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Thread: Help me decided on serieses

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Help me decided on serieses

    So I want to play a lot of games at some point in my life. But with life getting more hectic, I can't just play all of the games all of the time. So I was hoping you friendlies could help me pick a game in different series that would be a good intro to the series. Preferably a stand alone in case I don't like it enough to check out others in the series. I do not know which ones continue off of each other or stand alone, so please mention that if you can. Also feel free to comment on if the series is even worth the effort to put in to one game.

    Series I am interested in:
    *Shin Megami Tensei (yes for Fynn, and hopefully from an earlier generation, DS and earlier, so I can cheat because I'm not good at games, I don't even care. No shame.)
    *Dragon Age
    *Ar Tonelico
    *Fire Emblem (I've played Awakening and plan to play the newer one, but would like a suggestion for the older ones)
    *Mario (Anything past the SNES era)
    *Breath of Fire

    Feel free to suggest other games you think I would be interested in. Doesn't have to be an RPG. I am also looking for some platformers but please suggest some that are more beginner friendly!

    Thank you guys

  2. #2
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    Breath of Fire 2 was my introduction in the series. It's a great game. Breath of Fire 3 is great too. The first one is really the only weak one I played. Highly suggested!

    Also if you want to play an old great platform side scroll Bubsy (I think he is a flying Squirle) was a great SNES game to hop into and enjoy.

  3. #3
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Breath of Fire IV was the only one I played but I remember liking it a lot.

    As for Mario, since you be hatin' the 2D games, you should try the ultimate 3D Mario game, Mario 64. It's available on both the N64 & the DS. I believe the DS version has Yoshi.

    If you can get your hand on a WiiU, you could try Mario 3D world. I think you'd like it because it has Kitty suits.

  4. #4


    Super Mario Galaxy and SMG2 are some of the greatest platformers everrrrrrrr, and are not frustratingly challenging. Beautiful crisp graphics and gameplay that makes you feel like a giddy child again. Super Mario 64 has aged meh-to-decently imho, but I don't see a reason to play it if you have access to the Galaxy games.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    From the series you listed:

    - SMT - there's two DS games you can try. Devil Survivor is an SRPG that is probably the easiest in the series, but also one of the weaker entries. I haven't beaten it yet, but the characters are pretty annoying and the art style bothers me so much, but it still gives you a taste of the series. Now, Strange Journey is probably my favorite entry in the main series, and this is kind of a return to the roots of the series. It's also the most difficult by far, so yeah, you'd probably need some cheat codes. Also, SMT IV on the 3DS is also really good and quite accessible to newbies, and you can unlock an easy mode by dying twice.

    - I've only played Grandia II but I loved what I've played, and I think it's pretty up your alley: colorful visuals, vivid characters, an overall anime aesthetic.

    - I've played all the Breath of Fire games but while I liked them all, I would recommend IV because that's the one that really hooked me on the series. It has the best world, music, and battle system in the series.

    - from Mario, DEFINITELY give Bowser's Inside Story on the DS a shot. It's hands-down my favorite Mario RPG and it is incredibly funny.


    - Before you play Dragon Age, I recommend playing its spiritual predecessor Baldur's Gate. If your computer can't run the vastly improved Enhanced Edition (give it a check, as it still doesn't have high requirements, and if you can run DS emulators, there really shouldn't be a problem), the original is old enough to really be run on anything unless you have a machine that still runs Windows '95. The two games are basically one continuous story, so they should be played back to back - the first game doesn't even have an epilogue, and you get to import your character from the first game to the second, keeping all levels, etc. and continuing from there, so you'll finish the first game at about level 10 and then continue from there in the second game. In the first game you can recruit very many characters, though they play little role in the plot, and the story also isn't that big in the first game, as it's mostly about the exploration and quests, and you get lots of dialog trees and stuff. Now the second game has fewer characters, but also a much tighter narrative with the character actually being well developed, tons of party banter, even more sidequests and romance sidequests. If you want to play as a girl, you'll sadly only get one very lame romantic option in the original BG2, but in the enhanced edition you get four. Needless to say, these games need to be played back to back. BG I was just okay to me when I first played it, but became retroactively awesome after BGII's twists. But don't skip out on I, because II is just so much more meaningful after you've made your journey in one. So yeah, I think this is the one Id recommend the most out of these, as it's the most different from all those games, but you still get to choose from quite a bit of difficulty settings, the characters are great, you get to create your own character from scratch and determine their personality through dialog choices, and the game's class system is also super cool with a lot of customization. It's one of my favorite games of all time for a reason. When you do decide to play, let me know, because it can be kind of overwhelming without any guidance

    -Golden Sun is another fun series on the GBA and DS. The first two games form a single story where you get to transer your save files from 1 to 2. The battle system is pretty basic, and the characters are pretty minimal, but the world (much like in DQ III) is based on the real world, and it's very colorful and fun to explore. And then there's the dumgeons which are filled with lots of cool puzzles. The third game on the DS is also very nice, but it ends on this huge cliffhanger with no news of a sequel. But it stars the kids of the original characters, so that's nice

    - Wario is my entire childhood and probably my favorite platformer ever. Best start with 2 or 3, as you're invincible there, and 1 is still really hard and really weird as it still has lots of Mario elements that don't really fit. The series is more about exploration and treasure hunting, and it's really refreshing thanks to that. These games are my childhood and I highly recommend them

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    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    There's also Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS! It doesn't have the Cat Suit, but it has the Tanooki Suit from SMB3.

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    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Shin Megami Tensei (yes for Fynn, and hopefully from an earlier generation, DS and earlier, so I can cheat because I'm not good at games, I don't even care. No shame.)
    I know SMT: Strange Journey is on the DS and is known for a rather 'The Thing' levels of creepiness, in an arctic location. There's also Nocturne, that I think was for the PS2 Ask Fynn for earlier games, I'm not an expert on the series, having started it myself.

    Dragon Age
    I never played Baldur's Gate, which is sort of the spiritual predecessor to the later Dragon Age series. I wouldn't say you need to play it before playing the Dragon Age Series. They're both well liked by fans of the BioWare ARPG design. I really like the world of Thedas which you explore throughout the series. There's a very interesting religious element which gets explored throughout the story of all three games, the Chantry perhaps most closely mirroring the Catholic church in the real world. There's different races, complex issues into slavery and poverty, the uses of magic, and a clash of civilisations debate.

    I really like the Dragon Age series and I'd count it among my top three, easily. You can jump in at pretty much any time in the series, but for best results, it is best to start at DA: Origins (the first one), progress to DA: II and importing your story choices, and then move on to DA: Inquisition after that.

    Importing your story choices allows for the most continuous realisation of your choices throughout the series.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    You could also try the Persona 2 duolpgy. While they lack the dating sim aspect of P3 and 4 and the battle system has more to do with old-school SMT, they're still excellent games with fantastic stories. P1 is not worth it, however

    And stay away from Nocturne, Pumpkin. That game hates your guts, and you can't really cheat a PS2 game

  10. #10
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Normally I would recommend SMT, but of this list I feel that Grandia, Breath of Fire, and Lunar would be better choices for your tastes. The games all have quirky and interesting characters, especially Lunar and Breath of Fire. I've only ever played the first Grandia, and while I never cared for the characters or story, that's my taste and honestly the game almost plays like an ode to classic JRPG plots which can be pretty fun. I need to replay it myself so I can see if I've mellowed out since the old days.

    I honestly enjoyed all of the BoF games, with the first game being my least favorite simply because the game is a bit too simplistic but starting with BoFII the series amped up the story and character department and combined it with more quirky gameplay.

    Lunar is a pretty straightforward series gameplay-wise but has fantastic characters, which is why I've always liked the first two games. If you can play the PS1 ports, I highly recommend them as the later ports always felt off. Also avoid the handheld entries...

    If you need me to give you a quick story overview or the games I can.

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    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    And stay away from Nocturne, Pumpkin. That game hates your guts, and you can't really cheat a PS2 game
    My Code Breaker begs to differ.

    Out of that list I'm going to say Dragon Age, Mario, Breath of Fire, and Lunar. I second Super Mario 64 and Breath of Fire IV. If you play the former on DS might be a good idea to use the 3DS for it. I hear the controls are harder without the control stick.

    I also think Crash and Spyro are user friendly enough. I never had any trouble with them and I'm not anymore skilled than you are with the 2D Mario games (but I still beat the original Mario fair and square so suck it EoFF Mario!). 2 is the best when it comes to Crash.

    You also need some Mario Party in your life.

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Thank you guys, I have added 8 games to my list. I also have played the Crash and Spyro games but thank you for the suggestions

    So there was no feedback on a few series:
    *Ar Tonelico
    *Fire Emblem

    Anyone have any suggestions or feedback on these?

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    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    For Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem and Sacred Stones on the GBA. You could get both off eShop if you can. Fire Emblem on the GBA was the first to be released in NA. Both are different from Awakening, but they shouldn't be too difficult for you. Warning you, if a character dies during any chapter, they won't return, so play with caution, and marriage between characters can't be done.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I've only played the original three SaGa games and they were okay. Had a pretty unique character advancement system. Heard good things about the Romancing SaGa trilogy.

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