You ever watch a movie that you loved when you were younger, and then went back to it and went, "Holy crap, this is terrible!"

I think my biggest example of this right now was with the old Spawn movie. As a kid I used to love it and considered it one of my favorite superhero movies, but today? Oh my god, does it look cheesy as hell (lol puns). The special effects look like something that'd be in a PSX video game, not a Hollywood action movie. The soundtrack is still good, though.

Van Helsing is another. At the time I remember people praising it for its special effects, and criticizing it for not having much meat in the story itself. Watching it today you can see how much the CGI has aged. And the acting at times, sweet merciful Jesus were we supposed to take Dracula seriously? That whole scene with him ranting to his wives were hilarious.

A more recent example was when I caught a glimpse of the 2002 Spider-Man for work. This movie was responsible for the current comic book craze in our media we have today, but going back to it was gut-wrenching. It's just so campy, and I know that's the bloody point, I'm familiar with Sam Raimi's work (honestly think Hercules and Xena aged better), but it's too corny and I don't think I could sit through it again. If any Spider-Man flick came out of the 1960's it's that one. Though it is interesting to see how far comic book movies have come in just the past decade.

Your turn.