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Thread: The Legend of Zelda Series

  1. #106
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Spirit Tracks - I beat up those pesky pirates and even got a piece of gratitude in the form of a Force Gem for my trouble (now I know where the Gratitude Minigame from Skyward Sword originated) and then returned the sage to his Sanctuary. Afterwards, we had a quick jam session and I finally restored part of the Ocean Realm's tracks. Didn't have much time for the handheld, so that is as far as I got.

    Zelda II - Explored the Hidden Temple some more and got frustrated enough to hunt down a map on my phone to figure things out. My only real progress for the evening was obtaining the Cross, the final item of the game other than the Triforce of Courage. Now I just need to make my way to the boss of the dungeon. I'm a bit annoyed that my least favorite boss in the game, Rebonack, has been turned into a mini-boss for this dungeon. To explain, Rebonack is basically a Blue Iron Knuckle who rides a horse and tries to charge you. The horse part is actually really easy to deal with but once it's gone, you have to fight a Blue Iron Knuckle who loves to back off the screen while still throwing sword beams at you...

    Majora's Mask - Done and done. I got my Fierce Deity Mask, I made Majora my bitch and saw the ending. While I have some issues with some of the mechanics of the game, and I still feel the controls are a bit dated, overall, I really enjoyed Majora's Mask. The hardest boss for me in the game was either the Fish Boss from the Great Bay Temple since or the Skeleton King in Ikana Castle. Hardest dungeon was Great Bay for me, though my favorite was the Ikana Stone Tower Temple. My favorite Mask was either the Bunny Ears (doubles speed) or the Keaton Mask ( lets you talk to fox spirits and a favorite returning mask from OoT) my favorite sidequest was either sound testing the stage at the milk bar, and despite my issues with it, the battle against the aliens at Romani Ranch was pretty adorable. My favorite major Mask was probably the Goron, but my favorite major story was the Deku Princess and the Monkey.

    Now that Majora's Mask is over, Skyward Sword is next.

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    15 years later and I still remember how annoying those knights were in two
    I think I remember waiting on the left side of the screen and using my shield to block their throws until they got as far left as they were gonna get, then rushing to try and kill them before they backed off screen. It didn't always kill them in one go though, so sometimes it took multiple tries.

  3. #108
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update time!

    Spirit Tracks - Not a whole lot.

    Zelda 2 - Hidden Temple done. The boss wasn't even that bad and I didn't have to resort to a guide to find him. Unfortunately, I got creamed getting to him, even with the extra life I found, so my journey through the Valley of Death was pretty short lived. I'll do another attempt tomorrow.

    Skyward Sword - Has it really been almost four years since I last played this? That was my first thought when I noticed my last file was December of 2012, the year the world didn't come to an end. I feel the biggest hurdle with this game, and one that is coming back to me all too painfully, is relearning how to play the game with the new motion controls. It is certainly a bit weird coming off of Majora's Mask to be playing this game, especially considering how much this game holds your hand compared to older entries. If its not the controls being readily available at all times, or when the game showing a line of sight for where your thrown items will land, then it is the fact the translucent Wii mote controller is permanently etched to the side of the screen, detailing what all the buttons do. No, this isn't the Zelda you played in middle school kids. I'm not even looking forward to dealing with low battery life in the Wii mote and Fi's incessant reminders to go along with it.

    With that all said, the music is gorgeous and the color scheme is quite striking with the art style. Like Wind Waker, the game is just so vibrant. Anyway, Link has a bad dream that a black sandworm escaped from the surface, only to discover its actually Zelda's bird squawking at him to wake up so it can deliver a letter, which it sharply spits into his face before leaving. We've concluded that this Link will continue the time honored tradition established in Wind Waker, that Link will never gain respect until almost the end of the game. After a couple of tutorials to learn about the stamina gauge and how it now affects the new running mechanic as well as climbing, pushing, and carrying things, Link meets up with Zelda like he promised only for her to fret to her father about what would happen if Link fails the days ceremony for knighthood. Insisting he practives, Zelda pushed Link off the island despite his protests of not sensing his Loftwing. A few minutes later, Link's classic scream, and Zelda actually rescuing him for a change, Link now begins his journey to find his Loftwing in time for the ceremony. Link encounters Groose, the Biff Tannen of the Zelda Universe, and figures out quickly due to his not so subtlety, that Groose and his flunkies kidnapped the bird and hid it on the island. This required a sword, a quick tutorial for the new sword mechanic and then a quick romp through the most underwhelming mini-dungeon in the series. Zelda says some cryptic things about hearing voices, talks to Link about what the "world" beyond the island must be like and how she wants to see it (Marin from Link's Awakening may have a few words with her about not asking such questions). Afterwards we get a quick tutorial for the Loftwing controls and the game asked me to save before proceeding to the ceremony. I quit by this point, because I'm tired from a long day at work with poor sleep from the night before, and also because I'm dreading the sailcloth tutorial because it took me smurfING FOREVER to get that right the first playthrough in, and if it took me ten minutes to figure out that I have to shake the Nunchuk part of the controller instead of the wii-mote in order to roll, despite the game telling me over and over to do this with the nuchuck silhouette glowing on screen with words "roll" written over it, then I'm definitely too tired to deal with that nonsense.

  4. #109
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Ah, yes. The sailcloth. My brother almost died laughing after I made Link land face-first on the ground like 11 times or so.

  5. #110
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Spirit Tracks - Ocean Temple, and my goodness is this temple a no-brainer, I'm not sure if Nintendo felt the Stylus controls would be too much and just scaled this game back (not that this helped against the boss of the Snow Temple) or if Nintendo was targeting this particular entry towards the kiddies but my goodness has this dungeon been a cakewalk. The Spirit Tower is a bit more challenging but it's a bit sad to see the main temples kind of lacking. Anyways, I just acquired the whip, which is easily my favorite sub-weapon so far since it's bringing back fond memories of the whip from Secret of Mana, shame what Skyward Sword did to it... I got bored and called it a night before finishing the temple though.

    Zelda 2 - The Valley of Death lives up to its name apparently. Three attempts, and while I got further each time, I kept getting cheesed by the game. The enemies in this area are not particularly powerful, they just took a lot of lessons from the enemies of Classicvania titles. They don't murder you outright, they just love screwing up your jumps or send you recoiling off a ledge into lava, and in this game, it's instant death, with only three lives per attempt, and being forced to backtrack all the way back to the entrance from the starting area, this quickly eroded my patience. Thankfully, I learned that once I reach the Great Palace, the game will have me start from there from now on.

    Skyward Sword - Got quite a bit done tonight: won the race, lost Zelda, gained the Goddess Sword, learned the Skyward Strike, got the classic outfit, sealed Demise, met the Old Woman, found all the Kikwi's and gained a slingshot, two bottles, a shield I quickly broke, and two fully drained rechargeable battery sets. I'm heading for the first temple but I'll probably make a quick trip to Skyloft to buy a new shield, and see if I can get an upgrade for it. I've gotten much better with the controls and didn't screw up the sailcloth or ceremonial race like the first time. I am quickly being reminded of why I don't like Fi though, in addition to telling you the obvious (thanks Captain Obvious) she's also incredibly long winded about everything. I mean every time she talks she pulls a percentage out of her cloak and blabs on for what feels like forever when it's pretty obvious what is going on. I did learn I can turn off the helper displays on the screen, so that was neat. I might see if I can get a Bug Net from Beedle if he's still flying his shop around.

    The Legend of Zelda Cartoon - WELL EXCUUUUUUUSSSSEEE MEEEEEE PRINCESS! 13 episodes of a show I enjoyed as a kid, despite knowing even back then it was terrible. The plots were childish but I at least found them enjoyable in a B-Movie kind of way. Surprised how many shout outs there were to the classic games, though I'm equally surprised Impa is absent from the series. This might also have one of the better incarnations of Zelda in the franchise. Shame Link is kind of an arrogant doofus. I may have to track down Captain N so I can see the two other Zelda stories they featured in that, besides just watching how ridiculous that show was.

  6. #111
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    This is kinda spoilery for Zelda II if you don't feel like reading it, but mandatory for the Great Palace boss and I don't want you to get so frustrated you break things.

    Great Palace BossYou need to save your magic instead of casting Life and whatnot to help get through the dungeon. In order to hurt the boss you have to cast Thunder at the start of the fight and it takes a lot of magic. You may be able to cast a Life spell during the fight afterwards. I don't remember if you have enough magic power left, but I want to say no. More importantly, with the remaining magic, you can cast reflect towards the end of the fight, instead of dodging all the damage while finishing it off. I remember there being a fairy in that maze of a dungeon to help you stay alive before a long elevator trip down, and that was always helpful, but I can't give you any clearer direction than that.

  7. #112
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time!

    Zelda 2 - Died A LOT trying to reach the Great Palace. It's not even the enemies being tough, it's just cheap deaths with enemies knocking me into instant kill lava pits. I'll try again tonight.

    Spirit Tracks - Ocean Palace complete. It honestly took longer to get to the dungeon than it did to complete it. The boss was actually fun though, even if the dungeon had too much backtracking. I just returned to the Spirit Tower, and will attempt to open up the final area, the Realm of Fire.

    Skyward Sword - Reached the entrance to the Skyview Temple (Forest Temple) and decided to head back to Skyloft to pick up a shield, cash in on some Goddess Cube treasures and get a few nice upgrades. Also BUG CATCHING! Sadly, my biggest issue so far has been a technological one, Wii Motion Plus just eats through the battery life. I remember buying a rechargeable battery set pretty much for this game and Operation Rainfall titles, and so far this game is the worst when it comes to sucking up energy.

  8. #113
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I have Zelda 2 downloaded on my Wii. I've always been tempted by it to see if it really is as bad as some people say. Your experiences are not convincing me to try it just yet!

  9. #114
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    I have Zelda 2 downloaded on my Wii. I've always been tempted by it to see if it really is as bad as some people say. Your experiences are not convincing me to try it just yet!
    It's not. it's just designed to make you suffer.

  10. #115
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    It's standard NES game style. Games didn't have a lot of memory so they made them hard with limited lives to increase "replayability". Surely it can't be too hard for you video game veterans if I could beat it when I was 10.

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    It's standard NES game style. Games didn't have a lot of memory so they made them hard with limited lives to increase "replayability". Surely it can't be too hard for you video game veterans if I could beat it when I was 10.
    That's hardly the only aspect. There's also the limitations that the hardware puts on the consoles. There are a lot of things that the console could not do, and a lot of limitations that seem to artificially handicap the player. In Metroid, for example, the inability for Samus to shoot downward seems absolutely crippling by today's standard and the comparison to later games, but to younger players who haven't adapted to having more, it's not that much of a problem.

    Limitations to controls, movements, enemy actions, etcetera. Everything adds up to something which lacks the refinement of modern gaming. That refinement naturally leads to a smoother play experience, while removing it leads to a rougher one.

  12. #117
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    I have Zelda 2 downloaded on my Wii. I've always been tempted by it to see if it really is as bad as some people say. Your experiences are not convincing me to try it just yet!
    It's actually pretty fun, in a Dark Souls kind of way. What I don't usually mention is the sheer satisfaction you get for completing a dungeon or obtaining a new item or spell. Its definitely a game where you feel really rewarded when you make any kind of progress, no matter how small. While I've ranked it as my least favorite in the past, I'm now starting to feel that Phantom Hourglass deserves that title a bit more, this game has rose up in rank for me as I've been going through this playthrough.

    Update Time!

    Zelda 2 - Made it to the Great Palace, and was promptly killed for my endeavors, but I knew it was going to be a challenge. Sadly I was on my last life at the time and chose to save the game, only to discover that the whole "start at the Great Palace when you reach it" clause only applies to continues, so I now need to mentally prepare myself because I now know I need to tackle the Valley of Death and Great Palace in one setting. We'll see how that goes tonight.

    Spirit Tracks - It confounds me how lopsided the difficulty of this game can be. I breezed through the Ocean Temple so fast I actually was getting pretty bored and bit insulted by how pathetically easy it all was. Now I'm back in the Spirit Tower trying to get access to the final realm and the puzzles in this place are significantly more difficult. I actually called it quits because I was getting a bit annoyed myself. The thing is, this has been going on the whole damn game. The Spirit Tower is always harder than the main temples, and it's giving me a Persona 3 vibe because the Full Moon missions were always easy, whereas Tartarus could often be more challenging.

    Skyward Sword - Ah the benefit of understanding how the controls work and knowing the trick behind the puzzles. I remember my first time through the Skyview Temple being frustrating, largely because I was still trying to get used to the new controls and this dungeon was pretty much a test area to show you how the new controls change everything you knew about Zelda. This time around, the dungeon proved to be pretty easy and I actually whooped Giriham's ass with little trouble; which is nice, because he usually gave me the most problems in this game. So it's off to Eldin Volcano in my next outing.

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    Update Time!

    Zelda 2 - Finished. After a few attempts I finally made my way to Thunderbird and thankfully took him down in my first attempt. Next up was the most famous part of Zelda 2, the final battle against Shadow Link, who actually goes down really easy if you know the trick. Sadly, reading up on Shadow Link a few years back for Ocarina of Time clued me into the cheap strategy to beat him because the designers purposely gave OoT S.Link a counter if you tried that trick on him in that game. Anyway, the game is done, I had a blast even if it took awhile to get the hang of everything and the frustration factor. I'm simply happy I finally conquered a game from my childhood that mocked me for so long. Good times.

    Spirit Tracks - Things are finally getting interesting in this game. Turns out the Malladus (Main Villain) henchmen is one of the Lokomo and the former apprentice to my mentor character. They may have also just taken each other out for me. Fire Realm is unlocked but the Goron are having issues with the Volcano and need me to haul some ice over to them, so they hook me up with a special train cart for hauling supplies, which in turn has now opened up a whole set of sidequests I've been ignoring up until now. Once I get the route to the temple unlocked, I may take a break from the story to do some of these sidequests to better prepare myself because I vaguely remember Phantom Hourglass getting significantly harder in the final stretch of the game and I have a bad feeling this game won't be any different in that regard.

    Skyward Sword - Unlocked Eldin Volcano, but got sidetracked hunting down a missing girl in the village and unlocking the Gratitude Crystal sidequest which I still find hilarious. Picked up an iron shield and took another step in my fave sidequest in the game: Romancing Peatrice the Item Check girl. I did make it to the Eldin Area and started going through the motions of reaching the Earth Temple but my batteries started to die and rather than scramble to get another set in, I used it as sign to quit for the evening, especially since I don't want to listen to Fi hounding me about it being 3a.m. and I should take a break.

  14. #119
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    Congrats on beating Zelda II. What was the trick? I just remember standing on the left of the screen and holding the down button while attacking.

  15. #120
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theundeadhero View Post
    Congrats on beating Zelda II. What was the trick? I just remember standing on the left of the screen and holding the down button while attacking.
    That's the trick. He's a nightmare to fight if you try to face him fair. In OoT, if you go for a low strike, Shadow Link will jump onto your sword and punish you.

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