Say something like XCOM enemy unknown's combat vs something along the likes of Silent Storm, Fallout, or Jagged Alliance. For me, I've kinda always liked the Action point system. It's the one I recognize the best and it's the one that feels most fluid to me. I'll admit the two point system like in XCOM EU was nice and in some ways was less forgiving making every move you made something that had to be damn near perfect to pull off. But it was limiting and linear and didn't offer much in terms of combat pace like say in Fallout. But I do admit, XCOM EU's combat was a breath of fresh air and its combat was more reminiscent of chess considering you can only move and attack. But Then again stuff like Silent Storm were more strategic and a bit more realistic in a way but it made less sense if you got to a position and didn't have enough action points to shoot a target. So in some cases XCOM EU's combat was faster and more simple and easy to use. But it don't hurt none. Do you have preferences to one or the other?