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Thread: FFNutt Plays Breath of Fire II

  1. #31
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    Welcome back everyone! When I left you all this morning we fought the witch that put a curse on Jean. She reveled that if a young girl will kiss Jean, He will turn from monster frog back to just a frog. Shall we got on our way?

    Well we gave Jean the run down and Nina isn't thrilled she was chosen but...
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    In the end, she puckered up like the good girl she is.
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    Nina and Jean sitting in the tree K. I. S. S. I. N. G. Welcome to the party Jean! Jean is actually the Prince of Sima Fort! That is where the girl thief went and Jean will take you there. Lets toss Jean into our party and head to Sima Fort!
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    Meanwhile at the same time we get a flash back to to the ruins, and we find out that it has turned into a town!
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    Jean has a great ability while on the world map. He can turn into a giant frog and go through ponds and over small gaps.
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    Hey Lets jump down that waterfall.
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    We will do that Next time!

  2. #32
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    SO we left with Jean about to jump a waterfall! sounds like some fun times. Nina after kissing the frog was taken out of the group to make room for the frog Prince of Sima Fort, and we go a flashback that the Ruins had turned into a thriving little village with voted in Tree Houses! Shall we continue?

    As we jump the water fall we enter a cave with an old man hiding in it. Like Nutt he is a member of the lost dragon clan and he helps Nutt's dragon powers grow into a full dragon attack! ya it kicks some butt!
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    Next stop Sima Fort to look for the Thief!
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    When we arrive at Sima Fort Jean welcomes us to his kingdom, the only problem is there is already a Prince Jean here! Looks like Jean needs Nutt's help again to sort this out.
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    The other Prince Jean thanks us for bringing in the Prince Jean we found, and asks us to leave. First though we scope out Sima Fort and update some equipment! We also find a new fishing Pole for Nutt!
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    Well I guess there is nothing left to do but leave. As we leave though we are stopped by the princess who thinks the real Prince is an impostor and the Jean we brought back was the real Jean! She asks us to check things out!
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    She sinks the boat we have been given and tosses us quickly into the water to avoid guards coming to see what the noise is. As we over hear the guards it appears that we were right all along about Jean being the Real Jean!
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    However us being in the water so long without being a frog has made us sink. We awake in the room we stole Nutt's new fishing rod out of the water, and what happens next will be told...Next time!
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  3. #33
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    When I left you the other day Nutt had just woke up in Sima Fort after Jean's sister pushed us in the water to hide us from the guards. Jean was taken to prison for being a Prince impostor, and his sister asked us to clear his name. Now dear reader, lets head into one of my favorite parts of Breath of Fire 2... Sima Fort!

    When Nutt wakes up The Princess tells us where Jean is and asks for help.
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    She then hands us the tool Gills, which will allow us to walk through shallow water which will allow us to breath so we can get through places in the castle sink or swim.
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    Gills are working great!
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    Well we make our way over to Jean but we are first confronted by a guard who wont let us over to Jean soooo.... Eat Big Dragon Powers!
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    Now that that is over fairly quickly The Princess comes back over and we talk to Jean.
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    Jean doesn't seem to care if he goes from Prince Jean to plain Jean, but his sister does. She and Jean say that there is only one royal ring, and that if we can fetch it for him it would prove he is the real Prince. The only problem is he gave it to a witch. Good ting we know one! lets go say hi... Next time on FFNutt plays Breath of Fire 2
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  4. #34
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I gave me royal ring to a guy called Geoff when I was 17. Everyone experiments in college though right?

  5. #35
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    Sorry it's been a few days since I've been able to play. You would think having a flu bug and sitting in bed all day would warrant some time...However my sister and brother in law took off for three days and I have my niece and nephew here who are only allowed 45 mins of games at a time, and they for some reason want Mine Craft. So before they get up, lets head back into Sima Fort!

    When we head to the Witch tower we get a message saying the witch went to lunch so.... lets head out to the Wild Cat restaurant!

    When there we talk to a few witches and who are having a reunion there and find out the one we need ordered the spicy burrito.
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    While one thing I know about woman is they love to be walked in on while they are pooing so lets go have a chat shall we? Maybe we will let Rand go first this time... As we talk to her we find out she dropped the ring in the toilet. So that is the end of Breath of Fire II people. Kinda a lack luster ending to a game but our only other option would be to jump down there on Spicy burrito day.
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    Ok fine Damn you Jean... you owe us big time froggy.
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    Well the ring is right beside us, no fight needed and it looks like it may come clean.
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    When we get out of the potty the witch questions why we would be so willing to do this. Friendship Power is great is not what she wishes to hear sadly. Breath of Fire II_00001.png

    With this ring lets head back to Sima Fort! Next time!
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  6. #36
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    Welcome back dear friends to FFNutt plays Breath of Fire II. In the last episode we went toilet diving for Jeans ring, and were on our way back to Sima Fort.

    We meet Jean and his sister and hand the very stinky, yet one of a kind royal ring to Jean.
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    When we do the Princess suggests we throw it in the impostors face right away, so lets find that douche bag and set the story straight!
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    We go to the throne room and meet up with the other Prince Jean. Jean's sister is ready to tear him a new one!
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    She Demands that Jean whip it out... The ring that is!
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    After the real Prince Jean whips it out, the Impostor also whips his ring out...
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    Well it looks like we could have gotten one from eBay for 100 Zenny which stinks since we jumped down a toilet for ours.
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    Well there seems to be only one way to settle this... Iron Chef Sima Fort Style. Thats right, its a cooking competition.. Losers get executed!
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    There is only one issue, the fake Prince wont give up any ingredients so its up to us to catch the Gold Fly, Giant Worms, and cockroaches. Sounds delish doesn't it?
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    And we will start hunting them down... Next time!

  7. #37
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Nutty Eoff (Sargatanas)


    So when we left we were about to enter a cooking contest. The ingredients needed are a Gold Fly, Giant Worms, and a Cockroach. Frogs love that stuff I guess, So lets start looking. We get a hint that a Gold Fly is in the Basement of the castle so lets fin a way over there.

    As we make our way into Sima Fort we notice the fake Jean and his chroneies are away in the Kitchen and so lets break into his room! Well thats a obvious hidden passageway!
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    It leads to the roof where we find a frog guard named Tata on the roof tied up to dry out in the Sun. He said he was caught trying to give the real Jean some food and water, thus his punishment. We let him go
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    He asks that we find his girlfriend and we comply, (No pic available due to a distraction from a girl via snap chat. In order not to accidentally send her a screen shot of BOFII and viceversa no pics were taken at this time)

    She runs up to Tata with water right away.

    Tata the frog (Whats with JRPG's using the name Tata and having frogs around anyhow) gives us his gaurd key that opens the door to the windmill behind us which has a bucket system that we use like an elevator.
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    We hop off at the first exit and find the Gold Fly.
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    We right away get into battle however he retreats before Nutt can capture him.
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    Well, lets follow that Fly! As we make our way into the basement that dang fly starts taunting Nutt and company.
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    As we walk across an old wooden bridge the Fly gets some help from a giant work who attacks us. Hey don't we need a giant Worm for Jean? Thanks Gold Fly!
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    With the giant Worm out of the way Nutt once again goes to catch the fly, however the bridge breaks forcing us to find another way around which we will explore...Next Time
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  8. #38
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I rmb when i first played, i actually tried very hard to beat the monster whom i met in that cave when Ryu was a kid. Never expected it to be the penultimate boss.

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