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Thread: Criticise the game you're playing right now!

  1. #286
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Disagree. SH3 is hands down my favourite.

  2. #287
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    A lot of people have that opinion. But, idk, it never grabbed me that much. The story is interesting and it has my favorite cast, but I also felt it was the least scary and the themes just weren't that strong. It really can't hold a candle to 2 and I enjoyed 4 much more, even though I know a lot of people disliked that game.

  3. #288
    Edge7's Avatar
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    Resident Evil 2 is an amazing game with a fun, campy plot, but it suffers from what I call Ocarina of Time syndrome where subsequent playthroughs don't really feel engaging or enrich the experience.
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  4. #289


    Had to take a few months off from Persona 5. Finally getting back in and thoroughly enjoying it. But what turned me off very early was dying deep into a palace or in mementos without reaching a save or boss room. And I can take no credit for the deaths since I wasn't pushing myself too hard. I died at nearly full health every time. And by every time I mean not once, not twice, not THREE TIMES. But FOUR FREAKING TIMES I was hit with either my weakness or, more frequently, Lucky Punch followed by a normal critical. Finding a persona strong to physical or having no weaknesses is not easily going to happen early on. And dying in a boss fight is fine since you get to retry. These were mostly normal enemies or minibosses. So I'd lose a couple hours of progress, which is especially disheartening after the fourth time. And I don't get a lot of consecutive free days from work. So to have wasted a couple hours of my time is a precious loss of time on my only day off. So the game had to wait until now, when I had a few days off and it wouldn't hurt as much. Great game. Rough start

  5. #290

  6. #291


    For as much as I'm enjoying Wayfarer of Time, the combat in this game, particularly the magic, could have used a bit more forethought from the developers. Each spell has an unskippable 6 - 15ish second casting animation that pauses everything while it is going off, which makes what should be quick encounters sometimes excruciatingly long, especially with the AIs apparent ability to quick cast things like heal. This has bumped up at least one mission I was in to around the ten minute mark when it should have been less than four, and that is absolutely not something I want in a portable title. I mean, it isn't something I want in ANY title, but especially not in a portable one.

    The game also has a problem with some important information, most notably AP gain, not being relayed to the player at all, so I have absolutely no idea how effective any enemies are for learning skills. Hell, I didn't even know I was gaining AP for a while because of this, which was especially confusing when I started gaining skill levels for no apparent reason. It was even worse when I started trying to figure out how I was learning these skills, because not only was I learning abilities from invisible AP, but because only the character that kills a monster gets AP (another thing I don't recall being explained), the whole thing was wildly inconsistent and damn near impossible to pin down; it wasn't until my character was alone and I started gaining tons of skills that I finally figured out what was going on.

    Actually, on that subject, limiting AP gains to killing blows is another problem on its own: skills are powerful and, because you can stack crystals, can be learned quickly by focusing kill xp, so the game is balanced around that, but it makes training new characters an absolute chore. I got this dual wielding noblewoman in my party, but I haven't even bothered teaching her anything yet because of how long the process takes. The same is true of weapons as well, because they gain better slot levels as you use them, but it takes time to pump them up. Ugh. At least it isn't the Item World again, I suppose. . _.

    Outside of combat related stuff, I have no idea what my familiar actually does, other than getting shot, or if I should care about leveling her, so . . . she's just a thing that I have for now. A very polite thing, mind you, due to the nothing but constant etiquette training I've been giving her, but a just a thing all the same. I really wish the game had more information about her and what exactly she does, because I'm probably missing out on something important there.

    OH, and the game has that movement thing where you walk into a wall and it tries to move you up or down going on, which is damn near my biggest pet peeve in all of gaming. Yeah. I seriously spent about 15 seconds trying to get into a desk at one point, and I can just imagine how that must have looked to everyone else in the classroom waiting for my ass to finally sit down. Probably the reason they locked me up. . _.
    Last edited by Rez09; 10-31-2017 at 08:19 AM.

  7. #292


    Dropped KOTOR 1 after 4 hours. Where do I even begin? The combat is quite possibly the worst I've ever seen in a RPG, anyone who complains about turn-based JRPG combat being "boring" should be forced to play this game so they know the true meaning of the word, it's not like it requires any strategy or skill either. The level progression makes absolutely no sense, as you level up you can level both skills and feats but you can't level feats until after you level skills regardless of whether or not you actually want waste points levelling up skills you don't want or need, and if you change your mind (i.e you just found out you don't have enough points for the skills you need) that's too bad since you can't exit the levelling screen until you've levelled at least one skill and feat. The UI and menu design is just hideous and tedious to navigate through. And last but not least, the ridiculous amount of bugs and glitches this game has out the ass. I'm not kidding when I say you have a 50% chance of the game glitching out after every fight, resulting in you being unable to move, and this isn't just a one-off thing either but it happens time and time again even after reloading a save/checkpoint, which I spent most of my playing time doing. And there are times when you would just outright fail to perform an action for no reason. Or dialogue in a cutscene failing to load properly (did I mention how amateurish this game's cutscene presentation is? Because it looks worse than most 90s RPGs I've seen). I'd probably have much more to complain about had I kept playing, but I'd much rather spend my time playing a better game instead. Greatest Star Wars game my ass, Jedi Outcast and Republic Commando came out around the same time and are lightyears ahead of this overrated buggy piece of trout.

  8. #293
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together

    Whoever thought that magic should have a line of sight deal on the team should be shot, more annoying because it's inconsistent as only some spells have this line of sight targeting while others don't care.

    Whoever complains about the Guest A.I. in FFTactics never played this game apparently. Vyse and Catiua are incompetent. Vyse loves to jump into the fray as quickly as possible with no bearing on his safety, which may be due to Catiua prioritizing healing only him and MC over everyone else. She might heal an actual ally besides them if both of them are too far away from her range and her own HP is above 60% but it rarely happens and I've watched her heal Vyse who had lost a third of his health over my actual healer unit who had only a third of their health left. Even more aggravating is that I've been fighting a lot of undead in the game and despite healing magic hurting them and even knowing the Exorcism spell, Catiua refuses to use either to help in some of these fight causing me to have to reset after a fight against a horde of them went south cause I killed most of them right on top of each other but then the necromancer decided to keep running out of my party range just long enough for all of them to resurrect all at once and murder my weakened party.

    My other two gripes have more to do with just mechanics I don't like in general. I'm not fond of loot systems for getting money. It works sometimes for certain games, but here it's a hassle, especially since I need a ton of cash to keep my troops well armed and I'm annoyed that I have to first sell all these coins I'm collecting for cash instead of just getting cash. My lord doesn't give me enough cash very often. My other gripe is that I don't really understand why the game sends tons of recruits my way when there is a limit to how many people I can use, and the flow of gameplay will always make the characters you have used the longest far more useful than new people. So I'm kind of annoyed my party inventory is getting clogged up with people I'm probably never going to use. Even with the game's quirky leveling system, skills and weapon levels are more valuable and those require you to use them so even the leveling system doesn't really save the new recruits from being dead weight.

  9. #294
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Wild Arms
    This is an old game, so I knew battles are going to be slow. But man are they slow, and without much variation. Attack attack attack, maybe a group skill on a large monster set every once and a while, then unleash your standard debuffs and best attacks on the boss. Repeat for every dungeon. The variation also is impeded by the fact that you only have three characters with very set skills.

    Witcher 3
    The auto-save seems a little random in this game, which sucks when you play a single character who could easily get overwhelmed in the wrong situation. I've lost 15-20 minutes of progress before which gets annoying. Also the load time after a death is painfully long.

    I also don't like how quickly things turn to lethal violence. You can either pay people off, use that one jedi mind trick skill, or kill them. It's usually fine when it's some bandits who slaughtered a village but there are some people who just had an argument or are showing off or whatever and resisting them leads to swords drawn almost immediately. And then I cut their heads off without even trying!

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  10. #295
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

    I've decided that I'm not really a fan of the game's way of doing the class system. I kind of wish they had done a streamlined version of Ogre Battles to be honest, which is something I never thought I would say. So you know how in the FFTactics series classes unlocked once you reached a certain level of mastery with lower tier or like-minded classes? Yeah this game doesn't do that, instead you need to either buy or collect Job Cards from fallen enemies, meaning that I'm stuck with the classes I have until the game decides to introduce a new one and even then, I have to hope the class drops their Job Card. What this all kind of does is just make the feeling of progression slow to a crawl since it takes a while to unlock everything.

    Oh, a crafting system... *sigh*

  11. #296
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Death Road to Canada has stores that trade on food and they're basically pointless. I don't get enough food to feed my party - maybe it's my own fault for having a big party - let alone buy fancy trout for huge prices from you!

    Attack on Titan Wings of Freedom does not have English voices. It's especially annoying when it's a video game as opposed to a show or movie because I'm trying to pay attention to the on screen action rather than glancing down at subtitles every few seconds.

    I'm going to kick a hornet's nest here, because in searching for AoT S2 I learned that there's a section of the internet that gets disproportionately angry about dubbed anime, but here goes nothing. I watched the anime in English and I think the English voices are way better. The worst culprit is Armin, why the smurf is he a girl in the Japanese version? Flame suit on.

  12. #297
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I'd prefer English voices probably and did watch season 2 dubbed. I saw season 1 on Netflix though and for some reason subbed was the only option at the time unless I'm just an idiot.

  13. #298
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Watched it dubbed on Netflix last week so it's definitely A Thing!

  14. #299
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Idiocy confirmed. Good to know.

  15. #300
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - Okay, I've now decided what it is about the leveling system that bothers me. So levels are linked to classes, so as long as someone is that class, the class levels up when it participates in battle. The good about this is that if you switch to another class, your character will be the level of that class so it makes switching classes you've been using much easier when you gain new recruits. The problem is when you get new classes. I recently picked up Rogue and Ninja and it's been a serious uphill battle trying to keep them viable in battle because everything is ten levels higher than them and can one-shot them. Compounding this issue is the game's bright idea to make equipment level based, so on top of having pitiful stats, the classes can only equip my weakest gear making them even easier targets. They also don't level as quickly as I would like and Blessed Stones (Phoenix Downs) are incredibly expensive. As it stands, I have to level up new classes one at a time which is really inefficient.

    Also, Matsuna and the Quest team, we need to talk about your schizophrenic handling of Ninjas. I know they are always OP once they're properly outfitted and leveled, which itself is a bit concerning; but what is up with unlocking this class so early and yet locking their gear behind hours of gameplay? You can unlock ninjas early in Tactics, but they won't have any good gear until Chapter 3. It seems to me that Tactics Ogre is where you got this idea from.

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