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Thread: Fightbruary

  1. #46


    Ditto all that. And the opinion isn't as unpopular these days. Especially with how the series is getting treated. Mostly only hardcore pros don't like Three for having some broken characters and mechanics. But it pioneered creating your own fighter. The most entertaining side mode in any fighting game. And a huge roster with really not a lot of just throw away characters. They almost did too good and aren't able to recapture that lightning. The stars must have aligned or something

  2. #47
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Soul Caliber looks pretty slick. If I didn't suck ass at these games I may consider it!

  3. #48
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Don't listen to the modesty. She did really well with this one. I may have landed a perfect round or two, but she was pretty dominant. The best I could do was tie the fight count up, but never took the lead. At one point she had a 5 fight lead, and that was after we evened out the life bars. Credit where it's due, she played more rounds with out the handicap, it wasn't half. We're both terrible compared to pros, but filthy casuals would have their hands full fighting her.

    I did win the favorite player vs. favorite player rounds, but I didn't do that in SC2, which is my preferred game.

    Going back and playing it again, it's a better game than I gave it credit for. My opinion has changed. I must have played a lot of it back then, because I had almost every thing unlocked. I was missing some weapons.

  4. #49
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    February 11th - Tekken 5

    So I always dread Tekken nights. Not really, but the hope does kind of go out the window. I know what to expect. I'm sure you guys know what to expect as well. I lost a whole bunch. I won a fair amount but it was really finding a balance with the handicap. 30 was too much, 10 was too little, so we settled at 15 where I still lost a bunch but could at least win every 3-4 fights.

    We got home late, I was tired, and Fightbruary is really taking a tole on my wrists and thumbs. Tekken 5 also has an extensive cast of characters and I like we did 30 matches with AT LEAST 2 rounds per match, sometimes three. That's a lot of fighting! I had planned to do a last round with Xiaoyu but alas my body is weak and crumbling under the pressures of virtual fighting. Sigh~

    It was fun though. There were some pretty tense matches and I put up a good fight, even on the rounds I lost. There were not many rounds where I was just super easy to beat and he had a ton of life left. I usually at least made him work for his victories. And if you can't aggravate your partner while they beat you up, well, maybe you are not meant to be! Really though they were pretty good rounds. Tekken 5 is a solid Tekken game, it is better than 4 but I think it suffers from basically being 6 light. It does stuff better than the games that came before it, but not as well as 6. So might as well play 6! Still a very good game though and we also have the first 3 games on it that we played earlier this month.

  5. #50
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    February 12th - NeoGeo Battle Coliseum

    So neither I nor the sharkdogg knew what to expect from this game because, as it turns out, neither of us had played it before! Poor game was just sitting there, waiting, neglected for many many years. Who knows how long he's had it. But today it got its day in the sun as we proceeded to beat the crap out of each other via this SNK game that is a mixture of SNK games, which are generally a mixture of SNK games (?). Kind of Like King of Fighters, but I liked this one more. The graphics were kinda meh, but there was an odd 3D bear playing with a tire swing, so

    I was immediately impressed just by the character selection. So many characters interested me! Wow, what about that one? And that one? So it was already off to a good start. The characters are mostly really good too, I am quite happy with it. The game also plays in a tag team format, so getting through the whole (large) roster went by faster since I got to use 2 characters at a time. Which is good because my thumbs give out more and more every night. It's also only one round instead of 2 because... well you have two characters. It's a tag team dealio where you can switch in and out during the fight.

    I won this one. It was 11 to 8 by the end of it. My boyfriend called me something like a "Jump happy jackass" part of the way through. He was much much better at special moves though, I don't think I even did one, and he was able to use this little old dude much better than me. Like, the old dude is super OP if you know what you're doing and I could do NOTHING. But overall I won, which was nice. I savour my victories where I can. Really this game was a bunch of fun, even if I had lost, and I have added it to my list of games to playthrough properly. So much fun and I am sad it was sitting on the shelf collecting dust. Also I had a fighting game dream last night which means both my body and mind are going out. Will I make it through Fightbruary? Stay tuned and find out~

  6. #51
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Will I make it through Fightbruary? Stay tuned and find out~
    Will Pumpkin's thumbs make it through Fightbruary, is the pertinent question.

  7. #52
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I couldn't play fighting games for a whole month. I'd go insane.

  8. #53


    This is better than watching Super Best Friends Friday Night Fisticuffs. Introduced to a lot of good fighting games through them. I think you'd enjoy Under Night In Exe Late or something like that. It has a weird name buy I'd very colorful fluid and fun

  9. #54
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    We've recently discovered their channel which is what led to us getting a fighting game itch, actually! Shame we can't record though but oh well. It's not exciting listening to us pout when we lose anyway xD

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    February 13th - Guilty Gear X2

    So today we played a game I have long heard of but never played. It seemed to have an interesting and creative cast of characters, so I was actually really excited to try this one. While I was correct in my assumption that there were really creative and interesting characters, I actually very much did not enjoy this game and doubt I will play it again. There was a very wide range of play styles and fighters though, which was a positive point.

    Certain characters were fun to use but overall the gameplay style did not mesh well with me personally. It felt kind of stiff and hard to get the hang of. It's probably super fun for people who know what they're doing and/or are better at fighting games than me, but for me it was actually rather frustrating and not very fun at all. I did not enjoy, although I guess it is nice to try new things. I was excited for this game though so that's a bit disappointing.

    The matches were pretty even. I did horribly in the beginning but then I picked it up and would win 4 matches in a row. Even the matches I lost I generally won a round, or at least put up a good fight. So it probably came out to about even in the end. The game didn't keep track of consecutive wins, but probably about even. Our last match was a good finisher though. We each won a round with barely any visible life bar left, so it made it quite tense. My hand cramped up hardcore at the end, but that's alright! Tense finishes are always a good way to end the day. Back to Tekken tomorrow where the wins and self-esteem I have accumulated over the past two days will be destroyed. Valentine's Day fun~~

  11. #56


    I can't get into Guilty Gear either. Tried a couple buy they are very slow stiff and methodical. I find it difficult to work out the moves. Generally I can pick up a game and at least one character will speak to me. I beat the one we had, Reloaded I think. But it was no fun. Blaz Blue was much easier to get the hang of for some reason. And I didn't enjoy that game either. And I think the same team did Under Night and I love that game. So the creators are capable of a wide variety of fighting game styles

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    February 14th - Tekken Tag Tournament

    So, in celebration of Valentine's Day, I got my butt handed to me in yet another Tekken game. It's getting quite frustrating and it makes me sad. I even had a 30 pt handicap at one point and I was getting countered, and special moves used against me and... well it was sad. I was sad.

    I made a bit of a comeback towards the end thanks entirely to my handicap. Once we got in to the characters that he didn't know, the handicap was lowered by half but was still very much there. He did win the overall most amount of matches though. I did start enjoying it more as it went along because even though I was still losing by a lot, the fights became less one sided. So that part was fun, and I do enjoy Tekken games.

    The cast was smaller than I remembered and the whole thing was actually pretty quick to play through because it was teams of two. I tried to make teams that made sense instead of just going in order like I usually do. I did not find out how to tag out Unknown though, which was odd. I also thought it would be fights until both fighters were defeated, but instead you just need to KO one of them for the round. It had been a long time since I played the first Tag, so I forgot. So even if one fighter has complete health left, if you KO one of them, that's it! And now we will resume Valentine's day by playing the silly Tekken Bowling, which is probably the best part of Tekken Tag!

  13. #58
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    What is it about the Tekken games that seems to make you end up on the losing side, Pumpkin?

  14. #59
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    I think Pumpkin needs to take some time out of her day, put on some Eye of the Tiger, and learn every single move in (insert Tekken game of choice here), memorize them, master the controls, challenge Sharky to a rematch and kick his candy ass all over (wherever the smurf you live) and remind him who wears the pants in the relationship!

    -is way too invested in this-

  15. #60
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    What is it about the Tekken games that seems to make you end up on the losing side, Pumpkin?
    I'm not actually too bad at the game, it's more of a matter of sharky being REALLY good. He's sunk a lot of hours in to the series and even won a minor tournament. He knows a lot of the moves and throws and counters and combos. So while I'm competent, I'm at a much lower skill level.

    As you may notice, it's generally pretty even or even stacked in my favour when we play games neither of us knows well. So I don't think I'm too horrible at fighting games. I think he's just really good at Tekken

    And we still have two more to go ugh

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