Ugh I am really going to try to actually finish a Let's Play this time! The Chrono Trigger one I did was a lot of fun and I loved that game, so now I am going to try another classic RPG


I've heard such good things about this game but have never had the good fortune of playing it. Well, I have played a bit over the weekend and I would like to share my fun adventure times with all of you and also please help me with this game thank you

So I like how I can change the window colour and I of course go with pink because why wouldn't I? I give everyone their default names except for Poo because I refuse to name someone Poo, so I named him Poom or something like that. My favourite foods could not fit in the text box, so I went with nachos, and my favourite thing was Teddy!

So I am on what appears to be the outskirts of this small town, when our protagonist is woken up by screen shaking.

This is my sister and the bat she apparently keeps in a present in her room. I promptly take it. I think it will match my stylish PJ's pretty well. I like how everything happens in the same box. Talk, check, use magic, etc. Taken some getting used to but I am fine with it.

So I go downstairs to talk to my mom

And apparently I want to go check out what's going on. Being a mom though, she can't let me leave the house in PJ's and sends me to get changed.

Digging my stylish new clothes, I head out to see what the commotion is about.

Meteorites, amiright? Not serious at all

So I continue on my journey and meet some odd macho dude on the hill



I head to the meteorite and find the road blocked and the neighbour boy, Pokey, being a nuisance. He tells me I'm being a nuisance though and shoos me back home

Why he needs to speak of himself in this manner, I don't know

Geez this is a long night

The house is awoken by the sound of loud knocking at the door

Thanks mom. You made me get out of bed to answer it when you're 3 feet away. Good parenting

So Picky, Pokey's brother, is stranded on the mountain with the meteorite and Pokey's parents will flip when they get home if Picky is missing. Apparently I have to go find him. I'm the hero the people need

Mom is 100% fine with all of this and my dad just gives me money when I call him

Oh how parenting has changed

So I climb up the mountain and my dog abandons me

Thanks for nothing

Picky was fine, just taking a nap or whatever. All's well that ends well! Except this thing:

And then a bee comes out and tells me about an evil being called Gygas.

Typical stuff, you know

Nice to meet you too

So uh, this is getting pretty heavy. How old is Ness, like 10? Poor kid

This is not sending out any red flags or anything

Well my trek back down the same mountain is not uneventful

This leads to a BOSS FIGHT!!!!!!!

Thankfully Buzz Buzz is on top of his game and does massive damage and protects me with a shield.

Glad he will be with me forever and never leave me

Yes because everything that has happened so far has been relaxing


So Pokey and Picky get in trouble

Nah, that's no pro-

Well that escalated quickly


Alien monster thing: No prob

Housewife and fly swatter: Death is imminent!

Don't worry, he's going to explain relevant info to me before he dies

This all makes about as much sense as everything else that's happened tonight, I guess

So the eventful and odd night passes and nothing odd will ever happen again

Except this random dude takes my picture for some reason?

Well, I did a few other things but didn't get screens of it. I am in Onnett and went to see creeper dude who showed me a sparkly gold statue and I also touched a magical butterfly. I am around level 4.

So how scarce is the money in this? Should I be buying a lot or should I conserve my resources? Any tips on how to proceed here and where I need to go to continue on? You know, so I can avoid it in typical JRPG fashion