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Thread: Criticise the game you're playing right now!

  1. #211


    Gravity Rush 2 has done very little to fix the bland, monotonous combat of the original. Hey, don't get me wrong I love floating around and gravity kicking some Nevi into oblivion, but that's the ONLY thing you really do. I really like it when there are ground based enemies on the walls of buildings, and you have to gravity shift onto the wall and then fight using the normal 'on the ground' combat system except you're doing it hanging 90° off the side of the building... but this happens far too infrequently. And, more often than not, it's easier just to do the same gravity kick a million times anyway.

    They've really improved the 'using gravity to throw objects system,' which is good! But now it's too powerful, so you have even less reason to use the close range fighting. I'm not expecting Dark Souls but it really would have benefited from being a bit more DmC.

    The mission design is fairly uninspired. Pretty much everything is based on very simple objectives. "Use gravity shifting to get here! Kill the things that appeared! Rinse and repeat!" If this were any other game this kind of mission design would completely kill the experience; luckily for Gravity Rush it's Gravity Rush, so even simple and repetitive tasks are fun because of the shifting mechanics. Still, it would be an even better game if it had better mission design. In places the design feels like they forgot they weren't building it for the Vita anymore.

  2. #212


    Some characters and their story arcs in Hotline Miami 2 don't really match the feel of the game. The Writer is just not maniac enough to make the player feel like the beat-everything-up-badass they want you to feel like and I don't like how they brought Biker in there. It kinda diminishes how cool the dude from Hotline Miami 2 was.

    Other characters have lots of potential but have tiny roles, like the Actor/Pig Murderer. I wish there were more missions with him.

  3. #213


    Skyward Sword: when the controls go out of alignment it's very frustrating. It's easy to center them, but when you're in a boss fight, it can be annoying.
    Fi is also a bit annoying. You don't need to tell me that my health is low, my batteries are almost dead or that my wallet is full. Just a little too much hand holding for me. Other than that though, I really like the game as a whole!

  4. #214
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Pokemon Sun: overall I love this game and I adore all the quality of life improvements that have been made to this series lately, but I do feel like your Pokemon out-level the area you're in too easily which dampens a bit of the challenge. X/Y had this problem too. I still overall really like the game, however.

  5. #215
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    So I'm replaying Origins again for the first time. And my God I've forgotten how old this game is. No move to point? Gah! My mages just stand there in the middle of the battlefield instead of moving off to the sides. And even though I've noticed traps around, my companions just clumsily walk into them before I can disarm them.

    And I've gone archer, which is my favourite weapon in Dragon Age, but in this game the animation for it looks fairly meh.

  6. #216
    draper hates the caley Cell's Avatar
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    While I like text driven games, a lot of the things you need to do in this are purely chance driven (several side quests, in fact). You have to keep playing it over and over again until the event you want occurs. If not, it may take another five or six play-throughs for you to do it again. The Black Rose achievement, being one.

  7. #217
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    So I'm replaying Origins again for the first time. And my God I've forgotten how old this game is. No move to point? Gah! My mages just stand there in the middle of the battlefield instead of moving off to the sides. And even though I've noticed traps around, my companions just clumsily walk into them before I can disarm them.

    And I've gone archer, which is my favourite weapon in Dragon Age, but in this game the animation for it looks fairly meh.
    Okay listen *cracks knuckles*

    Spec mages for Virulent Walking Bomb, blow stuff up. Trust me.

    Alistair will step in traps because that's just What He Does, no use trying to get around that one

    I'm not a huge fan of the archer class until you get to Awakening. At which point it gets obscenely overpowered. But you have Nate for that anyway? I've done an archer playthrough but I think my two favorite specs in DAO are mage and DW rogue.

    (I may or may not have played through this game in its entirety like five or six times)

  8. #218
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    Pokemon Sun: overall I love this game and I adore all the quality of life improvements that have been made to this series lately, but I do feel like your Pokemon out-level the area you're in too easily which dampens a bit of the challenge. X/Y had this problem too. I still overall really like the game, however.
    That's why I turned off XP share! Makes things much better.

    I like Overwatch a great deal, but Mei is not currently suffocating me with her buttocks.

  9. #219
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Adequate View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    Pokemon Sun: overall I love this game and I adore all the quality of life improvements that have been made to this series lately, but I do feel like your Pokemon out-level the area you're in too easily which dampens a bit of the challenge. X/Y had this problem too. I still overall really like the game, however.
    That's why I turned off XP share! Makes things much better.
    I've kept Exp Share on but just have a bigger rotation of pokemon than usual. Like, anything that is a preevolution I just stick in my party so that it can evolve and get on my pokedex. I agree that you level up way quickly in this game but you can turn that to your advantage for 'dex hunting.

    One thing that annoys me is all the cries for help when I'm trying to catch something. I liked the hordes from X/Y better.

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  10. #220
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    One thing that annoys me is all the cries for help when I'm trying to catch something. I liked the hordes from X/Y better.
    That's my biggest complaint about Sun. I had a fight last over ten minutes because a Rockruff kept calling for help. Also I keep running out of money for clothes.
    Last edited by Vermachtnis; 02-05-2017 at 06:56 PM.

  11. #221


    Final Fantasy XV: The story is a bit hard to understand. I guess it's not hard to understand, they just don't explain things very well. I'm always like "Hey, who is that?" and "Why is he doing that?".

  12. #222
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The cases in Daganronpa 2 seem to be much more straightforward than those in part 1. I find myself figuring out how the murder took place well before the trial and there have been much fewer twists that surprised me. Also, the murderers' motivations don't seem to be as fleshed out as they were in the first game.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  13. #223


    ToCS 1: too much writing. The characters are too scripted. The graphics are not what you would call current gen. But I play anyways.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyndis Highwind View Post
    Final Fantasy XV: The story is a bit hard to understand. I guess it's not hard to understand, they just don't explain things very well. I'm always like "Hey, who is that?" and "Why is he doing that?".
    Yeah, I thought this too. I assumed it was down to me doing too many sidequests and not advancing the story very often. You do get a better understanding if you've watched Kingsglaive and Brotherhood but it shouldn't have to rely on people doing that beforehand.

  15. #225
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    FFXII:RW - I love how the "challenge" of the last few missions of the game devolve into the computer cheating with being able to use Rank 2 Yarhi and having everything's levels jacked up to ridiculous levels. Not to mention I feel like the computer can summon twice as fast as I can and has no real limit on how many units they can have on the field at once. In the time it takes me to set up my party to deal with Zodiark, he's amassed more troops with just one summoning gate, than when the battle started and he had four summoning gates at that point. The game kind of has the old Civilization problem where if you couldn't defeat a cities garrison and capture the city in one turn, the computer would magically spawn four new units in the time you're next unit had a turn.

    Bloodborne: SNAKES? WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SNAKES?! No seriously, what is up with FromSoftware's games having Snake themed enemies that have ridiculous attack range and poise? Also, the games multiplayer mode being locked behind whether you have a PSN+ account is still bulltrout.

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