with SS Link for being just a cosmic butt monkey. Guy cannot catch a break and this still just feeds into my fan theory that Link being cursed to be the hero for screwing up badly. Also Tingle's design is a lot more appealing in this game than his nightmare fuel design from Majora's Mask. So far a really fun game and I can't wait to play more when I get some free time.

  10. #55

  11. #56


    I am currently on my first Twilight Princess playthrough. When a game begins and is already on the road of being better than a Link to the Past for me, it must be a very good game.

  12. #57
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Twilight Princess is a really good game. One of the last games that actually made me feel something. And the soundtrack is probably the best in the series.

  13. #58
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    yep im with Fynn, TP is awesome. the dungeons feel more Ambient and its still challenging too

  14. #59
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Most of the games haven't been touched except for two.

    Spirit Tracks - Didn't get terribly far, obtained the first Railway map to the first plot coupon area. I love the fact that the little escort Princess Zelda tutorial at the beginning of the game gets twisted around later when it's revealed that Zelda will be doing this for Link for the rest of the game. I have to say, this may be my favorite incarnation of Zelda in the series. While she's a bit more gender-stereotype than her ancestor from WW, it really works for character and story. For those wondering what I mean, this game is kind of a giant lampshade hanging by Nintendo about how utterly useless Zelda is for most of the series. She literally has a line where she tells Link to go ahead without her and she'll wait for him to do the heavy lifting while she waits, "because that is apparently a tradition among princesses" and then she is utterly dumbfounded when one of the Sages tells her that she should actually be the one to help Link when the situation shows he can't do this quest on his own. Honestly she's really fun to watch and easily one of the most animated incarnations of her. The first time she possesses one of the Phantom Knight Armour is hilarious.

    Wind Waker - Okay, discovered my first real beef with this game that doesn't involve the disc being a bit damage so it randomly crashes when I transition from indoor to outdoor locations. This game is surprisingly linear and one of the first entries to blatanly railroad you. Granted the series has been somewhat linear since Ocarina of Time and the series always has a way of forcing you to go the way it wants you to but this is the first time where you honestly have the means to go where you want and the game will stop everything to tell you to go to the next designated area. I'm on the open sea and if I travel too far off course, my ship will stop everything and tell me to get back on course before turning around. Kind of surprised me, but it's not quite as aggravating as Skyward Sword's "Go here, but not until I tell you it's time and not before I make you do a few stupid things to amuse me before that" nonsense.

    I've just reached the Great Deku Tree and I kind of really like how the game actually plays around with the idea of their actually being a Link people remember before this (though still just in legend format) and how no one really expects this Link to actually do anything remarkable. He hasn't yet been designated as some Hero of Prophecy like most of the Link's and instead has a bit more of a personal reason for his quest that doesn't involve Zelda or saving Hyrule.

    The game is also a bit more platform heavy than I would care for but I'll get over it. I just arrived in the Forbidden Woods. I also now have two bottles which might be a record for just casually acquiring them as opposed to the hurdles usually thrown in your way to get them in earlier titles. I'm still trying to figure out why I need six of these things in Majora's Mask...

    I've also decided, after looking at the timeline, that for all the praise and fan admiration the Hero of Time incarnation of Link gets, he's the one who really drops the ball as Ganondorf/Ganon pretty much walks away from their battle to terrorize Hyrule regardless of what he does. It's the later incarnations of Link(LoZ, WW, and TP) that finally put him down for good. So he basically just delays the inevitable instead of finishing the job...

    For fun topics:
    Which incarnation of Zelda is your favorite?
    Which incarnation of Link is your favorite?

  15. #60
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Skyward Sword Zelda is definitely the best. I mean she is so CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE

    Plus, the relationship she has with Link is just amazing. You can really feel how much they care for each other since the beginning.

    Special mention goes to Hilda from A Linkt Between Worlds.

    Apart from her being an awesome character, I never knew I needed a black-haired Zelda so much until I saw her. She's like, Evanescence Zelda.

    As for favorite Link.


    But really, he changes into a badass wolf, which is always amazing, you can tell he loves animals with how he treats those dogs and Epona, plus he has the best hair. He's an adorable muffin that I just can't get enough of

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