So you have eight characters. Take one of them and minimize their role in the plot and the amount of screen time they get, and give more screen time and plot importance to another
I'd probably drop Zidane or Garnet's screen time and give it to Freya and Amarant since they need it or for Vivi and Steiner since they're my favorite characters.
True beauty exists in things that last only for a moment.
Current Mood: And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe. Maybe this year will be better than the last. I can't remember all the times I tried to tell myself. To hold on to these moments as they pass...
I'd drop Quina's screentime and give more to Freya.
This signature reeks of Moogle.
minimize Amarant. like 100% and expand Quina and Freya.
Minimize Zidane and Garnet love story, big up Steiner and Beatrix's (which didnt get enough screen time)