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Thread: Let's Play XCOM 2

  1. #16
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Well, after finally getting through it, I had a lot more success during the next mission. The second tutorial mission is just really, really annoying on Commander difficulty. The map is set, but encounters aren't (and I got unlucky and got a lot of them before the objective), the objective is timed, and you have all Rookies. It is a really annoyingly difficult map. But it does actually teach you a lot about tactics for the game by the time you get through the half dozen resets it takes to finish it.

    Anyway, what I'm probably going to do is run through the tutorial missions (because I love the story elements, way better than Enemy Unknown), then restart with the tutorial off and try to take on Veteran mode from there.

    If I get done with my homework, I'll run through the tutorials today, and have them uploaded by the end of the day. If not, I'll run them after work tomorrow.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    I think I'm just going to give up on this.

    I played through the tutorial missions on Commander difficulty to make sure the game ran okay (after the absolutely abysmal performance when it first started up), so that I knew I could stream it.

    I wiped on the second tutorial mission five times, and lost my favorite soldier on the one time I succeeded (even though she was in high cover and one of the least open soldiers on my squad, she still died in one hit). So, I am sick of the Veteran mode, and I'm not going to play it for a hell of a long time. The way the game forces you to sprint for everything or just give you a Game Over, while not giving you many tools to deal with what's thrown at you is just pissing me off. It wouldn't be fun to watch.

    I then stumbled into a couple issues with the Character Pool that just enraged me further. Even though Firaxis gives you the option to set someone's class, it means nothing. Once you recruit them as a Rookie, they act as every other Rookie, and promote randomly. Which is BULLtrout. Oh, and my customization options for Fox didn't save properly, as the character wound up with a hairdo I didn't choose and a pair of sunglasses that I didn't authorize.

    So, overall, I'm just mad at the game right now, and I'm unlikely to go through with the LP. I'm not going to play on Commander again until I'm much more familiar with the game, and even if I did, I'd apparently just fail a lot. So I won't have much entertaining content to provide. Sorry.
    Don't give up man. I mean a game like this is more similar to chess man, and it's war. Chess on a squad based level. People, even if they're your favorite. They're probably going to die sooner or later.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lazerface View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    I think I'm just going to give up on this.

    I played through the tutorial missions on Commander difficulty to make sure the game ran okay (after the absolutely abysmal performance when it first started up), so that I knew I could stream it.

    I wiped on the second tutorial mission five times, and lost my favorite soldier on the one time I succeeded (even though she was in high cover and one of the least open soldiers on my squad, she still died in one hit). So, I am sick of the Veteran mode, and I'm not going to play it for a hell of a long time. The way the game forces you to sprint for everything or just give you a Game Over, while not giving you many tools to deal with what's thrown at you is just pissing me off. It wouldn't be fun to watch.

    I then stumbled into a couple issues with the Character Pool that just enraged me further. Even though Firaxis gives you the option to set someone's class, it means nothing. Once you recruit them as a Rookie, they act as every other Rookie, and promote randomly. Which is BULLtrout. Oh, and my customization options for Fox didn't save properly, as the character wound up with a hairdo I didn't choose and a pair of sunglasses that I didn't authorize.

    So, overall, I'm just mad at the game right now, and I'm unlikely to go through with the LP. I'm not going to play on Commander again until I'm much more familiar with the game, and even if I did, I'd apparently just fail a lot. So I won't have much entertaining content to provide. Sorry.
    Don't give up man. I mean a game like this is more similar to chess man, and it's war. Chess on a squad based level. People, even if they're your favorite. They're probably going to die sooner or later.
    It was more the frustration of literally getting a Game Over five times in a row, on the second mission of the game. That tutorial mission is required, and it is a royal pain with the way it is set up, especially since you have three Rookies. It is actually easier to do the first two missions on Legend than it is to do that tutorial mission on Commander.

  4. #19
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    Okay, starting the stream of the first tutorial mission in just a minute. If any of you want to join me, the stream is at:

    If not, I'll upload the video tonight. And hopefully it's fun to watch (even though the first mission is totally scripted).

  5. #20
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    Okay, someone, anyone, please help. WTF am I doing wrong? Why can I not beat the smurfing TUTORIAL?!

  6. #21
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I'm really not sure why you're having so much trouble aside from missing some decent shots. My recommendation would have been to actually use the grenade on that first officer and soldier. Guaranteed kill on the trooper and you'll do decent damage to the officer. If you don't miss overwatch they'll both die then and there and you have more freedom to move up aggressively on your next turn. I'm pretty sure I was a bit liberal with my grenades when I did the mission and I don't remember it giving me much trouble. Given the choice between a chance to hit one target or slightly lower but guaranteed damage to one and a kill to the other I'll take the guaranteed damage every time in that level. Every kill you get, especially before they get to attack is a god send.

  7. #22
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Good stuff man. Apart from the whole...failure thing...I guess. Even still, very enjoyable to watch and you explain what you're doing and why you're doing it very well. Looking forward to more.

  8. #23
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    Alrighty, after some discussion over on the 2k forums trying to help learn some better tactical approaches, it's time to see if I've actually learned anything. If you wish to continue watching me fail at the game before it even properly begins, come pop in on my Twitch channel.

    Or, just be lazy and wait for the video.

    EDIT: Or, nevermind, because the game apparently crashes now any time I try to stream it. Dang it.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 02-13-2016 at 01:15 AM.

  9. #24
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Well that's balls. Hope you get it sorted.

  10. #25
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    I did. If I run a "stream test" first, it seems to work fine. But if I just go straight to streaming, it crashes immediately. Weird.

    But I got through a fairly lengthy session, and I'll upload the video soon.

    I get a lot of us killed through stupidity, though. Just an FYI.

  11. #26
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    I'll be asleep before it finishes processing. But hopefully it'll be up before you guys get back on to see it.

    And you can mock my massive incompetence.

  12. #27
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Unfortunately the recording for this one was a bit choppy and there was some really bad audio lag, but I remember you saying early on in the vid you were trying a new streaming mode. The last one was smooth but if it keeps crashing then this vid style was at least watchable.

    Thinking I might start up a character journal for Mick but I've still got about an hour left for this episode. So I'll get to it later on today if I do. Still really enjoying the series though! Wish I could jump in stream but you tend to go online pretty late at night in the UK.

  13. #28
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    Dang it. When people wee complaining about lag, I was hoping it was just the stream.

    I'm not done yet, there are some other adjustments I could try. Hopefully the next will be better.

  14. #29
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    I apologize for taking so long to update this. I should be able to run another stream and get another video up tomorrow.

    I just have an absolutely jam-packed semester that is really running a number on my free time.

  15. #30
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    No worries - your life comes first. I haven't posted yet but just wanted to say I have been watching - look forward to seeing more whenever you have a chance.

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