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Thread: Criticise the game you're playing right now!

  1. #16

  2. #17


    FFIX: The battle system is still slower than a tortoise moving through tar.

  3. #18
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Tales of Xillia: Aerial combat is still finicky and difficult to get to grips with. I don't really see a benefit to fighting in the air as opposed to on the ground. Casting artes takes a long time.

  4. #19
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Goddamnit Danganronpa, why don't you let me point and click with the goddamn mouse. Why do I have to navigate menus using the keyboard. Why can't you at least allow the right mouse button to be used for canceling out of menus. Or better yet, why don't you just let me remap the controls entirely. Nnnnnope. Man, playing this game without a functional mouse would be trout. It's not as bad as 999's fixed text speed, but come on. PC Visual Novels have had better controls than this since before the turn of the millenium. They could've at least been brought up to speed for this port.

  5. #20


    Much as I love Romancing Saga, it has some serious issues, most of which were ironed out in later games. Probably the most notorious is the absolutely absurd number of enemy encounters in the game; I don't know what the developers were thinking, but the game uses enemy sprites to trigger combat instead of random encounters and most places are just FILLED with mobs, so it is a constant slog through areas to get anywhere.

    And while this ends up rather tedious on its own, it gets to be extremely problematic when paired with the way enemies are designed in the game. Unlike most other RPGs I've played, RS epitomizes the adage 'a good offensive is the best defense', and certain enemies, especially from the mid game onward, are extremely squishy and die to a decent hit or two, but they, in turn, hit like rocket propelled buses and will usually either kill party members or severely damage them if you aren't fast enough to dispatch them before they get turns. The problem is lessened as you begin to recognize and prioritize particularly dangerous enemies, but for the first playthrough this gets to be a major issue.

    Along with this, there are also problems to be found in how weapons levels and mp work, particularly in late game areas like the frozen place where the player will be encountering end game enemy formations, including enemies like Ifrits that can deal 700+ damage to the entire party (That's almost a OHKO/party wipe to my 30+ hour group, by the by). Because fire immunity is so limited, and these enemies are often silly fast, you have to use weapon skills to eliminate them as quickly as possible, but you can't gain weapon levels from using skills and ALL weapon skills share tech points, meaning that, even if you bring several weapons, you can burn through all of your TP before finishing the dungeon and you won't get weapon levels to show for it. There are ways to deal with this of course, but, again, for players going through the first time this gets to be an extreme annoyance.

    Similarly annoying, almost all chests in the game only contain gold, which in itself isn't a problem at all, ESPECIALLY if you weren't a particularly stellar person in your journey and end up in the giant's village at the end of the game, but you can only hold 9999 gold at a time, which is super easy to hit in each dungeon from the middle of the game onward without opening boxes. This means you often fight your way to chests only to find you wasted your time, which gets beyond disheartening when you notice the NEW swarm of monsters that have gathered behind you. The easy solution would be to avoid all the chests you see, but the problem with this is that there are a few items that are ONLY in chests (see also: debatable best armor in the game) or are extremely valuable (see also: elixirs / jewels), so you never WANT to miss out on them. It gets especially depressing in some areas, like the gold mines, where you go through the place and BEAT A DRAGON . . . only to get chests you can't open because you maxed out on money on the third floor of the five floor dungeon. ._ .
    Last edited by Rez09; 02-29-2016 at 01:15 PM.

  6. #21
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

    I'm having to wait a long time to get all of my lady characters

  7. #22


    Pokémon LeafGreen...

    Ugh, it's hard to train your Pokémon when you find out that the gym leader's Pokémon is more stronger then yours.
    The One and Only KeybasH.

  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Front Mission 3, I need to transfer my save to my PS3 so I don't have to worry about the PSP battery dying on me. I've been playing my DS/3DS so much lately I forgot that some handhelds actually don't have great battery life.

    In terms of the game itself, I completely forgot how unintuitive and annoying the interweb portions of the game are. To explain, between missions, you have the option of going on the in-game internet world to check out websites, get hacking programs, and order parts for your mecha. The interface tries to be user friendly by setting it up to make it easier to access specific pages without going into the main page and looking for it, but the set-up still involves you wasting time cyclying through pages and you can't just point and click to what you need. I also keep getting emails and passwords to break into pages, but finding half the pages can be a problem. I also hope you wrote down the password because you always have to input it yourself and it's rarely ever something simple, usually involving one of the games 900 acronyms for the various factions. Gameplay is still pretty solid.

  9. #24
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Pillars of Eternity is loads of fun but I find a lot of the weapon styles useless. Most any weapon with a reload rate is just not worth the wait time.

    In addition, more companions would be nice. The base game only has 8 and I feel like if there were more I could design a party that better suits my tastes as far as gameplay and characterization though.

    Also the Stronghold is a disappointment.

  10. #25
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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  11. #26


    Playing Darkest Dungeon and I must say the build up for stress can be out-of-control quick at the beginning stages of a mission. It seems to be a linear curve upwards, but I think it would be much more of a lurking and stressful feel had it been exponential. Then the length of the quest would really start to nag at the party members minds.

  12. #27
    Omni-Odin's Avatar
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    Darn you Diablo III for abandoning the gritty style of the first two Diablo games in order to adopt the cartoony graphics of the Warcraft series.

    It's a pretty good game, but I'm having trouble adapting to the new look.
    Final Fantasies defeated

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    FavoriteToLeastFavorite : VII>X>Tactics>IX>IV>VIII>XV>VI>XII>X-2>XIII>TA2>V>XIII-2>III>I>LR:FFXIII>II

  13. #28
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, sometimes to advance the plot you have to talk to someone. Go back to the office to get a quest and then you talk to the same person again.

  14. #29
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Imma do an updated one of this too since I am in to the games further now:

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel:
    Not digging this chapter as much as the others. The map is MASSIVE and it takes forever to get quests done. Also very slow story progression.

    Breath of Fire 3:
    Can't think of too many other than I'm not super good at it and I miss a lot of stuff, sadly.

    Grandia II:
    Same thing I said before. I can't with the awful camera coupled with a lack of a map. It is so friggin easy to get lost. The compass is practically useless.

    Dragon Age: Origins:
    The gameplay is kind of meh and hard for me to get the hang of. Also isn't making me super excited.

    Very difficult suddenly

    Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax:
    Not the funnest thing, story repeats for everyone, my trophies aren't registering for some reason?

    Project X Zone:

  15. #30

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    Dungeons in the later stages of FF5 can be a pain in the ass. Seemingly dead ends that require you to have some kind of eagle's eyes in order to solve them. In the hunt for the lithographs, even random monsters are too hard, depleting my MP like crazy. Then I have to read between the lines of easily missable riddles in order to not get my ass kicked in fork tower. All this, now I have to flounder around aimlessly in the ocean trench. Can't I solve one lousy dungeon without having to consult a walkthrough? (Sigh)

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